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Posts posted by V___

  1. :D HAPPYNESS!! Though to tell you the truth, I like the simple clean sounds I can get with the subtractor, and I can imagine alot of these sounds being able to be made with exisiting synths and effects in Reason 3: it looks to be pretty much a new skin on a Maelstrom + effect combi.... (however I havnt read anything on it, i'm going off the picture and video)

    That said, a major request I have of this is the ability load your own samples into the Wavetable OSC's.

  2. wow....

    Soul Reaver 1 and 2 are two of the only games Iv ever played and FINISHED. I cant beleive I havnt thought of remixing this before. Or finished playing the series (yet to play Blood Omen 2, wont play Defiance til thats done) Had to listen to the video minimised, dont want the future story ruined....

    Breathtaking game... amazing concept, story, and art....

    I have an idea for this that I'l have a crack at. It wont be arranged to ORC standards, but hopefully I'm able to set up some decent sounds....

  3. You should make another version called Grammar Nazi. Instead of throwing stars, you use little swastik...

    Maybe that was a little too much.


    Cool game, though what other ranks are there apart from ninja? I played several times, getting adjusted times from 0:05 to 1:37, and no errors to max errors, and every time I got ninja rank...

  4. Ok well last night I was, for some unknown reason, given a random bit of inspiration to try and make a song purely out of samples from other works. And what better set of songs to try this out with than the FF7 project/compo! Sooo... I stole acouple of samples and made up a 2:00 tune.

    Using ACID 4, an old old version with apparently heaps of bugs, I sliced things from (in order of appearance) Sephfire/Tweek, Mustin, Zoola, Alex Smith, Fishy, Avaris, Reuben Key and Swordbreaker. Not the cleanest, cos this is the first time I'v ever done anything like this, but fun to make to make none the less....

    ENJOY!! :D


  5. Damn, that bass kick is very in yo face... and the opening is a bit cluttered imo (ie 0:29-42). I like alot of the sounds, a majority of them infact. The only sounds I dont like are the plucked sound you first have at 0:44, and the strings at 2:20 (they dont have to sound realistic, but the attack on them is a bit long in my opinion, especially as you ocassionally have them playing running notes).

    Could you get us a link to the original source MP3?

    Not a bad peice at all, but that kick is really overbearing right now. Will commment more if you update/link to original

  6. The winner will be determined by voting from whomever wants to vote. Everyone who votes will simply list the three entries they like the most. The criteria to keep in mind, of course, would be arrangement and production - weight them equally.

    As you'l be casting multiple votes, it cant be a poll, so I'd guess it'l be like in PRC, where you PM the coordinator your vote.

    Voting period, no idea. I'd guess 5-7 days....?

  7. In short, 'Yes'

    Extended response, yes cos its awesome. I like the drums, VERY nice vox pad, I'm not big on the first synth that plays the melody. The flute sounds cool, the strings from later sound good too. I dont think the snare drum really fits too well with the first synth, but i really like that 2nd synth that comes in near the end. The string stabs are a nice touch too.

    Though I dont think it could get on OCR (the arrangement while good, hasnt got alot of material to work with) I think its worth working on just for coolness's sake. Personally I really like the style, I'm keepin this WiP as is....

  8. There are 2 parts to the Reason interface: the Rack, and the Sequencer. The Rack is where you see the device itself and can play with the settings, the Sequencer is where you set the automation, notation, etc. By default, the Rack and Sequencer should be combined in one window, with the Rack ontop.

    To set pitches, go to the sequencer, and select an instrument from the list on the left-hand side. There is a button that had 3 coloured bars on it, that switches from 'Arrange Mode' (where you see the entire song and all instrument parts) and 'Edit Mode' (where you set individual instrument's notes and automation). Once your in edit mode, you can set pitches in the piano roll, and to play, press play. Easy as.

  9. wow.... I'v never been able to get such a rich sound from them. The best sound Iv ever gotten was with; an NN-XT with the default 'VLN Arco F' patch -> EQ -> Unison -> R7000 -> mixer w/ reverb send.... What type of setup do you use (or even better, do you have a combi patch you'd be willing to share)?

  10. Very nice smooth stuff here. All the songs flow smoothly, its perfect for both background music and listening to. I especially love the drums in all songs; the programming is excelent! Honestly, if it wasnt for the short length (which I avoided by putting both your albums onto one CD) I'd say this would be top 5 album, as is it's top 10.

    Top tracks are Cold Reception, After The Beat and Not Much Time Left (what do you use for your string samples, they cant be Reason Orkestra pack, way too good quality!) The only song I wasnt feeling was Pick Up Your Litter, but thats my personal hate for claps

    A friend works with a bookshop, I'v passed this CD to her, she loves it and is playing it in store. Hopefully customer reactions will be good :P

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