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Arek the Absolute

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Everything posted by Arek the Absolute

  1. oh actiblizz oh you First Starcraft, now this. Seems to be a trend developing at actiblizz :/
  2. BE's ruined the horde. All of our alliance noobs rerolled BE because horde finally got a pretty class. Before, bg's were owned by horde on Ner'zul like 90% of the time. Now, it is pretty easy to win. Even AB is not hard to win anymore. Good times though for us alliance
  3. Luigi is AWESOME. He is an odd fellow to get used to, but once you do, you can destroy people.
  4. I bet the makers of that game would love to hear a success story like that.
  5. An accomplishment is an accomplishment no matter what anyone else thinks. No reason for you to think less of yourself because it doesn't measure up to the physical gods of ocr. As long as you feel pride in what you did, that is fucking awesome sidenote: after working out today i ate 3 5 dollar footlongs from subway
  6. That REALLY worries me. Any way to fix that?
  7. I went to the gym around 8 am today and i weighed at 149 *this is after breakfast* I was 157 last week Is it too small of a change for me to notice anything?
  8. I seem to have run into a small problem. Weight seems to keep going down at a nice rate, yet my "gut" is still there. I have noticed a change in my arms and chest, but my ab area is still a mini keg with no change. Anyone know why this is and/or a solution to fix that?
  9. ive seen you do way better also that marth was : /
  10. hyrule then you can just chain grab him for easy 3 stock
  11. dude takes this shit way too seriously i dont think he should go calling something rigged when you definitely beat him just ignore him he sounds kinda crazy if he is going to go mm crazy on you i get mm every now and then at tournies but those are out of respect this dude is out ot prove a point that isn't needed to even be proven
  12. The ditto I had against meep at tag last month was fucking awesome. You take your statement back mister.
  13. How is it on the motion sickness level? I got dizzy time to time on mario galaxy so I am kinda worried about this game :/
  14. i make joke u laugh at joke the second step did not happen
  15. I bet it will be an annoying task. Don't worry, winter is coming and I need a few hoodies anyway I will pm you with the info when I talk to the person that originally sent it. Thank you so much!
  16. You really beat me to the punch i was one sec too late
  17. my friend dressed up as batman hank venture style ill get pics up when i can it was hilariously awesome
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