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Everything posted by anosou

  1. Yeah, this would be nice to know for people who will not agree to the new policy (if any)
  2. Naah, don't think so either but it would always be a possibility with like , a change of staff or someone behaving badly and pissing off the staff.
  3. Good, then I'm pretty happy. If they don't missuse the ability to remove any remix. Like some mix was great before but now doesn't cut it, that's wrong. Or if someone with the power to remove remixes has a grudge against someone and removes it therefor. Bad idea.
  4. That's actually good enough for me. I have another question. I'm not really good enough at english to understand if there's something about this in the policy draft. Can I, as an artist and the submitter, release my remixes that I released here on other locations under maybe the CreativeCommons License or can I release any of them on a compilation for commercial use? Can I do it if I remaster or do something to the remix that makes it unique from the version posted here? It's still my re-arrangement. oh, but I guess I would need permission from the original composer to release it commercially though.. am I right(amIevil)?
  5. Does this mean anyone can use the remix in anything non-profit and not even mention the remixer? I think that is a bit un-cool That's how I understood it, but English is my second language It seems like the "credit is defined as clear attribution of the work(s) in question to OverClocked ReMix" means that the attribution is only the site.. I think they should mention the remixer and the homepage at least.
  6. I've PMed you, Larry with a wip! Go get it tiger!
  7. Yeah Ehrgeiz sequels for all! Seriously though, S-E is doing to much at a time, they should concentrate on some major game.. something good.. something like.. Einhänder II! Edit: They can only make Einhänder II if they have Kenichiro Fukui as the composer.
  8. oh yeah Gecko, gotta talk to him sometime ^^
  9. Yeah I saw that.. If I can get my hands on some maybe we could say hi or something? I don't know many swedish ocremix freaks
  10. Me too, just have to get those friggin' tickets.. are you going on the first or the second?
  11. I visited play when Arnie Roth and friends visited Stockholm, Sweden. It was pretty darn great. Don't miss this. I even saw Nobuo Uematsu and Chris Hülsbeck in the crowd ^^
  12. *doing the "go BGC" dance*
  13. so yeah, hi fellow Follin-lovers
  14. Dr. Rod, thanks for enlightening others. Why don't you put together something like your two posts and ask someone to sticky it? It would be a nice visual complement to zircon's guide.
  15. Everyone seems eager and I must be honest, I'm not working on this at all atm. But do not loose hope, I uploaded a teaser refill with some early early sampling that you can toy around with! Just say it was my refill if anyone asks Get it at the first page! You're welcome!
  16. Radical! 10charlimit
  17. That's a great idea, I was thinking of doing that with Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner and Jade Cocoon sometime.. anyway, I think you should try these OSTs: Stella Deus - Great 40 song soundtrack with loads of RPG gems. Donkey Kong 64 - Short (15 full tracks I believe) but great, easily remixed Yoshi's Island - Unforgettable ~25 tracker. Really fun. Good luck with this proph!
  18. Let The Battle Begin!
  19. Word! ...?
  20. Bwaaahahahahahaha XD
  21. Probably the best thing that has ever happened to me. I'm so glad someone understands the progressive avant-gard style of music! And yeah. Word.
  22. I must say I love SGX for doing this. The source tune is one of the most wonderful little melodies I've ever heard, thanks for giving it the love that it deserves. Wonderful remix.
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