Went and saw Silent Hill with a group of friends and prayed that this movie doesn't bomb (especially since I'm a fan of the series).
I found it awesome that the tunes in the game are put in the movie. It made me feel like it was the game I was watching, plus the tunes themselves I thought amped up the atmosphere of some areas. Some tunes on the otherhand...
CG and effects are incredible as always. I praise this movie on making the transition from "Normal" Silent Hill to "Nightmare" SH pefectly (trademark "Siren" included!). Sadly thats the only thing hollywood can do now, Top notch visuals, so I don't grade movies on the over the top CG stuff. (even though that PH scene was nuts).
Storyline, acting, and dialogue were really sub-par. The only person that I really thought did a good job acting was the actress playing Cybil. Still, why couldn't they have just made this movie like SH1 with Harry instead of this Rose character? I really didn't care for the ending or the events that led to the ending. Man, I was really enjoying how it mostly stayed true to the game for the first half of the film (going to main areas you would see in the first game) but then after that the plot and story dragged on and on and you saw less action and anything familiar from the game on out. I would've loved it if they had just followed the first game step by step. Hell, they certianly did a great job with it in the beginning, why not the rest?
I love the Silent Hill games but this movie really made me laugh and roll my eyes on a lot of parts:
*Spoilers about some really odd parts*
The Daughter doing the "Meow meow" thing...my god, I wanted to kill myself right there and now.
If I remember correctly When Cybil and Rose reunite and head to the Hotel.
Rose: People say that this place is haunted....I think I beleive them.
Me: What? After the ENTIRE scene in the alleyway where you almost got gang raped by imps and seeing Pyramid Head at the school NOW you say that!?
When Rose was swinging over the pit; that was a really goofy scene.
When Rose defiles the Church and that burned girl appears, a REALLY out of place organ tune plays. I swear I was half expecting to see the Phantom of the opera then the barewired girl.
I really joked with this one. Once they entered the Hotel Rose sees what looks, to me, like a VERY dull knife on the ground and says, "I'm taking this with me." I whisper to my friends
Me: What? A butter knife?!
Geez Rose, you were better off with the flashlight.
Overall: Yep, It was a video game movie. Don't expect too much from it. Lots of awesome gory visuals, as usual, and has tons of elements from the games but the last half of the movie the story really drags and you tire of it, the overemphasizing Religious cult stuff and the poor acting.
I give it the grade of a "C"...which is pretty good compared to every other Video game movie ever made.