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Everything posted by skulkrusha

  1. So what do you normally do? I usually write it in myself, if I really need to. I typically don't write much jazz/syncopation, though. Even then I prefer to use other programs for that sort of thing (Finale does it well, but I do prefer the piano roll to manuscript). SSB: What jordex said, although you can also use automation clips if you like. jordex: Vibrato is fluctuation in pitch, and tremelo is fluctuation in volume. What you want is autopanning. http://www.kvr-vst.com/get/794.html - VST autopanning effect, although you could just link an lfo to any channel's panning to get the same effect.
  2. Swing is a compositional device. Outside of jazz music it's typically called syncopation. In a nutshell, the first 1/8th note of every beat is a bit longer and the second is slightly shorter (if that's not very clear, think of the rhythm you hear most jazz drummers playing, usually on the ride, or just try experimenting with the swing slider on the step sequencer). Yes, you can use swing in the piano roll, but not in the same way as the step sequencer. You can either attempt to write it in yourself (you might need to change the snap settings in order to get the notes to land in the right places), or you can try to quantize the notes (select all/ctrl+a > alt+q, and find a quantizing pattern that works with what you're doing. In my experience, though, it's difficult to find one that works well). Hope that helps.
  3. You've got autoscrolling turned on. In FLS 5, turn off the light on one of the top bars next to the right pointing arrow (autoscrolling) to get rid of it, or turn it off in the options menu.
  4. Ok, now I have a question: I'm trying to control an external device (my microKorg) with MIDI through a UM-1 USB-MIDI cable, but I'm running into problems. I'm having no trouble sending MIDI from the mk to FL, but when I try to send it to the mk with a MIDI Out, nothing happens. I've set the MIDI channel on the mk and in FL the same, the mk's set to recieve clock messages ... Am I missing something? I can give excerpts from the mk's and the UM-1's manuals if need be.
  5. I know zircon's already explained it to you, but for everyone else: http://www.flstudio.com/help/html/playlist_audio.htm It's clearly explained under Fast Creation of Automation Clips how you can get them going quickly. You can also add auto clips in exactly the same manner as any other channel.
  6. Your question isn't very clear ... Do you mean the db meter suddenly shoots up but you don't know why, or something? All I can really think of is that you've got some low or high frequency stuff playing that's outside of the frequency range of your speakers or in the dropoff range of them, so you're not noticing it Or, do you mean the sliders are moving on their own? That would imply there's some sort of automation going on, check under Current project>Automation on the sidebar. If there is any, you can get rid of it by clicking on the events, hitting Ctrl+A and then hitting delete (do that for initial positions as well, if there are any). You might need to make your post a bit clearer, I'm afraid.
  7. jordex: Use. Distortion. More! Seriously, even Fast Dist does what you've been asking for all this time. IMO, the best freebie distortion I've seen is Cyanide 2 at SmartElectronix. If that's really not cutting the mustard, look for other sound mangling things, like bitcrushers and so on. If I remember correctly, Mazedude made that mix by loading strange things into wave editors and soundfont players that weren't meant to be put in, like executable files and such, and using the more interesting sounds he got from them. FL doesn't load things outside its supported formats, though, so if you wanted to do that you'd have to get something else like Goldwave or Audacity which might do it. LordMaestro: Hook a MIDI cable from your computer to the SH-32, set the SH-32 to accept MIDI signals (you'd have to look that up in the thing's manual, though), get a MIDI Out going in FL and set it to the same port and channel the SH-32's receiving on. I think it's explained somewhere in the help file. What do you mean, back into the speakers on your computer? You could just hook the speakers up to the synth. If you wanted to get input back into your computer and route it through FL, you'd have to make sure you've got either an ASIO compatible soundcard or ASIO drivers, then set up a channel on your mixer to accept inputs (eg on ASIO4ALL, you'd go to a mixer channel and change the input on it from "none" to "inp 1-2"). As for your second question, that's not possible in FL. You'd need to bounce the audio from the synth to FL first, and for that you need the Producer edition. Look up "disk recording" in the help file.
  8. They're types of waveform, like the noise you get on some TVs and radios when they aren't picking up any signals. You can get them in most synths, try loading up a 3xOsc and set the oscillator waveforms to noise (the jagged line button before the "?" button).
  9. Actually, this doesn't work on my desktop machine either. But I've sorta stopped caring, so I'm not going to pursue it. I didn't have any real reason to do it other than to verify a statement, which would have proven very little in any case, and I'd much rather waste my time on music than on some trivial thing about the workings of my DAW. It didn't work for me, it allegedly works for some people. I'm going to leave it at that.
  10. Thanks zircon. It still doesn't seem to work for me, but you seem to have a bit more stuff on there than me (whether or not it means anything), so I'm guessing you have a slightly different setup to me (just using a laptop with default soundcard and no external MIDI devices), but anyway, thanks for replying.
  11. I think what you're talking about is automation. DarkeSword's right, there's no way of doing exactly what you said other than using send fx channels, and what you've described there could be done with a low pass filter. There's an entire section to do with automation in the help file. If you want to do what you described before, try experimenting with a Fast LP, you should get results like what you described. edit: btw DarkeSword & Zircon, neither of you responded to my post at the top of the previous page. I'm serious about not being able to get it to work and I'm inclined to believe it's impossible without additional hardware. I'd be interested in getting it to work if it's possible, but it doesn't bother me if it isn't.
  12. There's an entire section in the help file dedicated to CPU usage reduction. What tends to work for me is increasing the latency (settings>system>audio, then increase the buffer length, providing you're using the default directsound drivers), although if it's a problem having too much latency you could try using different drivers (ASIO4ALL works well for me, and I think there's some sort of KX drivers available, but I don't know where).
  13. To be honest, there's a billion reasons why that might be happening. For all we know you could well be exporting with the master volume turned to 0. You'll have to be a bit more specific. Are you using default settings, or have you changed something (audio drivers etc)? What exactly are you trying to export? Does Winamp or whatever refuse to play the file, or is just silent?
  14. explain plz I did, several times. You create MIDI OUTs, configure your ports, sequence notes, you have MIDI. I have the mapper on port 0, main output (microsoft wavetable or whatever) with no port. I will hear GM sound if I set my MIDI outs to port 0. very simple! Doesn't seem to work, could you take a screenshot of your settings or something?
  15. You don't need it if you don't need to hear the output of the MIDI, but otherwise (and if your soundcard doesn't render FL's MIDI Out by itself) you need the Fruity LSD to render the MIDI output to GM or whatever. Slapping one into any mixer channel and setting the port number to the same as the MIDI Out channels gives immediate GM MIDI rendering.
  16. Do you mean looping something you've written on the step sequencer on a pattern with a piano roll score? Click the little LED button on the top left of the step sequencer with the arrow pointing to the left next to it (the Repeat step sequencer button). If you want to extend the step sequencer, look for the small blue box in the top left of the step sequencer (Beats per bar for this pattern) and drag the value according to how long you want the pattern to go for. Otherwise, what Prophet said is probably the only other thing I can think of that you could possibly want.
  17. Yeah, as long as you've got all the right cables and stuff going into your compy and the correct MIDI inputs (ie. if you're using a MIDI input on your soundcard, it'll be your soundcard, or if it's some sort of other thing like a USB-MIDI cable, it'll be the name of that cable) and ports (0 or omni is usually best if you're only using one MIDI device) are selected, FL will accept MIDI signals from your Electribe (it won't know specifically that it's an Electribe, however it will be able to send and recieve messages from it). There's a section on MIDI recording in the help file.
  18. They don't work because they've been purged. This thread is quite old, and those threads linked to on the first page have been deleted since then. It's not so hard to use the Search function on the top right under the OCR banner to look for things around here, btw. If you're looking for a beginner's guide, there's one on the FL Studio website under the "downloads" section.
  19. Yes you can, you link one of it's LFOs to one of the voice's pitches in the modulation matrix. Easy (:
  20. Now, post your problem along with that in the tech support forum on flstudio.com. If they can't help you, nobody can.
  21. I followed your steps exactly and I was fine. I suspect there's a problem with your install of FL, or there's a hardware/software problem somewhere. Try running the FL diagnostic tool if you're a registered user (help>FL Studio Diagnostic Tool).
  22. Yeah, you need some ASIO drivers to do it, though (ASIO4ALL is alright if you don't have a soundcard with ASIO inputs, you can just use your computer's line in or microphone port then). After you've set up FL to use the ASIO drivers, which should be under audio settings in the tools>settings menu, you can then route your inputs into FL's mixer (go to any mixer channel and select "Inp 1 - Inp 2" in the "IN" dropdown box at the bottom of the mixer if you're using ASIO4ALL, although it might be called something different with other ASIO drivers). I'm not sure if you need to have the Producer edition to do this or if it's just disk recording that's disabled, but that's how you do it. Xel, I still haven't been able to figure either of those out ... perhaps it's something you should ask on the FL forums.
  23. There's a link on the FL website for it ... Check the "CollabTalk" forum, I think. If you're logged in you can download the client. From there, you've just got to find someone interesting to talk to, and you're set.
  24. No, but you can always paste the same notes and then just change their pitches, if it's the same rhythm. Out of interest, how many of you are using the Collab beta at the moment? I know some of you are, but I'm still curious.
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