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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. A rejection's not meant to be painful, but sorry for the wait; it always too long, and something we're actively working on. I've moved your particular submission out to Judges Decisions; if/when you resubmit it, all resubmissions do go back on the queue as soon as we see them. I always appreciate any nudges for updating the judging process thread too. I wasn't aware of a Meet the Judges post, but if we have one, I'd be happy to ask current judges to add their thoughts into it.
  2. I had a source breakdown of this just to double-check things and the F'ing computer ate my homework, so I'm mad. Anyway, nice work, this checked out. Boo technology. YES
  3. Really thin synths to open this up; it felt like there was a quality disparity to them compared to the rest of the track; you probably could have cut out the first 14 seconds based off of the intro synths sounding so anemic. I liked the tone of the rock guitars added in at :39, though they had too distant of a sound. The drumwork also felt static, which is odd because I was hearing fills here and there; other judges noted overall repetition there, but the patterns themselves had good energy, so I wasn't as put off by them. Something's off with the textures despite a lot of solid instrumentation. I think the mixing was making my ear focus more on the drumming than the lead instruments at times, including the bawu, and especially the violin at 1:17. Rexy had a lot of great EQ suggestions to help carve out more space for some parts, because they do compete with each other. Very nice dropoff at 1:55 followed by an e-violin-sounding line at 2:08; man, this has such a nice range of sounds to it. It's really disappointing that the mixing's more muddy than it should be, but on the plus side it does give the soundscape more depth; I'd rather have it like this than too dry. This definitely could/should have improved mixing, but I can make out the parts well enough. The percussion and bass stuff, OK, it's repetitive, but it's energetic, and I'm hearing some variations/fills to not just seem completely droning, even though the mixing made me focus on it. At the end of the day, I look at it like this: if Tremendouz said the source files were gone, then I would want this mix as is. The personalized arrangement approach, the dynamic contrast employed in the quiet build and middle dropoff, the varied instrumentation blending organic and synth, the flawed yet still reasonable production, I think Gario's right. With the sum total of this I'm definitely on board. Don't make the perfect the enemy of the good. Let's go! YES
  4. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
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  8. Not my cup of tea, but this is definitely well-made. DragonAvenger nailed it on the need for this to let up at some point, but I'm in her camp where you recognize that but can still look beyond it at the overall arrangement and presentation. No need to be so negative on yourself, Mak. I'm glad you didn't let your own POV on this piece prevent you from submitting it. YES
  9. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  10. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  11. https://makeupandvanityset.bandcamp.com/album/heart-of-batman
  12. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  13. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  14. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  15. I really dug the opening sound and build with the Castlevania 64 focus before the shift into Symphony of the Night. Nice grime underneath the main SotN source melody at 1:25; love the textures. The beat from 1:56-2:10 sounded too treble-heavy, and was crowding out other sounds, but didn't last long. Really enjoying the energy throughout; Andrew just has it clicking all the way through so far with a beefed up sound and lots of additive supporting writing to give the sources a different, more club style. More great grimey sound underneath the piece from 3:21-3:36 coupled with the organ. 3:35-4:40 did rinse and repeat 1:25-2:28 (booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo); the subtle countermelodic stuff going on underneath totally faked me out and made me think it was a slightly different variation at first. The piece was already interpretive enough and structurally varied enough without the copy-pasta, so IMO that doesn't drag it down to a NO, but it was disappointing that some sort of variations weren't employed to keep the closing section from being such a retread. What a horrible night to have a copy-pasta curse... YES
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