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Posts posted by Maco70

  1. shooters are better on PC so I say the PC version is better.

    I really hope this thread doesn't turn into a war about this.

    I never really liked PC shooters personally. I was happy to find half-life on PS2.


    Kind of wish they'd have brought back the underwater monsters though, those were fun and scary.


  2. I don't really remember much difference between the versions.

    of course it's been, what, six years?

    So I've read, it's worse. Of course nobody has anything further to say, just that it's worse.

    It has a co-op mode that was a PS2 exclusive. I'd love to play it, but that lack of friends thing makes it hard.

  3. I just beat half-life today.

    I played them out of order, so I had beaten 2 and episodes 1 and 2 several months before even finding half-life.

    WTF was up with the last third of the game? It was so good until you went to the alien planet.


    Just share your half-life experiences here, I want to know what other people thought of it.

    EDIT: I wish I had someone to play decay with.

  4. Yeah, it was like a slightly different, extended episode of the show. Nothing really special, save for a few plot devices. It's something that I think only fans of the series will really like.

    I'm a pretty big fan of this show, but I'm hesitant to pay money for something that is by a different writer, director, and producer.

    My buddy is also a hardcore fan, and he said it was sub par at best.

  5. Yeah, the epilogue ruined it. It would have been much better without it.

    No, even with the epilogue it was intriguing. Didn't make much sense... but it still made you think.

    Reading that thread just dumbfounded me. IF that's what this game is actually about, I will pretend that there isn't a story.

  6. This movie looks really cliche. It's good to see more traditional animation but I've never been a big fan of Disney. The last film I liked from them that was made just by them was Lilo and Stich. And my favorite animated film from them is Fantasia. I'm also not too keen on musicals so another strike against them.

    Speaking of which, can I expect to see that come out of the FUCKING DISNEY VAULT any time soon?

    EDIT: I Answered my own question.


    March 2010: New Platinum Edition DVDs and Blu-ray

    details, extras to be announced


  7. Beyond awesome? Get a 360 and play SFIV with the rest of OCR! My n00b blanka is so unpredictable he seems to beat people :o

    I've never played street fighter. I'm not one for fighters either, so I'm hard pressed to pay $60 for a game I probably wouldn't enjoy.

    I bought Sonic's ultimate genesis collection, and Braid. Those will be my video games for the next 4 months or so. Yay for poor college students. =D

  8. If you don't have gold you don't deserve a 360 :tomatoface:

    Luckily for me, my one month is still around for another week. I bought Braid earlier tonight.

    Also... I don't have a 360, yet I have gold. What does that make me?

  9. I remember Sadorf was doing a remix of that a long time ago, but I guess he never submitted it to OCR I thought he had but can't find it. :S

    I know I've seen the finished version somewhere online, I only have wips of it though (I liked the wips better ehe...)

    There are a couple...

    But they lack the frantic energy of the song, and the level it's taken from.

    I almost pissed myself the first time I saw Medusa in that game.

  10. Pre-made achievements are for the casuals, real players made up their own achievements and recorded them on the old VCR that once in a while would "eat" said recorded achievements. :lol:

    I remember I would try to turbo-turd out at least 5 chaos emeralds in 2 acts if I could help it on Sonic 2

    Get all 7 by chemical plat. 'weet.

  11. Time restraints, not laziness. Also, they said several games; which I believe gives them enough material for downloadable content. Sonic 3 and Knuckles, Blue Sphere, Toejam and Earl 1 and 2, Gunstar Heroes, and whatever else I can't quite name.

    Is this something you heard or something you assume?



  12. I'm really disappointed that the latest rendition did not emulate the "lock-on" technology of Sonic & Knuckles.

    I had this pre-ordered, but then decided to just pick it up in store. This new knowledge makes me re-consider.

    But... it does have Vectorman...

    I really wish it had Rocket Knight Adventures. Friggin Konami, re-release the game please. ><;

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