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Everything posted by Brushfire

  1. Technically the word Playstation is all one word. So the abbreviation should be PP
  2. Why dont you like this place no more. You are obligated to like this place till you pay me the money you owe me. Also we could prolly do one of those for MAGfest.
  3. Dr. Mrs The B does it again. Good show!!
  4. The game has awful controls and a story that is pretty lame. Sounds like a normal Japanese game to me.
  5. Updated the RSS feed too. Also to Halt, I dont think the Zune Marketplace will pickup the podcast, as they haven't gotten back to me in two weeks.
  6. Episode 35. If this disorganization keeps up, I am gonna take my thread back.
  7. That was for the leadership role of Team 2.
  8. No, even if high blood pressure rears it head, will never let my team down.
  9. I would've showed up except I have to goto work in like 5 minutes.
  10. I'll come back when my blood pressure drops. I may play a little this weekend, but I have several 360 games to catch up on, and several comic books and american/japanese cartoons to catch up on.
  11. It will never happen. Cause Valve hates me. And me personally.
  12. Not to step on your toes, but this belongs in Off Topic. Funny vid though, even though it has nothing to do with Inception outside of the music.
  13. It's that sexy man's birthday? Baldness is so virile these days.
  14. What trend might that be. We are just trying to be more organized, so that when DJP finally shuts us down, we at least will have a good case with the Attorney General.
  15. Wait, so we are gonna close the only sucessful thread I have ever had, and before it hits 50000 views? YOU FIEND!!
  16. As cool as that sounds, you still can't deny how stupid Broccoli-mon is.
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