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Posts posted by Liontamer

  1. Donkey Kong Sunset]Just like the stuff we dealt with for the OCR1250 lockdown, it's unfortunate that we have enjoyable tracks that have to be turned down. This is certainly a well made trance-style remix of Aquatic Ambiance, and I enjoyed it. But does it do much to the source tune beyond the trance genre adaptation? Unfortunately, it does not.

    So what we have is another case where an enjoyable remix doesn't fit the ReMix guidelines of OCR. While other judges or fans of the community will say differently, I don't feel OC's standard is the only way to make a good mix. It's a good standard mind you, and one we feel promotes more creative work overall, but it's certainly not the only standard out there and we don't claim that OC's standard is the only good one.

    Nonetheless, this mix does nothing particularly interpretive with the source material on a rearragement level and isn't an innovative or expansive straight arrangement piece either, and that's where the vote stands.

    Just replace "Aquatic Ambiance" with "Stardust Speedway (Good Future)" and there you have it.


  2. Gecko seems to imply that the of the Present version of the theme is what's being arranged here. Listening to all of the "Wacky Workbench" variations from Sonic CD (Japan) however, the pacing and arrangement sound the most similar to the Past version to me, which basically features the same melodic content of the Present version.

    The arrangement has some good ideas in that the source melody is placed more in the background from :30-1:01, while Gecko places other arranged ideas in the forefront. 1:02 onward features some pretty straight arrangement until 1:32 gets simpler with the bass thump pattern, but I felt this would have been a good time to get away from that thumping pattern as the foundation of the track, at least until bringing it back later on, like at 2:19. I did like the percussion/cymbal activity that came in at 1:40.

    2:18 changes the sounds of the melody a little bit, but overall I felt like it wasn't enough going to make it feel as is the track progressed at all the whole time. The patterns and sound choice vary up a little bit, but even with these variations I don't feel like the overall groove is changing or developing significantly during the whole 3 minutes. Maybe that's an inadvertently inherent bias against the house genre; I wouldn't know. Things certainly change up from 1:32-2:18, but the whole groove is anchored to this quarter note thumping beat that never changes and it fails to really hold my interest for the whole time.

    The rearrangement could incorporate some more original ideas, but my vote isn't based on that. I just need to see this track exhibit more noticeable structural variation over the 3 minutes. If the lack of more overt variation and development here is a byproduct of the genre, then I'll be informed by others I'm sure, but overall I just didn't find this mix that engaging so my vote's solid. The groove felt plain, sedate & unchanging, and that prevented it from getting out of the gate to me.


  3. http://xferoc1.fileplanet.com/%5E1664812191/classicgaming/castlevania/mp3/chronicles/1-33-etude_for_the_killer.mp3 - "Etude For The Killer" (X68000 Version)

    Cool piano and wind opening. The French horn (if I've got that correct...which I don't) at :07 sounds fake, but the tone isn't bad on it regardless. Per Shna's usual stuffz, we've got some offbeat arrangement here. The bongos are very active yet sensibly done; same for the piano work. On the surface, things sound pretty awkward with the guitar strings, but focusing on the geetars you hear a sense of structure to them. They may put off some people, though.

    The track manages to stay grounded despite the many wacked out instruments courtesy of the source tune melody, which is heavily rearranged at some points, but also handled via straightforward arrangement that expands upon the source with several layers of embellishments. Very excellent ending section at 3:10 with the final buildup at 3:22 and resolution at 3:28.

    Quality shizz as usual. Nice idea for the mix title by the way. Stuff like this, Hunter's Community Chest, and even HOMMAGE A NAKANO that didn't get passed by us promotes a healthy dialogue with the panel and within the community. (Be sure to post Hommage to VGMix though.) Hopefully there won't be as much controversy on this one, but in any case, I've got no issues here. Best of luck with the Chopin stuff you're working on, Sam. For the next six months or so, the community can enjoy your four OC ReMixes along with your other work. The fanbase'll grow, I hope.


  4. Yep, quality stuff here. Thanks from me as well for providing the source tune. Lee was nice enough to throw me a copy of this one as soon as it was finished. I didn't get around to formally prejudging it, but looped it a number of times and knew this was good to go.

    The beats were initially too basic for my taste and could have flowed better with the groove here via some increased activity, but were full-sounding and otherwise fuctioned well to start things off. Things really picked up on that front once we hit 2:29 and the activity levels rose to where I wanted them. In that sense, there was good development over the course of the track.

    Very nice synth work from Lee that's reverbed heavily but doesn't get too overbearing over Karl's piano work. Interesting swtichup at 1:47 that I remember not totally feeling the very first time around, but it worked after several listens. Same with the key change at 2:28. Kind of awkward, but certainly nothing that kills the momentum. Ear acclimation made the changes less jarring over time.

    Most of the arrangement work focuses on the piano work, so the beats generally kept the same structure though you could hear subtle changes made during different sections. Very nice close with the piano at 3:57. For any people that aren't really sold on the mix all the way, I swear to you, that ending it gonna hook 'em and make 'em go "Alright, that was pretty sweet." Satisfying flow and energy and very loopable work. I'm genuinely glad I had the privilege to hear this as soon as it was finished. Good collab, bros. They're two of PRC's finer homegrown talents.


  5. http://www.snesmusic.org/spcsets/mm7.rsn - "Shademan" (mm7-14a.spc)

    Everything is mastered pretty low here; bring the overall levels up. The sax work is a little too sedate to be expressive. The piano work starting from :19-:36 is awkward on several occasions, as well as the sax, which seems to not be grounded in any sort of melody or sensible progression of notes.

    I could point to other time references, but the story remains the same. The sax and piano generally aren't cohesive in the sequencing. Everything sounds altered for the sake of being altered but with no real form of structure. The last 30 seconds or so of sax work in particular was just too random. You don't call yourself The Anti-Jazz for nothing.

    The bass is alright, but the percussion work is also really repetitive and dry. Add some variation and presence to the percussion, bring up the overall levels, and add some much-needed form.


  6. Development wasn't too bad; a little repetitive but good energy nonetheless. If the production wasn't so poorly done, it would be cool on an ear candy level. I don't really mind the reverb per se. There's certainly too much, so that's already been covered. Frankly though, there's not a bit of clean sound separation here. The "GO GO GOs" are a little cheesy, but again I don't mind them that much. However, the female lyrics that come in at 1:20 are practically inaudible.

    Aside from making a full-sounding track, you have to be able to substantially distinguish the various layers of sound from one another. The fadeout ending was way too sudden and didn't work either. Dunno the source tune, so I'd have to check it out to gauge the level of rearrangement, but in any case, this needs a lot of production refinement.


  7. http://www.zophar.net/nsf/faxanadu.zip - Track 5 (:00-:24), Track 1 (:51-1:16), apparently 5 or 6 tracks in a medley

    The piano is incredibly mechanically sequenced. So is the percussion. So are the strings. The xylophone's a little more tolerable on that level, but doesn't seem to quite fit it despite the upbeat nature of the track. The xylo levels could be more subdued if anything. The light choir/vox is also more tolerable since they aren't loud, but that all needs work on humanization.

    Not much in the way of dynamics here. Cool vox usage at 2:44 & 2:49, as a little side note. The arrangement wasn't too bad by me, but I can't tell where all the source tune use is from. Point that kind of stuff out to us for big medley pieces.

    Once you learn how to humanize your instruments and get the sounds flowing more naturally, you'll be in a much better position. Digging around your website just now, one guy pretty much told you the same thing, so it's nothing you haven't heard before, honestly. Keep at it, bro.


  8. http://www.zophar.net/nsf/megaman1.zip - "Fireman Stage" (Track 7)

    Harp about lower guitar standards and all that shit, but frankly, this is quality stuff. I agree with Vig that you really need a bass to handle the bassline if possible, and the bassline was too repetitive. Go for a little bit more more with the flanger and wah-wah effects.

    Cool stuff at 1:33 with the further arranged source work moving into the freeform solo at 1:53. 1:53-2:24 was especially where the repetitiveness of the bassline and percussion stuck out. I realize the drums are sampled and pay homage to the Stone Roses, but absolutely be sure to change things up with the percussion and the bassline to something totally unique there to keep things fresh, along with having additional subtle variation on those throughout the rest of the track.

    A lot of work was put forth in expanding the source material via the many additional lines of instrumentation and it's duly noted here. Frankly, there's nothing wrong with taking this expansive straight arrangement approach, and I think this in particular has promise as an Hendrix/blaxplotaion-influenced genre piece. Not quite there, as the lead could sound more expressive, but it's certainly getting there. But yeah, what I basically heard was 2 iterations of the source's melody/chorus, followed by the solo, and then a 3rd iteration of the source tune melody/chorus. Add some further original ideas elsewhere in the mix.

    So to iterate, hook it up with a real bass guitar for a richer bass sound if possible, provide more percussion and bassline variation to keep the backup instruments from getting stale, and add more original ideas of your own to put more personal compositional touches to this. Take the advice of Vigilante (and possibly Danny B & zyko if they comment) on what you can do to strengthen the guitar tone and delivery here. Please RESUBMIT, Henrik. I'm keeping this one.

    NO (refine & resubmit)

  9. http://www.snesmusic.org/spcsets/ewj2.rsn - "Lorenzen's Soil" (ewj2-03.spc)

    This does an phenomenal job of taking the foundations of Tommy Tallarico's source material and expanding upon it via the structure of the lyrics. Listening through the whole thing, this is something I feel you can point to and say "This expands upon the ideas of the original composer yet truly takes on an identity of its own." Dan's lyrics have some excellent reverb and delay effects on them and his voice is engagingly melancholy at times. Frankly, I didn't know he could sing until I heard the first WIP of this.

    Over the course of the track's development, the delivery on the lyrics went from completely sedate to a balance of sedate, mournful and wailing. At times I questioned the change, but the escalation in the mix's intensity from its modest beginnings as a WIP proved to me that this was indeed the right move.

    Hitting 2:02-2:16, I felt Dan's lyrics were obscured a little bit by the instruments, but were nonetheless very clear thanks to superior production work. weed's rap contribution was also drowned out a little bit by the synth coming from 2:55 to 3:14, but the delivery was otherwise excellent and intelligent per his usual high standards. Excellent rhythm, excellent flows, along with strategically placed vocal layering that thickened things up at the right times. Certainly nothing in the sound balance that you don't often hear in professional/industry-grade work.

    Very nice work in calming things down at 3:21 with just the bassline, ambiance, and percussion before transitioning into Dan's lyrics with Vigilante's guitar accompaniment at 3:34. I could have gone for a bit more reverb on the lyrics on that go-around for more of that moody feel. Otherwise, everything was top-notch. The last minute of freestyle material from 4:12 to 5:15 was brilliantly rendered, before slowing things down for an eerie close winding down to 5:37. The sounds remained clear, energetic, and expressive throughout for an exceptionally strong finish.

    The instruments layered together very nicely, the lyrics are very well thought out with strong delivery, and the production is generally crisp and clean. This was hugely expansive arrangement work, and nothing short of A-grade from 3 top names in the community that show pride in what they do. Props to Dan for working hard on this mix in the past few months and enlisting Jesse & weed in helping to bring it to what I genuinely consider superlative status. You'll loop it. And believe me, you'll love it.


  10. http://www.zophar.net/nsf/tmnt.zip - Track 2

    This doesn't sound terrible. The sounds are basic, but the production isn't bad. However, we have standards here. If everyone submitted remixes that clocked in at 1:23, 99% of them would be rejected for being underdeveloped ideas. That merits a NO right there.

    However, you also cannot fashion a remix simply by taking the melody, altering the instrumentation and then placing a new percussion underneath it. There was some freestyle-ish work from :33 to :48, but that was it. Everything else was the original melody plus new beats. We do not accept that type of material here. Since you don't seem to understand our submissions guidelines, feel free to read them sometime.

    Submission Instructions & Standards]In terms of arrangement - how close or distant ReMixes should be to the original - the general rule is that the ReMix should be YOURS. We don't just mean that you were involved in its creation, but that it is different enough from the original so as to readily illustrate the contributions, modifications, and enhancements you have made. In other words, don't just take the original and drop a few drum loops on top. Also, don't simply take a MIDI file and assign new instruments to the parts, or add reverb, and expect that to pass as 'yours'. When we say 'ReMix', we actually mean something closer to 're-arrangement', if that helps clarify. If you listen to most of the pieces on the site and compare them to the originals, you should get an idea of what a ReMix is.


  11. http://www.tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/SaGa_Frontier_psf.rar - 216 "Alone"

    Good use of rain effects and reverb to give the track a solemn atmosphere. The melodic line you used at 1:05 is just verbatim with the source tune itself at :28. Though there are areas of originality, the structure ultimately holds too fast to the original.

    At least you get some light piano underneath to expand things at 1:57, but in any case, this is structured way too closely to the source. The tempo is identical, so it's potentially/likely ripped. Not a poor cover, mind you, but it's not what we're looking for according to the standards.

    Some of the samples, particularly near the end, could sound stronger, along with the piano solo from 2:42 to 3:07 needing to sound a LOT less mechanically sequenced. Work on naturalizing some of the sample use, add more variation in the percussion, bring up the volume levels a bit, and introduce even more original ideas to complement the source tune coverage.


  12. http://www.snesmusic.org/spcsets/ct.rsn - "At the Bottom of Night" (ct-3-03.spc)

    Heh. Mid Night. Nah, wait...

    Things are pretty basic on the straightforward arrangement route for nearly the first 2 minutes of this 3 minute mix. I like the subtle synth work here, but initially didn't like the feel created by the vibes (or xylo) coming in at 1:27. They sound a bit more complementary a few seconds later.

    1:54 had material placed in tandem with the source tune along with some decidedly more expansive arrangement right after that at 2:15. These promising ideas should have come in earlier.

    Though I liked the subtle arrangement here, really up the creativity on the first 2 minutes of arrangement with some additional ideas, and absolutely do what you can with the velocities and sustain to get things sounding more natural & expressive and make dynamics a positive contributor here. I'm a sucker for the source tune, sure, but I sincerely liked what I heard so far, LAOS.

    NO (rework & resubmit)

  13. http://www.snesmusic.org/spcsets/smrpg.rsn - "Hello, Happy Kingdom" (smr-112.spc)

    The lead synth at :06 is very unappealing. That really all I can say about it. Broadly speaking on the whole mix, the juxtaposition of sounds is unbalanced, the instruments sound too fake, the structure is VERY haphazard & messy, and the background synths and percussion never change their patterns. To be frank, it's not very engaging listening, Dan. Sorry, bro. Keep at it. Just not with this one.


  14. http://www.zophar.net/nsf/dq2.zip - Track 3

    Ah dammit, I initially thought the build-up was cool, then this TAME wutevar sound came in at :58. C'mon, bro. Spice it up, Burgertime style. Dammit, by 2:00 this is STILL going. I wanted to pass this. [/checks the NSF] Intro's not overtly inspired by any of the tracks. Over half the mix is original material. That's already a no-go.

    Almost a non sequitur transition to the orchestral strings from 3:19-3:37. Not bad trance arrangement or anything, but it's not very interpretive with the source here, and there's no separation of sounds here, so it doesn't pass on production either. Too bad, bro. Enjoyable piece, but this one's academic.


  15. http://www.snesmusic.org/spcsets/ct.rsn - "Gonzalez's Song" (ct-1-07.spc)

    It's a nice homage mix. It honestly sounds good. Post it over at the OneUp Studios boards cuz they'll enjoy it, like I did.

    But... 1) You repeat the same lyric over and over again while not changing the style, which "Team Gato" did...

    and 2) "Team Gato" already did this better.

    It doesn't get any simpler to me than saying "Add more ideas to this homage."


  16. http://www.zophar.net/nsf/wreckcrw.zip - Track 1

    Yep, most of the time this doesn't expand on the original. Decent effort to use the NSF stuff and fade it out as you placed the focus on the piano, but other than that Vig's concerns are all valid.

    Punch up the volume of the trumpet you sparingly used. Decent use of the in-game SFX though, as well as the stereo effects. The percussion is a little too dry, and those piano stabs need some work, bro. Keep at it.


  17. For any interested parties, Sam sent me the following message for the panel.

    Hey, I just want to thank all the judges for the feedback and stuff on HOMMAGE A NAKANO.

    Unfortunately I do not have the time to refine/resubmit. I felt I should tell you guys that so that you understand I am not snubbing you by not resubmitting, It's just I honestly don't have that option.

    Basically I've been spending all my time practicing [i was really slacking off for a while there]. I mention this in the submission e-mail for my final song {final for a while not forever... just until I finish the stuff I'm working on at the moment : Chopin Op. 10 and 25. It should take me about six months.... if I'm lucky}.

    I agree with most of the criticisms that were made and I'd honestly like to use them to make the song better ..... but I just don't have the time.

    Anyway thanks again for your input everybody and also to Liontamer for giving me the heads up about the situation. Until next time Seacrest Out!!

    Thanks to Sam for being courteous with the results of the judging. Maybe he'll have a chance to post the mix over at VGMix in the near future so others can enjoy it, as well as possibly revisit it way down the line.

    In the meantime, we haven't officially received Shna's next submission yet, but it'll be on the way to the panel in the near future, so you haven't heard the last of him!

  18. VGF #35 generally covers the goings on from Oct. 3rd to the 9th. You can also check out the playlist at my Ormgas.com forum and leave comments. Buy a copy of the episode from me for $0.

    VG Frequency #35: Red Suckas

    Larry Oji - WMRE (Emory University Student Radio; Atlanta, GA)

    Friday, November 26, 2004 / 2:25 - 4:37 AM EST



    1. Jared Hudson - VG Frequency "JHX Soundtest" Bumper

    2. Jerry Martin - "South Bridge" [simCity 3000 OST]

    3. Darangen - Chrono Trigger "The Depths of Isolation" [Dwelling of Duels: Free Month (September 2004) / VGMix2 #2434]

    4. Beatdrop f/MC Mouse the Mighty - Dance Dance Revolution 4th Mix "Dazed & Destroyed" [VGMix2 #2436 / OC ReMix to-be-posted]

    5. Fatty Acid - Final Fantasy 10-2 "Under a Full Moon" [VGMix2 #2454]

    6. Jerry Martin - "Central Park Sunday" [simCity 3000 OST]

    7. House the Grate - Final Fantasy 4 "Waltz of the Dolls" [Dwelling of Duels: Free Month (September 2004) / VGMix2 #2443]

    8. Roggah - Doom 2 "Demons from Hell" [http://www.roggah.net]

    9. SuperGreenX - "Crowdpleaser" [http://www.supergreenx.com]

    10. Jerry Martin - "New Terrain" [simCity 3000 OST]

    11. zykO - "heavy" [bipolar me]

    12. Shane Barnes - Donkey Kong Country 1 "Gang Plank Metalleon" [VGMix2 #2452]

    13. BrainCells - Ninja Gaiden 2 "Let the Wind Flow" [VGMix2 #2459]

    14. Jerry Martin - "Power Grid" [simCity 3000 OST]

    15. Corran - "Armageddon" [City of the King]

    16. Jerry Martin - "Urban Complex" [simCity 3000 OST]

    17. Akitaka Tohyama f/Kenji Niinuma - "Getsu to Oji" (a.k.a. 'The Moon & The Prince') [Katamari Damacy OSV]

    18. Darangen - Donkey Kong Country 2 "From Within" [VGMix2 #1988 / OC ReMix #1249]

    19. Bladiator - Kirby's Dreamland "Chopinesque Kirby" [VGMix2 #2464 / OC ReMix #1257]

    20. Jerry Martin - "Magic City" [simCity 3000 OST]

    22. Ryan8bit - Marble Madness "Sweep Up the Broken Pieces" [Dwelling of Duels: Free Month (September 2004) / VGMix2 #2187]

    23. Jerry Martin - "Oasis" [simCity 4 OST]

    24. Jerry Martin - "Night Life" [simCity 3000 OST]

    25. Feel - "Nishi He" (a.k.a. 'To the West') [Aka Complete Edition OST: Primitive]

    26. zykO - "the door" [bipolar me]

    27. CarboHydroM - Super Mario Kart "Secret 1000cc Mode" [VGMix2 #2449]

    28. djpretzel - Secret of Mana "Tidal Sequence" [OC ReMix #1250]

    29. Jerry Martin - "Updown Town" [simCity 3000 OST]

  19. VGF #34 generally covers the goings on from Sept. 26th to Oct. 2nd. You can also check out the playlist at my Ormgas.com forum and leave comments. Holler if you'd like a copy.

    VG Frequency #34: Inferiority Complex (She Likes a Turkey)

    Larry Oji - WMRE (Emory University Student Radio; Atlanta, GA)

    Thursday, November 25, 2004 / 11 PM - 1:10 AM EST



    1. Star Salzman - VG Frequency "WMRE Jingle" Bumper

    2. Corran - "The Trials Begin" [City of the King]

    3. virt - "light chase lab" [http://www.hellven.org]

    4. Makke - Crazy Comets "Komet Non-Stop" [R:K:O #1471 / OC ReMix #936]

    5. Jeremy Soule - "Introduction" [secret of Evermore OST]

    6. Daknit, Bard of Tarot & Eric Dude - Resident Evil 2 "Lost Sanctuary" [OC ReMix #431]

    7. zykO - "it's alright" [bipolar me]

    8. The Wingless & Aurora - Super Metroid "Skin" [http://www.thewingless.com]

    9. Jeremy Soule - "Greek Temple II" [secret of Evermore OST]

    10. Red Omen - VG Frequency "Friendly Suggestion" Bumper

    11. xerxes - "eclipsed" [http://www.hellven.org]

    12. Quinn Fox - CastleVania 2 "Modern Problems" [VGMix2 #2383]

    13. Blizihizake - Donkey Kong Country 2 "Set Sail" [VGMix2 #2361 / OC ReMix to-be-posted]

    14. Jeremy Soule - "Pirate Theme" [secret of Evermore OST]

    15. Dev - Dark Cloud 1 "La Saia's Resting Place" [OC ReMix #857]

    16. E-Bison - Chrono Trigger "Time Management" [OC ReMix #998]

    17. Nixdorux - Gargoyle's Quest "Gargoyle on Broadway" [VGMix2 # 2026 / OC ReMix #1248]

    18. Jeremy Soule - "Horace" [secret of Evermore OSV]

    19. Paige calls in and let's everyone know what it's like to date Larry, who's obviously cool because he listens to video game music, yet not as cool as Star Salzman, who actually makes music; Hey, who the hell is she dating anyway?

    20. Unknown - VG Frequency "How Was That?" Bumper

    21. Yuzo Koshiro f/The Shinsei Nihon Symphony Orchestra - "Birth of the People ~ Offering" [symphonic Suite from Actraiser]

    22. Sound Team JDK f/Kentarou Haneda - "Chapter 1: Feena ~ First Step Towards Wars ~ Palace" [symphony Ys]

    23. Jeremy Soule - "Dark Castle" [secret of Evermore OST]

    24. Hideaki Kobayashi - "Tricktrack Part 2" [Phantasy Star Online: Songs of Ragol Odyssey OST]

    25. Mustin f/William Reyes - Super Mario Kart "Racing Rainbow Road" [VGMix2 #2385]

    26. zykO - "lethargic" [bipolar me]

    27. Jeremy Soule - "White Castle Town" [secret of Evermore OST]

    28. SgtRama - VG Frequency "Eat A Bumper" Bumper

    29. Shnabubula - CastleVania: Harmony of Dissonance "Blood Descendant" [VGMix2 #2406]

    30. Reuben Kee - Final Fantasy 8 "Another Successor" [VGMix2 #2405]

    31. Star Salzman - Super Street Fighter 2 "Fei Longer" [VGMix2 #2387]

    32. Jeremy Soule - "Greek Temple" [secret of Evermore OST]

    33. Puffy64 - Zak McKracken & Commando "Zak MCommando Kracken" [R:K:O #631]

    34. Jeremy Soule - "Menu" [secret of Evermore OSV]

  20. http://www.zophar.net/zsnes/spc/dkc1ost.rar - "Simian Segue" (dkc 02 simian segue.spc)

    The beginning's kind of awkward, but the timing gets more comfortable at :10 and you can see where this is going. The pace is deliberately slow, almost plodding, so some people are gonna be turned off by this. Despite how I like the reverb filling the space up, there are some brief points where the mix feels a little too empty (:40-:43, :46-:49, 1:20-1:24). At :38, and especially :48 when you punched it up, the organ used as backup has some odd notes that don't really fit to me.

    Ohhhhh, at 1:35 you retread verbatim. BAH! I literally went "Why?!?" at my screen at 1:58 as you hit the opening melody again. Kind of ironic, since I asked you yesterday "Is it still repetitive?" and you said yeah. So 1:35-2:31 just copies what you had in place before. Some embellishments or added instruments wouldn't have hurt to show at least some development over the course of the track, especially since the tempo is never gonna change in order to stick with the genre here. I did like the trombone slides you were telling me about that you put in from 2:31-2:41, but they would have functioned better if they had been louder. Sweet idea, Chris, but too subtly applied.

    The abrupt cutoff + fade-in technique at 2:56 is very poorly done compared to the old version. The old version didn't have as noticeable a hiccup. Whatever effects you were using to fill out the sound made things louder and affected how jarring the cutoff sounded. It sounds like the file broke. The music also literally cuts out as it winds down at 3:22 (along with some really low cymbal tap at 3:24 for no apparent reason). Gotta clean these little bits up, especially since they negatively affect the finish.

    I don't wanna look as if I'm bagging on this. The groove established is nice and laid back, the bassline is good and the samples here are used pretty well, but I primarily need to see some development occur from 1:35-2:31 with the use of more or different instruments as well as have some of the other minor issues looked at. This'll make a good genre piece here, but this needs some additional arrangement substance to push it over the bar, not just the well-done production refinement that you have here. Sorry, bro.

    NO (revise & resubmit)

  21. So I've got VGF #33 all done. Hope to get up later tonight and do #34. Again, the webstream went down this morning, so these'll all be done sans internet audience. Frankly though, it makes the editing a LOT easier/quicker with no call-ins, so I suppose I can't complain about that.

    For memories sake, here's a copy of the chat transcript when VGF #33 was originally cancelled! And while it's mostly me talking to myself, here's the current chat transcript for today's retro episode.

    This ep clocked in at 2 1/2 hours and 105MB, so enjoy. The playlist is available on the previous page, and at my Ormgas.com forum.

  22. Please keep in mind that all i'm asking for to have this thing accepted is minor tweaks to improve the sound quality. It really wouldn't be too much to ask, and I think if it is passed we should at least ask Ryan if he's willing to debug the thing before postage.

    Get in touch with him and ask him about it.

    EDIT: I sent him an e-mail along with the decisions so far, so we'll see what he says.

  23. On this late night as I chill around Emory for Thanksgiving break, I have the opportunity to do a bunch of the retroactive shows I had planned. To start making up for the 8 weeks I missed, I'll be doing at least one show on on each day for the rest of the week. Whatever I don't get done with now will be done arouind finals time.

    First on the chopping block is VGF #33 sometime Wednesday afternoon, covering activity in the community from September 18th through the 25th. Yeah, it's fucking late. What do I care? I'm on break. And YES, I would start earlier, but the 12-2 AM DJs are coming in. Before you start going, "Bah, September is old shit", let's show you what we got on tap, since it's all ready. It's quality shit:

    1. Rayza f/Liontamer - VG Frequency "Number One Host" Bumper

    2. Yumiko Kanki - "Opening Theme" [F-Zero OST]

    3. The Unsound Method - "I'm Psychic" [http://lobachevsky.homelinux.net/~sriley]

    4. Awesome-A - Apprentice "The Sadness" [AMIGAremix #120]

    5. tefnek - "warm sky" [http://www.tefnek.com]

    6. Yumiko Kanki - "Silence" [F-Zero OST]

    7. zykO - VG Frequency "Keep It Real" Bumper

    8. zykO - "gravity" [bipolar me]

    9. Christian Pacaud & Joecam - "Lost Without" [http://www.soundclick.com/christianpacaud & http://www.joecam.net]

    10. Binster - Gauntlet 3 "Blue Wizard is About to Die" [VGMix2 #1941]

    11. Joshua Morse - Double Dragon 3 "J! Groove" [VGMix2 #2365]

    12. Yumiko Kanki - "Red Canyon" [F-Zero OST]

    13. Darangen - Chrono Trigger "The Fall of Zeal" [VGMix2 #2316]

    14. Sefiros - Final Fantasy 7 "The Planet Weeps" [VGMix2 #2077]

    15. JAXX - "Life of Wind" [http://www.trulyradical.com]

    16. zykO - "aurora" [bipolar me]

    17. Yumiko Kanki - "White Land I" [F-Zero OST]

    18. smh vs. OverCoat - VG Frequency "Major Lesbians" Bumper

    19. Kailem - "Desert of No-Place" [http://tenoranges.zor.org]

    20. Shnabubula - Final Fantasy 9 "JAZZ PIANO" [VGMix2 #2273]

    21. Freemind - "Melancholy 3" [Melancholy]

    22. Kevin Stephens & Patrick Waters - Fire Emblem 1 "Etude for Piano in F# Minor" [OC ReMix to-be-posted]

    23. Yumiko Kanki - "Fire Field" [F-Zero OST]

    24. Blak Omen - VG Frequency "Best In Chinatown" Bumper

    25. Reuben Kee - "A Hero Enters" [immortals: The Heavenly Sage OST]

    26. SuperGreenX w/Aurora - "Deep Breath" [http://www.supergreenx.com & http://home.cc.umanitoba.ca/~umfisico]

    27. Yumiko Kanki - "Port Town" [F-Zero OST]

    28. Junichi Nakatsuru - "Unwavering Resolve" [soul Calibur II OST]

    29. Yasuhisa "Yack" Watanabe - "Doubt" [Metal Black: The First]

    30. Kevin Riepl - "Hyperblast Redux" [unreal Tournament 2004 OSV]

    31. Naoto Ishida - "Big Blue" [F-Zero OST]

    32. OverCoat - VG Frequency "Makes Me Question" Bumper

    33. Joshua Morse & po! - "Bean Love" [evolve]

    34. Awesome A - X-Out "New Highscore" [AMIGAremix #131]

    35. BrainCells - Megaman 1 "CutMetal" [VGMix2 #2245]

    36. Yumiko Kanki - "Mute City" [F-Zero OST]

    37. BrainCells - Super C "Against the Rest" [VGMix2 #2320]

    38. JigginJonT - VG Frequency "Be As One" Bumper

    39. Bladiator - Chrono Trigger "Woman in a Black Dress" [VGMix2 #2343]

    40. SuperGreenX - "Composer" [http://www.supergreenx.com]

    41. Lloyd Banks, Eminem, Nate Dogg & 50 Cent f/DCT - "Warrior, Pt. 2 (Resilience Mix)" [http://www.thebigshot.com]

    42. DCT & GrayLightning - Astyanax "Journey to Remlia" [VGMix2 #1460]

    43. Yumiko Kanki - "Select Time Theme" [F-Zero OST]

    44. Yumiko Kanki - "Zoom" [F-Zero OST]

    45. Yumiko Kanki - "Lost Life" [F-Zero OST]

    So, be there if you can and ruin your sleep schedule. Webstream or no webstream, listeners or no listeners, I owe it to the principle of my show to get these make-up shows complete and released. Hope to see your around for some of them. At least #34-#36 are coming every day throughout the rest of the week followed by #42 on Saturday. Yeah, don't try and think too hard about it...

  24. http://www.snesmusic.org/spcsets/dkq.rsn - "Jib Jig" (dkq-05.spc)

    Nicely done original work to open things up before being followed by the arranged source tune at :47. Well, no need to really go the play-by-play route. The orchestral judges can give you tips on any of the finer points, but both the arrangement and performance are excellent to me, and really do make the most out of your sample weapons of choice. I did feel that you got optimal results with what you had at your disposal. The layering of instruments comes together to create a full sound, and the adventurous, seafaring motif that I felt "Jib Jig" merely alluded to is admirably expanded upon.

    On the nitpick side, this is mastered pretty low; the overall volume level could be higher. I also thought the strings could have had a bit more presence relative to the other instruments. Like from 2:31 to 2:48, the violin lead could have been more prominent, but again it's a nitpick, relatively speaking, and just a subjective comment. There was excellent dynamic contrast via the shifts at 2:48 & 3:02 to escalate things. I think the intensity level from 3:12 to 3:45 could have been even greater in order to really go out strong for the finish, but overall I have no complaints. I certainly hope you'll keep trying out other genres, Blake, to keep exploring new ideas.

    You've got the orchestrated stuff down pretty well, though, and you've come such a long way since I first met you through my show. You kept up the work on this one for quite a few months, really applied the feedback and criticism you got via the WIP forums, and produced these solid results. Every up-and-coming mixer should have that level of commitment and follow-through on at least one project. Yours is a great example of using all of OCR's resources to get the job done. The production is intelligent, the project illustrates what an aspiring mixer is capable of via free samples, and the arrangement intelligently realizes the potential of the source material. All things considered, this is a first mix you can be proud of. Respect.


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