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Posts posted by Maco70

  1. I want to try this, but my xbox just red ringed. (great timing).

    I am as much of a sonic fan as the next guy, but I really have to question the fans at this point. While I would love some more genesis style games, they're not going to happen. I am not at all surprised that this game may not "feel" like older iterations. Hell, even ports of the original games didn't always feel right.

    Is the game fun and worth the cash? If yes, then buy and enjoy. If it doesn't meet the standards of nostalgia goggles, go blow the dust off your genesis and get back to what you really wanted.

  2. I still enjoy the Mega Man Legends games...

    The graphics are slightly choppy, but really the games have aged well. I enjoy them.

    Very, very true. Then again, after the first runthrough of every old game I couldn't ever pick them up again, so it's probably just me.

    I think the genesis main series sonic games aged well. S3&k especially. All the others... eh...

  3. wat


    Bleck is just making the mouth noises again.

    I feel handheld games never age well. Most gameboy games are crap aside from the "classics". Even some of the classics didn't age well. Super Mario land and the original pokemon games don't look and feel so good to me as they once did.

  4. Found this on tumblr. Playing the game again with this perspective is interesting to say the least.

    Gary Oak was the nice guy all along.

    In the original Pokémon Red/Blue, when you encounter your rival in Lavender Town he asks whether or not you know what it’s like to have one of your Pokémon die. At this point in the game, he no longer has his Raticate that he used in previous battles. Your rival battle before this took place aboard the S.S. Anne. Your rival’s Raticate sustained serious injuries from the battle… but, because crowding and confusion on the luxury liner, he was unable to make it to a Pokémon Center in time and the Raticate passed away. The real reason your rival is in Lavender Town to begin with is to lay his deceased friend to rest. Despite all of this, your rival never outwardly tells you that you’re responsible for the death of his Pokémon. He hides his grief and instead channels that energy into the motivation he needed to continue his quest to become Indigo League Champion. The death of his Raticate effectively destroys your rival’s impish, childhood innocence. Although he tells himself that he doesn’t hold you responsible, he subconsciously holds a great deal of resentment towards you which further fuels his ambitions. Tearfully swearing upon his Raticate’s grave to not fail in what he set out to do, he trains hard in hopes of becoming better than you… defeating you… and to eventually make it to the Pokémon League. Mere moments after he became Indigo League champion, he was defeated… by you. Although he fulfilled his promise to his fallen Pokémon, it was only for a painfully brief instant. In the end, your rival is scolded by his grandfather while you receive the professor’s praise. During the course of the game, you steal your rival’s innocence, crush his dreams, and ultimately snatch away the love of his own grandfather. Oh, and by the way, your rival doesn’t have any parents. He’s an orphan.

  5. Anyone heard of this Sega Genesis game called Rocket Knight Adventures? It's pretty cool! The second one, called Sparkster came out on the Genesis and SNES.

    I still have the original cartridge with case and booklet. I played the crap out of it. It took me years to beat it. I will never forget it.

    EDIT: Wow, a thread so old I actually forgot I already posted in it. Where the hell did this one come from?

  6. I just bought pokemon yellow anyone want to trade or battle?


    I wish I could afford SS and a DS, so instead I just bought yellow and a gameboy color for $20.

    On the topic of pokemon mmorpgs, there are several online. I tried one once, it wasn't bad... it is just hard since there were so many people competing for space so early in the campaign. There was a line for the pokemon center.

    The coolest part was being able to start with any pokemon ever.

  7. Dear Bleck;

    Shut the hell up.

    I know you're a big deal and everything, but people are allowed to have different opinions. I look forward to reading your book about how to use so many words to say essentially nothing, but inciting immature and pointless debate is really adding nothing to the thread or the community.

    Thank you for your time.

  8. Then, finally, in the midst of things, Jethro Tull of all people comes out on stage, screams "It's fucking World War III!" and starts blasting away on his flute while the fights and shots continue.

    Ian Anderson?


    This discussion has turned into something ugly. I think we are little above this don't you?

    Favorites arguments, Sega hate or love, nostalgia, and scattered pre-launch information aside we won't know anything solid until the game is released.

    Now I will return to silently watching.

  9. nz21ac.gif

    in the defense, person was using 360 pad to tilt but still....

    This is frustrating as shit to watch.



    But I can't stop watching it.

    You know... the sonic sprite has bothered me since the first footage came out and I think I just realized why.


    If you ever played sonic blast (gamegear) you might know what I am talking about. The angle of sonic is somewhere weird between 2d and 3d.


    Almost like as he is running, you are afraid he will fall off the stage.

    Or maybe I am just crazy.

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