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Posts posted by Maco70

  1. Both games are awesome and you're weird?

    Bionic Commando is like an oldschool NES game which it mostly is. And Braid basically is something like Ico. More of an experience and a series of puzzle than an action/adventure title.

    I guess the main thing about braid is the price.

    I am mildly interested in the story, but at the same time; I can't quite justify paying that much for it. I do like the concept though, and will likely buy it eventually.

    And Bionic Commando; It just didn't impress me. Looks great, and plays alright; but I just wasn't captivated enough to buy it I guess.

  2. From article:

    On Yahoo answers one poster wrote: "My opinion on this is who cares if the fireworks are real or not! China still put up a great opening show to feed the people appetite," and "i agree with you. so what if it's fake? it's not as if it's hurting anybody..."

    Because Yahoo answers is a very reputable source.

  3. I Hate youtube poop.

    Of all the meaningless dreg to plague the internet, youtube poop is the least entertaining, and the largest waste of space.

    Edit: Seriously, does anyone actually find youtube poop entertaining?

  4. Firstly, if you're going to insult a movie do it properly, the title is Speed Racer, not "Spped." Secondly, there wasn't a huge turnout for Speed Racer, it was a box office flop that lost truckloads of cash.

    And thirdly, Speed Racer was a fucking brilliant film, ffs. Seriously. What would you expect from a film based on a 40-year old anime series famous for being butchered in the dub? Batman Begins? It does what it does perfectly- provide intentionally cheesy, immensely spectacular fun that dazzles the mind and imagination. The colors, people, the colors. It was like eating sugar with your eyes, and even moreso brilliant in IMAX.

    On that same note, I absolutely detest the reaction that the internet has had towards this film-hell, towards film adaptations like this in general.

    The film is being made by the guy who did A Scanner Darkly, you guys. If you remember, that film was good.

    If he approaches Cowboy Bebop in a similar fashion as was done Speed Racer, but with the style of A Scanner Darkly, this could well be one of the best adaptations from animation to live action yet made.

    As for the music, I would fucking love to see the motifs of the series be adapted into an orchestral/jazz hybrid, with a little bit of an electronic beat thrown in there for good measure.

    I'm not ignoring the possibility that the film could be royally screwed up, I'm just saying that y'all need to get your heads out of the sand and stop being so overly critical of something you have nearly no information about. It's arrogant and presumptuous of you. And seriously, learn to enjoy yourselves once in a while at the movies! Films like Speed Racer are golden because they provide a reprieve from more serious and intellectual fare, which I enjoy just as much.

    If there wasn't an Azumanga Daioh and Haruhi Suzumiya for every Serial Experiments Lain and Death Note then I'd fear my face would explode.

    The internet is serious business.

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