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Posts posted by Maco70

  1. Ikaruga kicks my ass and doesn't even call me the next day. They weren't kidding when they said this game was hard.

    Play some Aegis wing, or Raiden Project and it won't seem as hard.

    Said the guy who still hasn't downloaded the full game yet.

  2. Edit: And if it's still free (I don't know if it is) download Aegis Wing it actually was pretty fun

    It is still free. And still awesome.

    I can't really say for other consoles, but the orange box is an excellent value for what you get. I've put many many hours into it, and I am still playing.

    Team Fortress 2 on xbox live alone is worth the price.

    EDIT: Anyone know when Half Life 2: episode 3 is supposed to come out?

  3. I picked up The Orange Box for $30 today, new. It felt good. Now I have yet another reason to ignore the GTAIV-hype

    You guys have to realize it's cheaper being really slow :3

    Joke's on you.

    I paid 30 for it as well.

    Even though it is worth soooo much more.

  4. I own it for 360.

    I can say positively that you should get it for PC if it can handle it.

    I personally prefer console (and a controller for that matter), but 360 users get shit on with updates.

    I doubt we'll ever get the new TF maps, or patches that the game desperately needs. Ever been back stabbed by a spy while in your spawn point? Pisses me off...

  5. I would play TF2 with ya there Maco, but I mistakenly bought i on the PC.

    I say that because everyone cheats on the PC version. Oh and I cant get a ping lower than 400 too.

    I don't know why, but I've always preferred games for console rather than PC.

    Probably something about the controller rather than a keyboard and mouse.

    That being said; I wish TF2 on 360 had the new maps. All anyone ever plays is 2fort. ><;;

  6. There, there Mephi, we can still campaign together. We just gotta believe that Maco will goto his local Gamestop or Funcoland and buy a prepaid gold account.

    Poor college kids can't afford good things.

    And screw matchmaking, I am already going through team fortress withdrawl.

    I think I'll take a cold shower and try to sleep it off.

  7. I have a couple levels I made if anyone is interested in trying them...




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