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Super Metal Mario

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Everything posted by Super Metal Mario

  1. Never got to play it only a demo but i do plan on it.
  2. Shining Force was great and i wish i could still play it. The song is great couldnt have been done better.
  3. I love this song the piano is a great part i cant beleive it amazes me.
  4. I agree with RimFrost about the different set of instruments.
  5. Its a great remix Port of Adia is my favorite level in that game and this just sounds great if you listen to it while playing.
  6. The guitar was great and so is the whole song it really got me addicted to it i listen to it everyday.
  7. I never got to play this game but the musics good and i wish i could have had a chance to play it but oh well.
  8. Zombies Ate My Neighbors was a great game i still love it today its got great music to be remixed.
  9. Yes i think this would be a great idea i loved the sonic CD it was great the music is great to.
  10. I liked it i think you should remix the Rythem Emotion theme to it.
  11. I think you need to make more Metal Gear mixes I love the tracks to metal gear as it is but you really bring them to life.
  12. I love the mix i would like to hear more metal gear mixes from you.
  13. I loved it, it was a great remix you should keep remixing mario songs. It's a great mix i love it you should keep this up.
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