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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. There's an audio hiccup at 2:41 with the sax recording that should be smoothed out if possible, but it's not a dealbreaker. Hearing the clacks of the bell keys is an acquired taste; I think they get in the way of the presentation, but they're not annoying so I'll live. Smoove arrangement, featuring Brad with the melt-'em-up sax, and this was very well-executed in a minor key; nice work, and really glad this was submitted! YES
  2. Melodically conservative, sure, but more than personalized enough with the extremely varied instrumentation, ornamentation, and textures. Some of the samples had a noticeably stilted sound, particularly the sustained strings, but, in the big picture, that wasn't enough of a reason to hold this back. Nice work, Rebecca! YES
  3. I really disliked the abruptness of the theme transition at 1:53. Less so at 3:54, but the structure's got a medleyitis feel in places because there's not more effort put in to make the different themes stitch together like a unified idea. Other theme transitions were smoother though, so it's more of a mixed bag where the structure squeaks by. Small thing, but the thunder SFX distorted at 5:08 & 6:31, so it doesn't sound good. Would love to hear a tweak to fix that. Critiques aside, the musicianship was still solid with a straightforward rock arrangement. I felt the piece could have been more dynamic; the energy level's essentially in one gear with a similar level of textural density, but maybe I'm influenced by the tempo being slower and more deliberate, so I'm definitely willing to hear out other points of view. YES
  4. Cool source tune choice. Seeing it's by Hideaki Kobayashi, I immediately heard the Phantasy Star Online vibes from the instrumentation and composition style. I dig the lo-fi approach, and just needed to be sure there was sufficient development of the concept for such a short piece. IMO, you could argue either way on this being underdeveloped or sufficiently developed. I'm not a fan of the core beat here, because the pattern just clacks with the same repeating stuff going on, but you do have that contrasted with the constant subtle textural changes going on by addition and subtraction as well as instrumentation changes. I think what's there squeaks by in terms of development, but we'd need a version where the ending doesn't cut off. YES (borderline/conditional on ending not being cut off)
  5. The pops are definitely an issue, but if there was no re-render available, I wouldn't go conditional on this vote; the minor pops there wouldn't preclude me from passing this as-is, so it's very important to keep that thinking in mind when applying conditional YES votes. If the track simply can't be passed as-in without tweaks, only then should you go conditional. No matter what, we should still try to get a version sans pops, but nothing's holding this back from unqualified approval, IMO. This was a well-structured medley, and I enjoyed both the flow of it and the story behind this special all-women collaboration. Nice work, y'all! YES
  6. I'm having a hard time identifying how all of the source tunes are referenced here. I realize several things are just cameos, but if someone else is more familiar with these FF7 Remake and FF7 themes, I'd appreciate anyone chiming in with some timestamps. Sounds good otherwise, and will await more information. EDIT (2/3/23): OK, I'll do my own! :00-:05, :16.25-:20.5 ("Main Theme of FF7") :38.5-:51 ("Jessie"/"The Look on Her Face") :53.5-1:15 ("A Broken World"), 1:15-1:24.75 ("Return to the Planet"/"A Broken World"), 1:24.75-1:59 ("A Broken World"), 1:59-2:27.75 ("A Broken World" - 2:59) I didn't recognize the "Opening - Bombing Mission" theme cameos, but some keen listeners can go for it. This presents like more of a cinematic cue, and that's just fine with me. Sorry for the wait, Sara, and welcome aboard! YES
  7. The arrangement is conservative but reasonably personalized in its presentation. The instrumentation lacks body/depth/realism, so I would have liked more effects in place to not expose the samples; an arguement could be made that what's here is serviceable, but with a more intimate sound like this, it would have been a stronger product to mitigate those issues, particularly the piano if nothing else. Good adaptation to the new instrumentation, but it's really dancing on my borderline of being passable on production, and I could justify a NO (resubmit) on the piano alone. No strong issues if this passes as is, but I feel this needs one more pass at the production/mixing to give the piano a less mechanical sound and thereby lift up and place the overall piece on more solid ground.
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  9. Props for having a great uncle with great musical taste.
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  14. I don't think that's quite it, but this question's bothered me for years. Save us, @sgx, and confirm what that voice is saying!
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