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Posts posted by Maco70

  1. It's just some art stuff for now. I plan on expanding, but nothing really huge. I have not had any time to really tinker with it, and now that I do I'll likely wait until I have dreamweaver available to me again.

    Link in my signature.

    Any personal experience with free hosting?

  2. I was going to post this in H&N, but I figured that if there was a problem it would be moved.

    I currently am using godaddy to host my site. It was required that I used this host for the class I was taking, but I am now seeking a different host.

    Any recommendations?

  3. There are several scholarly papers written about these topics. Interesting stuff, considering Disney has its fingers in so many different outlets.

    Whose interest is really kept in mind?

    oh, by the way...


    Disney really does have its fingers in pretty much every outlet.

    Touchstone Pictures

    Hollywood Pictures

    Miramax Films

    ABC Network

    ESPN (80%)

    Hollywood Records

    US Weekly (50%)

    Just to name a few...

  4. ha haha

    anyway, taking a closer look at the pics, it's pretty obvious that the guy/group that did it only had the vaguest understanding of what happens in a Mass, considering he/she/they left out the most important part entirely

    I'm not sure the controller looks quite delicious enough.

  5. As a Catholic, I'm thoroughly amused. Generally speaking, the only Catholics who go to mass beyond Sundays and holy days are geriatrics.

    According to the Huffington Post, despite the claim that this company is from Boston (which no one seems to be able to locate), the website was registered to Domain Discrete, a Portugese company, on November 3rd. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/11/18/mass-we-pray-game-church_n_362854.html

    While the game is not yet rated by the ESRB, it doesn't even come up on their website. Furthermore, no copyright or trademark information exists about them.

    The logical conclusion is simple: it can't be real.



    Domain Discreet

    ATTN: masswepray.com

    Rua Dr. Brito Camara, n 20, 1

    Funchal, Madeira 9000-039


    Phone: 1-902-7495331

    Email: e2875c1c0a14115200c139b5acb57b4f@domaindiscreet.com

    Domain Name: masswepray.com

    Created on..............: 2009-11-03

    Expires on..............: 2010-11-03

    I see a phone number.



    Not an organization number, rather a number used for tele-fraud? That convinces me.

    And yes, it took that much. I am not surprised by things on the internet these days.

    Domain Discreet is not a company. It's a general anonymous domain name.

    What kind of company would be called Domain Discreet?

    Also, the phone number is a land line in Canada, and the mailing address is in Portugal. There are no signs that this is a location for the business, especially since this same address and phone number are used on literally thousands of registered domains. It's likely to be a random anonymous cover for sites.

    What I described above, and the lack of any specific contact information to a business or an individual makes it clear to me this is fake.

    A very well made fake.

  6. Every place I read up about it says it must be fake... but it's more of a hope.

    Considering some of this Christian games out there, this isn't a far stretch. http://www.guitarpraise.com/




    Domain Discreet

    ATTN: masswepray.com

    Rua Dr. Brito Camara, n 20, 1

    Funchal, Madeira 9000-039


    Phone: 1-902-7495331

    Email: e2875c1c0a14115200c139b5acb57b4f@domaindiscreet.com

    Domain Name: masswepray.com

    Created on..............: 2009-11-03

    Expires on..............: 2010-11-03

    I see a phone number.



    Not an organization number, rather a number used for tele-fraud? That convinces me.

    And yes, it took that much. I am not surprised by things on the internet these days.

  7. You make many good points. But the problem with stating that taking a stand with the industry does not make sense in the long run. The general public who does not understand the medium are right in to a point to be critical of the videogames. Many representations are very unprofessional, and many consumers are rightfully called immature.

    While I would like to believe that the industry is ready for a growth to respect, it is not something which will change for quite some time. The target audience is young, and consuming the same games over and over. The artistic games sell, but there is no comparison in profit. As long as this industry continues to produce the same types of games and they continue to turn profit, there is no need for drastic change.

    I am not saying this is right, it's just what I see.

    Furthermore, this problem is not exclusive to the games industry. All media has seen a degredation in content and expression to make way for profit. It has been art verses business out there for quite a while, and business is winning. Talent and passion are no longer rewarded, there is only the capacity for the mass production of a product for mass consumption of an audience.

  8. Bad times, in case any of you still care, which by this point may be of some serious doubt...

    Craig McCracken, the art director for Dex's Lab, the creator of the Powerpuff Girls and Foster's... has been let go.

    Just... ugh. A mixture of rage, sadness... and a little of hilarity. You know a channel doesn't know what it's doing when it gets rid of one of it's head IDEAMEN.

    Source plz, kthx.

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