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Everything posted by Brushfire

  1. What if Nintendo makes the greatest mistake of all? SLIPPY AS A PLAYABLE CHARACTER.... That would be far worse than having Krystal as a playable character. I agree with that other guy. Brawl needs more tits.
  2. As soon as I get it shot again will show the sexiest DDR routine ever. You have been warned BF.
  3. I want Ace Combat 6 but the BX usually doesn't get good games until 3 months later. Now if it were a "That's So Raven: Quest for More Attitude" game then they would be there opening day.
  4. Ah Snap. That be flyin high off the homey beef dawg!!
  5. What the Cha? That is zanier than any light gun game we got in Japan.
  6. If it's J-pop you want than I recomend FRUiTS CLiPPER by Capsule. Awesome super happy electro-disco.
  7. But then you gotta take into account the totally "Thorg Life" Knuckles rap songs. It still haunts my nightmares. They completely cancel out the happy stuff.
  8. You need some Aquabats dude. With songs like Look at Me!!(I'm a Winner!!), High Five City, and The Ballad of Mr. Bonkers, you really can't get any happier.
  9. I got one for ya'll. High Five City by the Aquabats. It is my new theme song. It has got to be the happiest song ever.
  10. I'm glad they brought the long forgotten art of bullet time to Brawl. I gotta give the props for yet another nugget of nostalgia.
  11. That video doesn't make any sense. Bowser likes princesses, not bananas. Unless.... That's just gross!!
  12. I agree with Linkspast. As DJP put it in the review for Snappleman's Malicious Fingers, Guitar Hero players will curse his name for coming up with such hot licks.
  13. I know, I know. I'm offa work tomorrow and I should be in the OCR chat tomorrow.
  14. Negative, kind sir. I am stationed in Misawa. It's cold up here....
  15. I gotta say Big Z, I would totally buy "Zircon Presents: Unlimitia: The Never Ending Land" out soon for the PC and Xbox 360. Rated M for Mature. But seriously, that game sounds kick ass.
  16. My bad, I should get my eyes checked. I am in the Air Force. It sucks pretty bad right now cause some of the things you can get on 360 Marketplace, I can't download because of my Japanese IP address. To make it worse the 360 has the "Connect to American Servers" burned right in there so I can't access the Japanese downloadble content.
  17. I agree Kanthos. I bought that Game of the Year Edition for Oblivion and was at level 20 when I completed the Shivering Isles quest. The last boss fight was a joke. I hit him twice with the Supirior Dawnfang and he died. Talk about a let down. On a side note the difficulty was set to normal.
  18. I was gonna buy Eternal Sonata (known here in Japan as Truly Bell O__O) when I got paid. The day before I got paid there was about 20 copies at the BX. The next morning they were ALL gone. It was indeed a sad day for me. So I haven't heard anything about this Mass Effect game until about 3 days ago. Information doesn't make it out here very well. >___<
  19. I'll keep my sensible 10 pads, thank you. But in all seriousness, really just depends on your taste when it comes to it. Personally I think DDR has a better selection of Pop music than PIU, but PIU has better dance opportunities. To each his own tho, eh?
  20. I dunno about Discovery there JJT. It may be cause I've watched Interstella 5555 but a couple of the songs are a bit of a downer. Nightvision and that one that I can't remeber the name to that is the second track from the end were both kinda downers. On the other hand One More Time, Digital Love, Superheroes, and Too Long were all really uplifting. Something Between Us was bit in the middle ground if you put it in the context of the movie though.
  21. I'm still holding my breath for "Fiddle Hero." But in all seriousness Guitar Hero III looks like it could be good filler until Rock Band comes out. Don't get me wrong, I still like Guitar Hero but I neeeeeeeed those drums. I am much better at that then Guitar. I think it's cause my pinky finger isn't as flexible as it should be. Plus I am lazy.
  22. I get this funny feeling that if we are indeed able to draw stages, everyone who is under the age of 10 (both phsically and mentally) will draw male genitalia as a stage then snicker about it on Youtube. Come to think of it that is pretty funny.... Also there is a guy I work with who has never seen Spaceballs. That has got to be some kind of sacrelige.
  23. My point exactly. That song by Limozeen called "Feed the Childrens" is a perfect example.
  24. I need to get in on this racket too. Where do I sign up? I got like 5 online achievements left to go. Help this poor soul please...
  25. That doesn't count as a song. People who try to use "la la's, na na's, or doot do's" as legit lyrics aren't cool. Houki Boshi by Yui is pretty happy too.
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