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Everything posted by anosou

  2. I wanna write in the blog, 'OCR in the eyes of a newbie' XD btw, I really like composer spotlight made me happy
  3. Done: http://soundscape.escariot.net/Sir_Nuts-DeefNutSyGroove.rns Now I just have to reinstall Reason 3 to actually listen to this EDIT: Your track looks über hot in Reason 4's new sequencer. Sorry I couldn't resist.
  5. You've got it all you should do some phat Malcos-refill with all your essentials
  6. Wait wut? Shaddup you Aussie! (means thanks) and btw, where's my CD? >.<
  7. Happy Yesterday man! My gift to you this year is trimming my beard (only to grow it out again ofc) and letting my current submission be a good one with high quality Seriously though, happy 20
  8. You can make your own multiband compressor! COMBINATOR BABEH!
  9. Man.. I got to beta test Reason 4 and I have work so we'll see how this works out O.o
  10. so is anyone actually participating in this? I'm trying to fiddle around with malcos song but it's pretty darn hard.
  11. and remember kids, sign up for beta-testing!
  12. Yeah I did too and I live in sweden so if I won't get beta-testing I will throw bricks through their window, I know where they work but still BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED, CAN'T STOP DANCING!
  13. if you missed it. http://www.propellerheads.se , click the black banner below the upper frame. Enjoy. New sequencer, Thor, Groove, Arpeggiator, New modulation capabilities.. I'm in love and for just 129$ in 4 months ;P
  14. Bwaaahahahaha XD, I just realized that existed! It was worth a bump, sorry
  15. I feel so cool right now *pose* Good luck all of you
  16. Just got home after a gig in denmark, 46 hours without sleep so pardon any bad english 1. I didn't really get how you meant this. 2 weeks and 2 files at a time? I think that could be nice so you can work fast and do both or just concentrate on one. I hope I understood that correctly. Remember the voting process will be long so if we're doing one song at a time I'm voting 1 week. 2. RNS. RPS is for people that think to highly of themselves and doesn't want to share. 3. I think leave it up to the subber. But I do hope most of the subbers encourage the complete mess I know we all want to do
  17. Peff is seriously good yeah Sir_NutS Refill is great, so I think it's cool to use it. I actually don't think we should use outside samples. so no size limit. The samples in reason are VERY easy to tweak to perfection. Did we decide about Electromechanical? I love that refill
  18. That's not even possible is it? Sadly if you can't FIND a midi you have to do it by ear. life's hard.
  19. I think that should be doable, right malcos? now lemme get one thing straight. you can tweak the synths however you want right? and only the factory soundbank SAMPLES ? so not factory soundbank presets only I hope
  20. electromechanical, hell yeah. best refill ever made
  21. seriously let's do this! (after the weekend because I'm away then XD)
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