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Everything posted by Brushfire

  1. I am the one who usually handles night problem on my days off. that being said, it is only for three of the seven days of the week.
  2. Sure, I will take pics for you tomorrow when I get home from work.
  3. Cause our fancy pants host cant wait the 5 goddamn days that it is till payday.
  4. I think we have found a suitable replacement for "It's not okay, it's OCAD" Also 600th Post!! We are moving up in the world!!
  5. If you plan on some Rock Bands or somethins, lemme know. Sadly I don't have Bad Company 2. I am down for helping you celebrate your birthday man.
  6. Who makes fun of people on OCR. I know of exactly 0 people who would make fun of their fellow OCR members.
  7. It will never happen, Larry Oji is on our side. We (He) will never let it happen. In more better news, OCAD will have Bonus Content coming to an Itunes feed near you!! We will call it OCAD: Bonus-Kun Super Fun GO!
  8. Please dont post joke references that everyone already gets in the thread. Thanks. "The next day I woke up in my bedroom. It was snowing and raining again. I opened the door of my coffin and drank some blood from a bottle I had. My coffin was black ebony and inside it was hot pink velvet with black lace on the ends."
  9. So I gotta say, this episode of OCAD is shaping up to be one of the best we have ever had. For serial this time.
  10. We record episode 21 tonight. Guest is Fishy and Protodome. Looks like this is the end for me, as Proto has forecast my doom.
  11. GET OUT OF MY DREAMS!! AND IN TO MY CAR!! This is seriously the best thing ever. We gotta work this into a panel for OCAD at some point.
  12. We try to release episodes on Tuesday or Wednesdays, but the last few weeks have been hectic on our hosts, more specifically Steve. He is becoming a home owner soon and it cuts into editing time. We record on Saturdays though, so we churn em out pretty quick considering.
  13. Engineer Update will be a three month long Stalemate. Cause everyone will be turt' lin'. Cept Aeronaut, cause he will be busy fungineering.
  14. OCAD is getting a new theme song, and lemme tell ya, it is the sexiest thing since sex with ANOTHER SOUNDSCAPE.
  15. Hey Binjovi, make an OCAD themed "Support OCR Sig" Have it say something like "OCAD Will be renewed for 80 more seasons, Unless you support OCR!!" In related topic discussion, a Benji will soon line the pockets of OCR. You guys rule.
  16. Level 75 Gropemaster/35 Titphysist based outta Windurst. Two Masters degrees from the Larry Oji School of Anime Breasts. Voted All-American Vinyl Grabber 3 years in a row in High School. Voted Most Likely to Hold a Fake Plastic set of Magumbos Senior Year 2004. Class S Lisence that allows me to operate Non-Real Cha-Cha's of any size, in any country.
  17. I am writing the Panels Submission form for Otakon, and I tasked Deven to finally pull his weight and write the reason why OCAD should be accepted as a panel. Here is what we got: epicenter713: The OC Remix site was formed as a front to elect a North Korean to the rank of President of the United States. Through the use of music and prohibited discussion materials, OCAD has usurped their leader and formed the foremost revolutionary front on the Internet. We are now the ultimate source of music and irreverent discussion accessible to the free world, and potentially, the sole reason for the prevention of World War 6. I sent it back for a rewrite. *Here is his rewrite: Overclocked After Dark is a popular extension of the Overclocked Remix Community. In addition to giving a voice to new and unique composers, OCAD provides community news and contemporary information to the Internet via its weekly Podcast. It has been OCAD's aim, from its very inception, to break the mold of the standard podcast, to provide an unconventional form of expression for netizens everywhere.
  18. In all seriousness though, the Aversa's albums are really good, so if you haven't already, you should definetly buy them. They are well worth the purchase.
  19. Truer words have never been spoken. We need to hang out more.
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