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Everything posted by Usa

  1. Oh yeah, I might add that I'm not yet content with the violin playing, consider it a crude WIP Yes, and I have the feeling some of the chords at the very end aren't quite fitting... Anyone can help out on this? I already tried out a lot of combinations so some help would really speed this up
  2. Very well done, Monobrow! I really enjoy your WIP, especially the spaciousness of the sound! Keep it up And, for mine, I just upped the first WIP of the second part, and oh yeah, got a chord wrong in the first one, this is fixed now, as well...Enjoy!
  3. OOH! CLEVER JOKE ABOUT THE UNITED STATES AND FRANCE! Anyways, Nice work. Yeah, it'd be pretty funny, but Usa doesn't = USA. Right, right! *applaudes Kyle* It's from Japan, not from the USA - a short form of the word "usagi", meaning "rabbit".
  4. *lol* Thanks for the fast feedback! I'm kinda having some kind of creative frenzy right now. I'm almost done with the next part already, it will continue the guitar strums in the background, and a solo violin takes over the next part. Without expression in the violin play, I could already post it here, but I don't feel like it, it sounds soooo mechanical *lol* but the most important thing: I got hold of my ideas and put them into the sequencer And that's what counts! I can always refine it later...
  5. Oooohhhhkay, it seems I am the first to post a WIP, so have fun! (Yes, this time it's for real, no joke!) Comments are always welcome
  6. OK, as I already said, I'll take Dynablade Area 1 [Floria] - I won't be able to start on this before the next 4-5 weeks, though. I hope that's not a problem. Oh yeah, and if anyone needs a piano track for his/her mix, I offer my help here, as well (but I can only do it after I am back, so please bear with me)
  7. Whoa... I've never seen a quintuple collab before. A rockin' shredfest with a few rhymes thrown in for good measure (courtesy of KFC). Yup, that track is gonna be nuts. Gonna be nuts? I think it might be nuts if SirNuts would also participate here And while we're at it, I could play the piano on it, as well
  8. Oh, my! The project has reached official site project status! Yay!!! *jumps around and throws colored paper squares everywhere* Seriously, it's been a great time watching this project grow from Kyle trying to get some people together to today's state. It's a real success story ^-^ I'm sorry I didn't do anything on my contribution for some time, but I will depart for Germany very soon (in about a week) and thus, will only be able to continue working when I'm back again (that is in about four weeks). I hope I get the time to finish a second song, as well (I don't really want to do a rushed quickie, I prefer something more elaborated) But even though I don't change anything about the Iselia song I am working on, there's a big chance that I will release a long anticipated new track on VGMix pretty soon so stay tuned
  9. *lol* Is it just me or are all those MIDI files running on hyper speed?
  10. If you played it to the water spirit you should have heard all three songs I was talking about. I am right now on my way to the Tower of Mana.
  11. Hey! Sorry for the long time it took me to post here, but I got a lot of work to do in the recent days so I wasn't able to spend much time on the project. I am preparing for going to Germany soon because I planned to use my free time from studying to go there and play with the orchestra. It will be July 15. until August 09. During this time I will not be able to do anything for the project, but after that I think there's enough time for me to finish things For the second song: It's the same as for many other people here. I haven't made my mind up on what song I should choose as a second one. I also want the first one finished before I start with the second one. At the moment I'm not sure whether one of those three songs I should do: Harmonious Moment (ToP) Rovers (ToS) Desert Flower (ToS) Search A Seal ~ Sylvarant (ToS) Oh yeah, and Silas already started on his contribution, as well. It will be a drum 'n' bassy track with heavy electric guitar I'm really looking forward to it, so is he.
  12. I kinda like Genis' voice. It's a lot like Tails' one from Sonic Adventure Well, I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... *hides underneath a desk*
  13. Oof...I'm not completely through the game yet, so I can't do that for you. At least not right now. I'm playing it with a friend on a more regular basis now so we might finish it soon. But I can say, the voice acting is pretty nice.
  14. Here is a recorded version I did for you all But I have to admit, I like the PSX version more, for its clarity and the nice addition part. But I have to agree that most of the in-game musics are pretty unbalanced in comparison to the SNES OST's. Should I record something for you?
  15. *LOL* You must be a desian to treat us this way!
  16. In fact, this is intentional, because this sudden change is there to reflect the suddenly and surprisingly changing mood when the party hears the explosion at the house to the southeast of Iselia. The part after that is there to reflect the mood of the banishment. I will extend this self-composed part, too.
  17. Yeah, pretty nice additions. I also think that the harp is a bit too loud, but this is a minor issue which can be resolved pretty fast. I'm really looking forward what will become of this mix
  18. Yeah, NutS rocks! *eats macadamia ice cream* Thanks for your comments, Rexy, but keep in mind that this is still a baby WIP compared to the finished product. I'm still in the stage of composing, and the playing-it-again-in-a-much-better-and-much-more-emotional-way, and mixdown/mastering which also includes effects (and yeah, my keyboard has very good professional built-in effects, it can even process external sources with its effects) will be after that, so don't expect a refined mixdown or fluent playing by now. That's also the reason why I normally don't hand out WIPs, except release candidate ones or medleys where some parts are near-finished. But it's cool you like the ideas of the short segments of the product I sent here Oh yeah, and to all others out there, here is the new WIP 4 for you! Grab it while it's still hot *lol* As you hear in this short teaser clip, this time own composition will not come too short. In fact, I plan on incorporating the different moods the party in ToS went through in Iselia. And remember, it's just a baby WIP after all
  19. If you can tell me all the notes that are in this chord, I can ^-^
  20. Nope, our project is Grade AAAA! ...at least!
  21. *lol* Or we make it a five-way collab and I add some piano
  22. I don't think that someone will just step up to you and claim your song. Don't worry too much about it. Having it already claimed by yourself holds off the people To sequence it? Cubase VST. To record it? SoundEffects. To encode it? LAME.
  23. You mean, we have to know which second track we want to remix by that time already? I thought I could take some time to think a bit more about it... And btw. a third WIP is out now. I know, it is a bit clipped, but hey, it's a WIP after all, meaning that this passage of the final version will not be clipped
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