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Everything posted by Brushfire

  1. Looks like the RSS Feed is updated right, so that means you should be able to get the new episode of OCAD on iTunes.
  2. Wow, the Cowboys got stomped hardcore. Time to switch my favorite team. GO COLTS!!
  3. Holy Crap!! I beat The Coop to it for once!!
  4. We will be trying this whole not screwing up a recording thing that I have been hearing so much about again in about 20 minutes.
  5. So it seems anything MAGfest related gets blown to smitheroons by Murphy's Law. We will make do with what we got, and do it live!!
  6. I was more depressed by the anti-American statement the movie had about it. Sure it was supposed to be anti-military/war, but the tactics employed by the military in Avatar seemed more to reflect current American policy and whatnot. Also I was really baffled by how many scenes were devoted to the Na'vi just sitting around screaming in a general direction. Good movie though.
  7. Isn't that Zool coming outta her hair?
  8. So are we gonna do this over Skype or IRC or what, as this could be awesome. Also, would anyone like to do Sports Commentary night on Friday with me over on RED?
  9. Can Brushfire have one of these too? Maybe a whole OCAD themed one. There may be monies in it for you ^__^
  10. What aboot Brushfire. He likes stuff!!
  11. Please congratulate our OCAD host, Level99, on getting posted like a boss!! Magfestacular pics to follow.
  12. So Sporknight, Orwell, and Me moshing to Brentalfloss's Mario Rev?
  13. RAR!!

    10 Characters!!

  14. So TMFTBAHAT went extremely well. Three folks walked away winners (Newt, winning himself an autographed Chun-Li Statuette. Cerrax and Cyrilthewolf who won The ShaggyFreaks Album, a Clan OCR flag, and a comic. Ashamee won a signed copy of FFIV: EoBLoR) Thank you to the huge number of folks that came out and made this one of the least buggy podcasts yet. Video to come too! EDIT: We now have a webcomic, for some reason.
  15. We has a Magcast tomorrow at 6 - 8 in the Vendor room here at MAGfest. Also we have updated the iTunes feed to include Episode 7 Part 2. Because we totally forgot too.
  16. I guess a metric assload of us OCR types are going to go to the Dave and Busters near my house for one final hurrah, until next year. All are welcome to attend.
  17. Me, AeroZ, Bahamut, Garian, DarkCecil13, Newt, Halt, and Troy all just go back for Avatar. It was a truly rad experience.
  18. If you can make it to Fort Meade, you can join my merry bunch. I will be heading back to my house most everyday.
  19. Good on ya Mate!! May the blessing of Akatosh fall upon you.
  20. It may have began terrible, stayed on for far too long, and have a botched recording, but I think this is our best Fail-pisode ever.
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