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Everything posted by anosou

  1. I'll be all over that when I get a hold of my computer again!
  2. I Appreciate the feedback! And SiR_NutS, that'll be great. it'll be a special feeling making a song with a part of nuts in it.. Also, I'll take this opportunity to promote my coming gameboyrefill. check the thread out here in the forum and give some feedback on what you want!
  3. Thanks and I will I'll put you on the list
  4. EXTREME UPDATE! Everyone should check everything out!
  5. I'm in anyway hope everyone else is to
  6. Hope there will be many participators in this even though it looks dead I'm in anyway.. I think O.o
  7. It's cool, not everyone has to ;P
  8. Since I live in sweden i can't detect irony.. okay jokes aside. A ReFill is a reason exclusive format that you can save samples, patches and other reason material in. It's used to release new patches (patches are instruments or such) to other users. Click Here for more info Thanks zircon for changing the title!
  9. two already? I love you (removed my remix.. bleh )
  10. And that pattern sequencer can be used for some nitty gritty automation Can't wait.. You know, I live in sweden and I use to mail props alot giving feedback. I asked a possible upgrade price and it will be about 90-100Euro if I'm not mistaken. 1069 Swedish Crowns anyway (then it was my birthday and they friggin' sent me a 1GB USB memory with their logo ;P another story) I love props!
  11. No problem, I love ReFills I'll keep on updating it when I find more or when other people do
  12. updated first post with your links and reasonbanks
  13. The Free ReFill Listing - Just download, tweak and make music! Feel free to post links to YOUR favorite (or home made) ReFills and I'll add them here. Combinator HQ - Home of Lizard's mighty refills and many others. This is an amazing place, c64 refills, junk refills (as in a guy beating junk with sticks), a GREAT drum refill and many great synthrefills. I recommend the "Rackmounted Toybox" Refill. ALWAYS worth your time. Reasonfreaks - Offers the ever so expansive 1001 Malström and 1001 Subtractor refills. Stompp - Lots of pads, many ambient refills. Down for rebuild, check for update. Reasonbanks - Analogue Monsters Lite and more. Well worth your time. Sir_NutS Refill - ReFill made by our loveable ocremixer Sir_NutS. Direct any questions or feedback regarding it directly to him Malcos - The ocremixer/judge Malcos incredible Mouth ReFill! Line6 Free ReFill Campaign - Loads of useful "lite"-versions of expensive refills. Have to register. Marco Raaphorst - Lots of free Refills by a dude who did some of the presets for Reason's factory soundbank. (He's also involved in Reasonbanks) Doru Malaia - Offers many samples and pads in ReFill packs, LOADS of percussion. Industrial REX Loops - can be found here for free. Propellerheads - The Propellerheads free section offers a LOT of nice ReFills Peff.com - offers a whole heep of useful refills, he's also the author of PowerTools for Reason. Siamey's Site - is a goldmine for club-oriented refills and other goodies. Check it out! NEW ENTRY Dannybeatz - offers some interesting and interactive refills. doctechnical - offers a good piano refill and some more. EditEd4TV's Refills. - Drummer Boy is really nice for you vintage geeks. Electrip Studios - offers some refils, although hosted on rapidshare so get it while it's possible. (can be down from time to time) Golstein - offers demos and free Refills. Kreative Sounds - BASStard Refill LITE if you can't get it via Line6. Audio-infos and Linkpage - offer some downloadable Refills and even more if you join them ;P Louki's Malström FX - is a free Refill with Malström FX... duh.. MacAudioGuy's - brilliant drummachine refill Maustaste Refills - Site in german. Microlab - ReFills. MonsterPoly the ReFill! - Classic Korg synth! Noizeloops - for free in RX2 format. (Fanciest site ever!) Pureshift - offers a small combinator refill Quantize Music - offers some good ones, also home of the fanciest reason folder icons for mac os x! ReasonStation's Refill archive. - User made. Analogue Drums - can be found here.
  14. Yeah, it's not like it's important to me but it was a nice laugh.. I really hope people can ReMix a tune even though it's 6 seconds of melody and mainly bad percussion (I've already done half a mix for fun just to prove you can). Prove you're a great remixer! I mean come on, creativity people!
  15. Haha, Rexy "Posted by Another Landscape"? XD Is my name that bad!? XD
  16. Sad.. Care to explain why?
  17. This oughta be wonderful, good luck everyone Aim to please
  18. Since I don't own a NES and can't get out separate sounds from it I'll stay at Gameboy But I'll keep you posted
  19. Heya, UPDATE: Uploading a teaser refill to make you happier. I can tell you I'm not working on this at all atm but I will, promise. For teaser refill, check below UPDATE: Goin' slow because of school and projects. Thanks for hangin' in there though! UPDATE: I'm looking for patchmakers (mainly combinator patches that really uses the original sound in a new way) for this ReFill. Everyone that's interested in making one or more patches for this (right now) OCR Exclusive ReFill PM me with some info and what you want to do and I'll hook you up with some samples as the project develops. The first samples that's going to be finished is the drums so I would appreciate if someone was interested in that. Thank You! Current contributors: Malcos, V___, avaris I recently hooked up my GameBoy Classic to my comp to sample some beats and now I'm thinking, heck I should do a refill of that. Would anyone here be interested? Just answer this thread and I'll hook you up when I'm done. Please mention some stuff you'd like to see in the Refill in this thread, like many different drum sounds, a lot of white noise, many different pulsemodulations and such.. I thinking of releasing it for ocremixers only , that's how much I love you Please give me all the feedback you can, PM, in the thread or e-mail me at anothersoundscape@gmail.com with any suggestions or feedback! Thank You! Here's an mp3 teaser of some early sampling, this is only one notes that I've pitched, Going to sample each and every note later on: http://anothersoundscape.googlepages.com/Teaser.mp3 TEASER REFILL: Here's a refill with my first sampling attempt (I'm using all new "better" sampled sounds in the real deal). It contains three drumkits (707, 808 and 909) all with bassdrum, snare and closed/open hi-hat only. Three raw sounds from the pulse channel of the gameboy, no multi-sampling just one sample and pitching. Three "blips" from the same three sounds, also pitched. A "sinewave" created in the gameboy wave channel. And some other goodies. THE REFILL: http://soundscape.escariot.net/GayBoy.rfl (760kb, Save As) Cheers!
  20. Mwahahaha this oughta be fun Let's see what you can do with something different, eh?
  21. Iiihk Thank you. I'll Pm you the next sourcetune any minute now
  22. Yaaay! Thanks Rexy Funny.. being 18 still sucks as hard as being 17 XD
  23. Oh yessums it's about to end! XD Damn my wicked timezone... I have to go to bed.
  24. Well okay, you decide and you may have a point too..
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