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Posts posted by Liontamer

  1. http://www.snesmusic.org/spcsets/ff6.rsn - "Opening Theme (part 1)" (ff6-101a.spc) & "Kefka" (ff6-108.spc)

    Um...interesting intro using the opening theme...which got drowned out. Yeah.

    Anyway, starting with the usage of "Kefka" at :41, this is just rather simplified cover stuff until 2:05, and there's not enough clarity in the production end. Samples are pretty fake at times, but workable at others.

    Cute stuff until 2:43 with the music box work. After that we hit some nasty distortion while the brass and winds play off one another until 3:10. Not bad stuff with fuller areas like the stuff starting at 3:10 featuring the cymbal crashes, though again the production isn't hot, so the sounds could be cleaner.

    Whatever you decided to do at 4:10 was the absolute dealbreaker. Ridiculously overcompressed bullshit. And it goes on like this until 5:41. More of this stuff to close it out. You've gotta be fucking kidding me.

    Anyway, thanks for playing. Being half-Russian with half my family being Russian immigrants, this didn't sound like anything even analogous to Stalin or Russian Communism. The rest of you Js, just make sure the volume isn't too high when you listen to this.


  2. http://www.scummbar.com/mi2/MI1-CD/01%20-%20Opening%20Themes%20-%20Introduction.mp3 - "Opening Themes" (just the first 1:34)

    Meh. Just MIDI-quality orchestration work here without any realism here to open up with the first 42 seconds. The transition into the techno/trance work is just sloppy, and the lead synths, I guess some saws or whathaveyou, are grating as hell and drowning everything else out. The cymbals, strings, and claps (and is that a cowbell in there?) just don't mesh well with the rest of the sounds.

    At least we moved away from that with the changeup at 3:14 into something that's mosr of a techno/orchestral hybrid (being generous here), before rinsing and repeating the techno stuff at 3:40.

    I guess it wasn't a form rejection given the um love and effort put into this. Well I mean, if YOU like it, I guess that's what's more important...oy.


  3. http://www.queststudios.com/edmidi/kq3ed1.zip - Introduction Theme

    Please try and provide source tune information, so we can compare what you have to what inspired it. I know it's an old Sierra game, but try to hook it up. The source MIDI I found sucks. Try not to listen past :52 of it.

    Anyway, not to discredit the submitter, but I could only find the source tune for the second half beginning at 2:21 here, and that's a cover, so while I can't identify the first half of the track, it's somewhat safe to say it doesn't take many risks (otherwise it would be wholly original).

    The first half, up to 2:21, was actually pretty strong for MIDI work. I personally think it needs more work to make the most out of the format, but it wasn't bad. Again, I'm merely guessing this held fairly fast to whatever it was derived from, but otherwise it sounded fairly decent.

    From 2:21 on though, the GM sound is pretty exposed, especially on account of the woodwind carrying the source melody. Everything is incredibly thin, including the string activity way in the back at 3:37. Things just don't sound good at all. It's certainly a step up from the source tune I found (which sounds like ass, God bless it), but it's not up to par here.

    I've never heard Dr. Fruitcake attempt to create realistic orchestral sounds, but I'd still beg him for some tips on how to create fuller sounds. Besides, if you wanna get a MIDI grade remix on OCR, it's also gonna have to be way more interpretive with the source material than what I found, for example, in the second half here.


  4. http://www.tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/Chrono_Cross_psf.rar - 105 "Dancing the Tokage"

    No offense, but what you thought was substantially "different" wasn't different enough at all. The new instrumentation is different sure, but the composition is around 85-90% Mitsuda's. Don't forget where the inspiration came from, sure, but it's nonetheless important here to fashion an interpretive rearrangement or at least a highly expansive arrangement.

    The distorted synth guitar that's occasionally used doesn't seem to mesh well with the other instruments, but that's just a subjective thing. The notes of the distorted guitar really don't sound right in their support role from 1:01-1:12.

    At 1:22, you just rinse and repeat what you had before. No dice. Needs to be more interpretive or substantially expansive relative to the source tune. Needs to not uncreatively retread the composition in only a 2:25 mix. Most of the structure is flat-out lifted from the original, and the tempo is the same. Nah, bro, you just gotta be more. Sorry, but if we took in every average cover, we'd be swimming in average covers.


  5. http://www.snesmusic.org/spcsets/ct.rsn - "Ruined World" (ct-2-01.spc)

    Congrats on taking a 70-second original and making something from absolutely nothing. By nothing, I mean that the source tune is very minimal.

    Just judging this mix on its own, one could be inclined to NO on the first listen based on its seeming repetitiveness. But with repeated listens and also comparing this to the original, this is quality work. 1:23-2:19 features the prominent usage of direct sampling from the original in the form of the ambient pads, and they're used a little bit beyond that at a lot lower volume.

    Some of the other odd percussion-like sounds (heard most prominently from 2:46-2:58) could have been sampled from or inspired by the clanging stuff from "Ruined World". I don't like how the manner of the fade-out ending ended the track on a lower note (the one starting at 5:58), but it was a minor gripe.

    Good arrangement ideas are here throughout. The additions and changes that are here are so subtle and simple that I admittedly had to double check that this wasn't simply retreading at times, which it isn't to be fair. The foundations are fairly basic, but, while the groove essentially remains the same, a very gradual building of ideas occurs over the course of the track. Solid work, Mike.

    I know you got discouraged over having 'A Terrible Fate' rejected, but I'd still encourage another resub of that (without needing to overhaul the idea). Even djp wanted to see given another go, so I'm pulling for you. Meanwhile, this was some solid progressive trance work that did a lot with a little.


  6. http://www.zophar.net/gym/etrnchmp.rar - "Introduction"

    Sorry, bro, but the same central issues are still present. Do more to make the arrangement unique. Same advice from the last time around applies. I also don't know why the ending is so abrupt now, but don't do that. Give it a satisfying resolution. Hopefully you already used judging comments on the first version to make some changes already. Best of luck if you decide to come back.

    NO (revise & resubmit)

    Sorry you didn't get your changes done in time, but to Robbie and anyone else that hopes to revise a track after they've already sent off their e-mail to djp, be sure to upload a revision to the exact same URL you give in your submissions letter and don't wait for too long to revise it.

  7. http://www.zophar.net/nsf/wizwar.zip - Track 1

    Some attempted realism in the performance would have been nice. No offense, but everything is lifeless and dry. The pianos, strings, and particularly woodwinds are all very default-ish, artificial-sounding and exposed. Some effects would be appreciated. At least we got a little bit of escalation at 2:31, but the way the sounds came together was very unappealing. This struggled out of the gate. Not much to say on the arrangement front either.


  8. http://www.zophar.net/usf/lozusf.rar - "Zelda's Theme" (LoZ-OoT_26_Zelda's_Theme.miniusf)

    Though it's not a bad cover and creates a decent feel, this isn't interpretive compared to the original. Pretty empty at times, yet not emotive enough to make that sparseness work to the track's benefit. The winds at :45-1:14 & 1:32- are REALLY overpowering versus the other instruments. Tone 'em down a bit. Anyway, forget it. This is just a cover with relatively minor additions, so no dice, kid.


  9. Thanks to Compyfox, Xerol, Species and others for gathering up all of the higher-quality released episodes and Fox for offering up torrents via his page. Check out the stuff over at http://www.studio-compyfox.de/torrent, where you can obtain copies of VG Frequency from episodes #21 to #44.

    Ridiculously detailed playlists for everything are always available at my Ormgas.com forums. Please download & help seed the episodes over the holiday so others can get a hold of 'em, and thanks again to Compyfox for all the work in setting this up. It's over 100 hours of stuffs from across the video game music remixing and rearrangement communities, and I hope you enjoy.

  10. I sent Pat a PM over at VGMix. Sounds good, but hold off on any voting until we hear back. If you can track down the source tune, more power to ya:

    Yo, Pat. We've got your Singles: Flirt Up Your Life piano arrangement on the judges panel at OCR. We need 2 things before we can get ready to vote on it.

    1. An actual remix title (or if you're willing to have djp or the Js suggest names for it).

    2. A full copy of the original game music(s) that inspired the piece. Any file format is fine. If this isn't possible, lemme know, but that'll delay the judging while we look for a copy.

  11. http://www.snesmusic.org/spcsets/ff4.rsn - "The Final Battle" (ff4-43.spc)

    I hit :57 of the source tune...just...no. Thank you for providing us with this SPC rip plus drums. We don't accept these. Since you don't seem to understand our submissions guidelines, feel free to read them sometime. (And yes, for you intrepid regular readers, I AM just copying & pasting my now stock NO Override vote.)

    Submission Instructions & Standards]In terms of arrangement - how close or distant ReMixes should be to the original - the general rule is that the ReMix should be YOURS. We don't just mean that you were involved in its creation, but that it is different enough from the original so as to readily illustrate the contributions, modifications, and enhancements you have made. In other words, don't just take the original and drop a few drum loops on top. Also, don't simply take a MIDI file and assign new instruments to the parts, or add reverb, and expect that to pass as 'yours'. When we say 'ReMix', we actually mean something closer to 're-arrangement', if that helps clarify. If you listen to most of the pieces on the site and compare them to the originals, you should get an idea of what a ReMix is.


  12. http://exotica.fix.no/tunes/archive/Authors/Game/Leitch_Barry/Lotus_2.lha - Bootup (mod.bootup)

    Just add ".mod" to the end of the filename if you can't play it out of the unzipped archive.

    First things first. This could afford to be louder. The arrangement/composition isn't bad, but the energy here is really dry thanks to these generic synths and repetitive foundations.

    Gonna have to thicken some of these synths up with effects to help downplay how artificial they sound, like the synth acoustic & electric guitars. They give interesting sounds here, but need something more.

    Hitting the 1:30 mark of this nearly 3 minute mix, the composition doesn't change or progress. This isn't interesting or spirited enough to warrant not changing up the flow at all. Needs a lot more attention paid to filling out the instrumentation and being creative on the arrangement the whole way through, rather than taking some good ideas there and not changing anything round the entire 3 minutes.


  13. http://www.tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/FF7_psf.rar - 104 "Anxious Heart"

    Way, WAY too basic in the handling of the source material. Mostly just the opening measures of the source melody along with new percussion and that off-key wind instrument.

    Things slowed down at 2:20, but this does nothing significantly interpretive with "Anxious Heart" itself. Even the switchup at 2:59 provides nothing but new ideas for the percussion and 0 for the handling of the source.

    If you took those pads or whatever the hell they are out, you'd have 100% original material. The sudden ending at 4:22 was also a total copout and completely uncreative. Not bad; I could see FF fans getting into it, but what the hell does this do to the original theme but slap various beats under it?


  14. http://www.snesmusic.org/spcsets/dkq.rsn - "Stickerbush Symphony" (dkq-17.spc)

    There's some vox in this. OK. Nice/simple new ideas at 2:16. Ok.

    Thank you for providing us with this reinstrumented MIDI rip. We don't accept these. Since you don't seem to understand our submissions guidelines, feel free to read them sometime.

    Submission Instructions & Standards]In terms of arrangement - how close or distant ReMixes should be to the original - the general rule is that the ReMix should be YOURS. We don't just mean that you were involved in its creation, but that it is different enough from the original so as to readily illustrate the contributions, modifications, and enhancements you have made. In other words, don't just take the original and drop a few drum loops on top. Also, don't simply take a MIDI file and assign new instruments to the parts, or add reverb, and expect that to pass as 'yours'. When we say 'ReMix', we actually mean something closer to 're-arrangement', if that helps clarify. If you listen to most of the pieces on the site and compare them to the originals, you should get an idea of what a ReMix is.


  15. Can obtain the source, but it doesn't really matter unfortunately. Some of the sounds are alright, like the glassy stuff used to open the track up. Otherwise most of the other sounds here are generic & flat in their delivery, making for a very boring performance. The low-end gets pretty muffled at 1:11. Really repetitive background with the keyboard's sixteenth notes. Hitting the same old stuff at 2:55, this just doesn't go anywhere notable. The cymbals coming in at 3:11 are a superficial addition. Really plodding. The mix description implied the presence of dynamics, but they were nowhere to be found here.


  16. http://www.zophar.net/nsf/darkwi~1.zip - Tracks 2 & 5

    Yeah, I remember this one. Played it on VGF #37. Quirky fun. The volumes could have stood to be a bit louder. This retained most of the feel of the source tune, but the arrangement is hot. Some of the samples could have sounded more realistic, like the woodwinds.

    Nevertheless, good stuff that expanded on the original well in both the straightforward coverage and the new material (e.g. 2:11-3:07), though the wind sample sounds terrible (same velocity nearly every note) and unrealistic. Loved the various usage of bells. The production is weak though, as the instruments lack proper separation most of the time. That's certainly something you'll take a hit for.

    Interesting idea to change the key at 3:53, but as long as this would have had some other strong resolution, this really didn't need it, and I felt the ending was a weak point. "Fowl Jive" is a fucking hard act to follow, Jean-Marc, so nice work. I'm interested in seeing how much Binnie likes this one.

    Everything's a hell of a lot of fun here, and some people are gonna be sorry they didn't download it sooner simply because it wasn't from a game they knew. Don't be one of those chumps. Get it from VGMix if it doesn't pass.


  17. http://www.snesmusic.org/spcsets/ct.rsn - "Undersea Palace" (ct-3-08.spc)

    Pretty solid guitar & vox opening. I mean, as much as I'd like to encourage you to branch out more from the RPGs and see what else gains your attentions, I can't argue with your source tune choices when the arrangements are good.

    Unfortunately for this, I don't hear anything recognizable from Undersea Palace until 2:06-3:02 & 3:47-4:36. Over half the mix is either original or REALLY liberal arrangement. Everything combines together well, but over half the mix has no real connection to the source. Too liberal, I'm afraid. If I'm missing some finer details, I'd be glad to change my vote.


  18. http://www.zophar.net/nsf/superc.zip - Track 4

    As soon as Hemophiliac pimped this one out to me back in September on VGMix, I HAD to verify the source to make sure this wasn't a cover. This sticks pretty faithful to the source, but makes sure to change up the style a bit over the 2 1/2 minutes, including some nice shredding and whatnot at 1:10. Nice and expansive arrangement compared to the NES original. Quick & dirty HIGH OCTANE SHIT! This is the kind of stuff that Ari should have risked a YES Override on. Great work, Marcos! Be sure to submit CutMetal & Let the Wind Flow, and good luck on the Axelay WIP.


  19. I submitted a song awhile back, & I've yet to see it on the judges panel, nor did I get a rejection thingy.

    It's a remix of the overworld theme from Gargoyle's Quest. I'm not sure if it'll pass current OCR standards, but maybe it will. I don't know the specific date I sent it in. All I know is that it was September 4 give or take a few days. Here's the required fields:

    My handle: Da Joker

    My name: David L. Puga

    My email: Davejkr@prodigy.net

    My website: http://eof.servehttp.com/dajoker

    My Forum Number: Not really sure, just another brick in the wall I guess.

    Game: Gargoyle's Quest

    Orig. Song: Overworld theme

    Oh, & I uploaded the song before I knew who the composer was. So, it's not in the tag. Anyway, thanks for hearing me out.

    Later lates,


  20. http://www.zophar.net/gym/crackdn.rar - Crack Down 04.gym

    Good entrance going on for some cover-style expansion on the source material. Just listening to the GYM, the original was one of those sparse-as-shit tracks, like Eternal Champions' music.

    Hot little riffs briefly at :54 & 1:11 to play around with things, before hitting the real freestyle bwomp-chicka hotness at 1:22. Very nice and very expansive, going off on your own thing while retaining the source material as the base, with some of the not-as-easily-observed usage being the light strings reprising 1:03-1:18 of the source material, and the bwomp-chicka groove arranging :31-:47 of the source.

    Nice how many of the subtler support elements under the lead guitar were being played differently each time from 1:22-2:53, though the basic patterns (strings/percussion/sythn playing the source melody pattern) definitely went long, staying around until 2:53. The percussion pattern in particular definitely could have used something to keep it fresh around the 2:20 mark, which was when I noticed the repetitiveness.

    Good, but all-too-brief play on the source tune with the guitar work from 3:16-3:30. The sudden dropoff at 3:48 could have functioned more smoothly. Nice samples for the intro and outro too.

    This might get called out for being "upgrade + freestyle" and leave you to the tender mercies of the fellow Js, but a closer look at the source and how it was used here led me away from any huge concerns on those grounds.

    I felt that the new material gelled fairly naturally with the source material, and that the source coverage gave enough additional depth to the original.


  21. http://www.snesmusic.org/spcsets/ct.rsn - "Sara's (Schala's) Theme" (ct-3-06.spc)

    This one still has some issues, and I'm sure will snag some more NOs, but I felt the arrangement was where it needed to be, despite the fact that I thought the reverb (which was purposeful) could have been toned down (ah shaddap), and the instrument combinations should have sounded more cohesive. There was a lot of improvement here compared to the original version.

    I thought the piano opening (:00-:32) worked pretty well myself and the piano was a strong point for the track. I think the percussion could be more subtle at times, like I would use just cymbals during the piano solo rather than drums. Nonetheless, from 1:08-2:28, I liked the way Mike placed additional elements here to fill out the piece during the melancholy piano solo. Good escalation by changing the sound of the synth strings at 2:11, before picking things up with the added perc work and the glassy Schala's melody lead at 2:28.

    At times the percussion activity meshed really well with the rest, like from 3:40-4:27. During this same time, I thought the oboe lead came off a lot less haphazard than Izz feels, but I thought it was really exposed and should have sounded more realistic, or at least scaled back significantly.

    This did a pretty good job taking limited parts from Schala's Theme and expanding upon them with good original ideas (most noticeably done by the piano). Could stand to be not as long like Izz pointed out, and the realism of the choir vox, strings & woodwind are all gonna hold this back, so I think Mike has some ways to go on his synth work.

    Nonetheless (even though it's stupid Schala's theme) the overall presentation was adequate and the arrangement took the source material in what I felt was a compositionally new direction. Vig has a problem with the dynamics here and I can easily see it from his angle, but I felt the track was more appropriate with a fairly constant, subtle construction.

    (I was originally YES-borderline, but have changed my vote. Check it out below.)

  22. VGF42 generally covers the goings on from November 21st to 27th. Like I mention in the actual episode (83.3MB / 2hr1min), I plucked the SimCity 4: Rush Hour soundtrack from the official game page, where it's freely available. Be sure to check it out. I really think you're gonna like it. Feel free to get back to me on whether you liked it.

    VG Frequency #42: Blabbering to the Brass Stab

    Larry Oji - WMRE (Emory University Student Radio; Atlanta, GA)

    Thursday, December 16, 2004 / 3:45 - 5:45 PM EST



    1. Star Salzman - VG Frequency "The Universe" Bumper

    2. The Humble Brothers - "Metropolis" [simCity 4: Rush Hour OST]

    3. OverCoat - Haibane Renmei "Lost Amongst the Woods" [Anime Remix #49]

    4. Sefiros - Silent Hill 2 "I Won't Lose You Again" [VGMix2 # 2770]

    5. Shnabubula - Front Mission "Infinite Natalie" [OC ReMix #1275]

    6. Andy Brick - "Wheels of Progress" [simCity 4: Rush Hour OST]

    7. Nasenmann - Interstate '76 "I76 on Acid" [The People's Remix Competition v2-3]

    8. Mazedude - Commander Keen 4 "Tuatara Swamp Jam" [http://www.mazedude.com]

    9. OverCoat - "Egre" [http://rks.no-ip.com/~seattleovercoat]

    10. DHS - The Human Race "Bando alle Seghe" [R:K:O #2487]

    11. Jerry Martin - "Bombay" [simCity 4: Rush Hour OST]

    12. zircon - "Desperation" [illusion OST]

    13. Ziwtra - Terranigma "Reviving Zue" [OC ReMix #1273]

    14. Strike911 - "Celtic Trance" [http://www.musicv2.com/artist/strike911]

    15. SnappleMan - Donkey Kong Country 1 "Thrash the Plank" [Kong in Concert / OC ReMix #1272]

    16. The Humble Brothers - "ElectriCITY" [simCity 4: Rush Hour OST]

    17. Crazy Crakaz f/DCT & zykO - "Hail to the Chief" [http://www.joecam.net]

    18. TO - Interstate '76 "Dear John" [The People's Remix Competition v2-3]

    19. Quinn Fox - Phantasy Star 2 "Boss Uniform" [OC ReMix #1271]

    20. The Number Sixes - The Legend of Zelda 1 "Hang Ten Hyrule" [VGMix2 #2777]

    21. Jerry Martin - "The Morning Commute" [simCity 4: Rush Hour OST]

    22. Jared Hudson - Chrono Trigger "The Frontier" [VGMix2 #2269 / OC ReMix #1274]

    23. Protricity - Chrono Trigger "Autumn in Yesteryear Guardia" [VGMix2 #2788]

    24. Blizihizake - Donkey Kong Country 2 "Set Sail" [VGMix2 #2361 / OC ReMix #1276]

    25. Jerry Martin - "Bumper to Bumper" [simCity 4: Rush Hour OST]

    26. Andy Brick - "Deserted" [simCity 4: Rush Hour OST]

  23. VGF41 generally covers the goings on from November 14th to 20th. Dark Cloud 2 was a good enough soundtrack where I could use it for the BGM of 2 different episodes. That's about as much of an endorsement as I can personally give it. DL it over at http://www.tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/DarkCloud2_psf2.rar.

    VG Frequency #41: Separation is Weak

    Larry Oji - WMRE (Emory University Student Radio; Atlanta, GA)

    Thursday, December 16, 2004 / 6:25 - 8:48 AM EST



    1. Tomohito Nishiura - "Launch!! Space Time Train Ixion" [Dark Cloud 2 OST]

    2. Nixdorux & Techie Jessie - The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time "Link is in Love" [VGMix2 #2757]

    3. Yoshihito Yano - "Brave Sword, Braver Soul" [soul Calibur II OST]

    4. Leif Taylor - "Salted Brow" [http://www.shellshockede.com/leiftaylor]

    5. Trenthian - Genso Suikoden 1 "Cliff the Great Crusader" [OC ReMix #1268]

    6. Tomohito Nishiura - "Spiral of Dreams" [Dark Cloud 2 OST]

    7. Awesome-A - Turrican 2 "The Desert Rocks vs. Concerto for Laser and Enemies" [VGMix2 #2761]

    8. k-wix - EarthBound "PK Trance" [VGMix2 #2748]

    9. Sadorf & Sir NutS - Sonic the Hedgehog: Triple Trouble "A New Ray of Light" [VGMix2 #2197 / OC ReMix #1269]

    10. Quinn Fox - "Sticky Bomb" [http://quinn.50g.com]

    11. Tomohito Nishiura - "Sad Fate" [Dark Cloud 2 OST]

    12. Satoshi Henmi - "Mewt (Acoustic Guitar Version)" [white: melodies of Final Fantasy Tactics Advance AST]

    13. DarkeSword - Megaman Zero 2 "Stranger in the Desert" [VGMix2 #2750]

    14. zykO - "The Princess" [http://www.zykomusik.com]

    15. Tomohito Nishiura - "Time of Separation" [Dark Cloud 2 OST]

    16. Christophe Heral - "Theme Home" [beyond Good & Evil OSV]

    17. TO - "Planet Houston" [Total War: Ioncross OST]

    18. Joshua Morse - Megaman X6 "Amazon Geo" [VGMix2 #2754]

    19. Kaijin - "Free as the Wind" [http://www.timsheehy.com]

    20. Mustin f/Anthony Lofton - Megaman 8 "Search Me" [http://oneupstudios.com/music/mustin.php]

    21. Tomohito Nishiura - "Zelmite Mines" [Dark Cloud 2 OST]

    22. Disposer & Joecam - "Fine" [http://www.diggidis.com & http://www.joecam.net]

    23. Beatdrop & Joecam - "Joe Cam, Bitch" [http://www.beatdrop.tk & http://www.joecam.net]

    24. Flik - "Set Up" [http://www.vagstudios.com]

    25. The Anti-Jazz - "Serenade in Sweet Blue" [http://www.home.no/koelsch1vgm]

    26. Shnabubula - Final Fantasy 9 "Hunter's Community Chest [OC ReMix #1267]

    27. Malcos - Street Fighter 2 "Wrestling with Double Bass [OC ReMix #1270]

    28. Tomohito Nishiura - "Gundorada Workshop" [Dark Cloud 2 OST]

    29. OverCoat - Deus Ex 1 "Lost in the City of Lights" [VGMix2 #2647]

    30. jdproject - "Elevator Antics" [Crowd Re-Enactment]

    31. TO - "Layed Back" [Total War: Ioncross OST]

    32. TO & FIDGAF - "The Vatican Groove 2" [Total War: Ioncross OST]

    33. Tomohito Nishiura - "Dark Element" [Dark Cloud 2 OST]

    34. Star Salzman - "Flight of the Leviathan" [Tokens]

    35. Protricity - "Cyphonic" [Tokens]

    36. Jared Hudson - "A Magical World" [Tokens / Forgotten Times OST]

    37. Tomohito Nishiura - "Tutorial" [Dark Cloud 2 OST]

  24. VGF #40 is the first episode I've ever recorded and subsequently lost thanks to Cool Edit Pro fucking up and losing the session. So, pissed as hell, I recorded it all over again, hence the title of this one. Never again, I hope. In any case, VGF40 generally covers the goings on from November 7th to 13th.

    VG Frequency #40: Once More Without Feeling

    Larry Oji - WMRE (Emory University Student Radio; Atlanta, GA)

    Thursday, December 16, 2004 / 2:20 - 4:47 AM EST



    1. Tomohito Nishiura - "Fish On!!" [Dark Cloud 2 OST]

    2. Dj MetaZero - Inuyasha "My Will" [Anime Remix #47]

    3. Vurtflesh - "Notes in Eyeliner" [http://www.soundclick.com/vurtflesh]

    4. Satoshi Miyashita - "The Funky Flamingo ~ Gallop" [R-Type Special AST]

    5. Tomohito Nishiura - "Dr. Jaming" [Dark Cloud 2 OST]

    6. Christian Pacaud f/Marc-André Gingras - Final Fantasy 6 "Battle on a New Continent" [VGMix2 #2589]

    7. Protricity - Metroid Fusion "Tryst with the Enemy" [VGMix2 #2701]

    8. House the Grate - CastleVania: Circle of the Moon & CastleVania 3 "La Hora es Tarde" [Dwelling of Duels: Clockwork / VGMix2 #2693]

    9. Tomohito Nishiura - "Veneccio" [Dark Cloud 2 OST]

    10. Bladiator - Jazz Jackrabbit 1 "MC Jazzer" [The People's Remix Competition v2-2 / VGMix2 #2666]

    11. Quinn Fox - Metal Gear 1 "Diagonal Strafe" [VGMix2 #2722]

    12. Alexander Prievert - Xenosaga "I Can Feel..." [VGMix2 #2698]

    13. Israfel - Shivers 1 "Cerebral Rose Jam" [VGMix2 #1165]

    14. Tomohito Nishiura - "Peace of the World" [Dark Cloud 2 OST]

    15. Sefiros - Silent Hill 2 "I Lost You Once..." [VGMix2 #2681]

    16. Jeremy Soule - "Act 3: Mysterious Attacker" [Amen: The Awakening OSV]

    17. TO - "O' Liberty" [Total War: Ioncross OST]

    18. TO - "Sine Break" [Total War: Ioncross OST]

    19. TO & FIDGAF - "Liberty Rock" [Total War: Ioncross OST]

    20. Scott Peeples - CastleVania 1 "Wicked Orchestra (DnB Mix)" [VGMix2 #2682]

    21. Tomohito Nishiura - "Stella Magic Temple" [Dark Cloud 2 OST]

    22. Kevin Stephens - The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time "Goron City" [Homes of Hyrule / VGMix #2572]

    23. Sierra - "Crystal Caverns ~ Music" [Lode Runner: The Legend Returns OST]

    24. Torrent - Metroid 1 "Visions of Brinstar" [VGMix2 #2684]

    25. xerxes - "claire skies" [http://www.hellven.org]

    26. RushJet1 - Ecco the Dolphin 1 (Game Gear) "Luminosity and Viscosity" [VGMix2 #2685]

    27. Tomohito Nishiura - "Rainbow Butterfly" [Dark Cloud 2 OST]

    28. virt - "Canyon" [http://virt.vgmix.com]

    29. Leif Taylor - Final Fantasy 8 "Time Compression" [VGMix2 #2679]

    30. jdproject - Street Fighter 2 "The Ken Song" [Crowd Re-Enactment / OC ReMix #1266]

    31. Tomohito Nishiura - "Luna Lab" [Dark Cloud 2 OST]

    32. Lie Mf B - Megaman 1 "(Let Me Stand Next to Your) Fire Storm" [sex, Drugs n' Nintendo / VGMix #2560]

    33. virt - Aero Blasters "Sky High" [VGMix2 #2702]

    34. zykO - Crack Down "The Man Who Broke His Smile" [VGMix2 #2721]

  25. Still need to knock out 3 retro episodes, and dammit, I plan to get at least 2 out of the way. Join me for VG Frequency #40, convering November 7th - 13th, from 10PM to whenever I finish. There will be game music and remixes on the air while I edit finished shows, and we'll commence with VG Frequency #41 & #42 sometime later at night. Hope to see some of you there.

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