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chumble spuzz

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Everything posted by chumble spuzz

  1. I did post a running anim somewhere back there. I'll just post it here again. Oh wow, it's huge. :\ Still have to fix this one so it's on-model.
  2. Ohh...so she would be strumming while running and jumping and everything. That makes more sense. Still, though, it's a bit labor-intensive to add that to every animation, whereas applying the traditional glowing energy suction over the top would be much more easily managed. And yes, cutting a few frames from the appearing/disappearing would be good. I would suggest no more than 4 frames each. We don't want it to be too slow--but let the penalty balance the bonus.
  3. Coop: That looks pretty sweet, but...it takes forever to execute. I was thinking more along the lines of charging-up traditional-MMX-style (glowing beads sucked inwards from thin air), then unleashing a triumphant strum of death in a flash of sweet-ass light (exaggeration). Quickie example: ...that way we don't have to watch a (nicely animated) cutscene every time we shoot a full-powered shot. Which I would do a lot. Wingless: Totally respect you, there. I'm crunching at work this week, and this side project is a little bit more than distracting. Not to mention the other parts of my life that have suffered noteworthy neglect since beginning this project. I don't mind so much that I'm doing this for free, since animation is fun to do anyway, and since we're using MMX assets and art style, much of the hard work is done already (on the art-side). Thanks for volunteering to make this happen. I do not envy programmers, which makes me that much more thankful for them. Mad props. That said, let me know if I can do anything on my side to make your job easier. For example, I'm using Graphics Gale, so I can export animations as strips, if that's what you need. Bean: Queue Tortoise looks great. Ship it!
  4. Not much time to talk, but I like the Rescue the Judges idea.
  5. Wow, awesome work, guys! Bean, Queue Tortoise looks amazing. Really, stellar design. A couple things I might polish a bit would be his body and neck-hole (the circular outline of his clock looks a bit mushy, and a yellow border around it would really bring the room together), and his shoulders (specular highlights ftw). Also, the shadow tones of the drab-green and yellow are a bit bright--I might darken those up a little. friendlyHunter: You're kind of missing the point. It's not that I don't want your help, its just that we'll get more ground covered if we're not retracing each other's footsteps. If you want to tackle a boss design or something, by all means, tackle away! But for our purposes, one polish-pass is enough. Finally, new/updated Tan sprites: EDIT: Oh, and Bean, the guitar idea is cool, and the effects idea is awesome, but for every shot, I dunno...what if she only used the guitar as her powered-up Nice Shot? That way I don't have to add the guitar to her every animation--the guitar could "beam in" for the shot, and "beam out" afterwards.
  6. I pretty much agree with everything Coop said. We should keep it simple; although we pretty much started this on an enthusiastic whim, to overload ourselves to the quitting point would just be stupid. This is a fun little idea, and I want to see it through without spending a year's worth of spare time. friendlyHunter: I appreciate your enthusiasm and dedication to quality, but I don't want to spend a buttload of time tweaking the hell out of the Tan sprites. As is the case with most videogame art, we could tweak and tweak and tweak and still not be completely satisfied. With all due respect, I'm gonna call my latest revision good enough and sally forth. Bean: Holo-Pretzel =
  7. Coop, I'd love to see it either way. Though, I really can't think of anything better than that to use for the fully-powered up shot. In fact, I don't even want to try, because it's just not going to happen. Also, for the medium-powered shot (if we're doing the whole MMX shooting system verbatim), maybe a flaming pretzel or something...didn't have an awesome idea for that one. Also, also, I was wondering about Dr. Light: NWG, or DJP? I can picture DJP DJP-ing in the hologram. That would be sweet. NWG chuckling would be awesome as well. I CAN'T DECIDE WHICH ONE I LIKE BETTER!! edit: By the way, I did get some animation done tonight. I've got the win-pose almost completely updated to the correct design, and animating her hair isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Hooray!
  8. LOL Yeah, no way I'm doing that. It'd be pretty cool, but not as cool as getting this finished. On the subject of bullets, may I suggest the Nice-Buster? Think Ryu's Hadoken, but instead of flaming fists, flaming NWG face. Also, since she plainly doesn't have an arm cannon, how about power-hands? Like Force-lightning, except from the palm instead of the fingertips, and pellets instead of lightning. Lancer: no prob.
  9. The whole fuss about widescreen is that the rectangular shape is generally more pleasing to the eye. It's also makes for better screen compositions, which is why movies are shot in widescreen. For more info, read up on the golden ratio (golden rectangle).
  10. The widescreen does look better, but if it turns out to be a coding hassle, I'm fine with the standard TV ratio. Wingless, for the jump, I was thinking since Tan has hair that flows, could we have a short 2 or 3-frame loop for rising and falling? X wears a helmet, so he only needs to hold one frame for high jumps and falls, but having Tan's hair whip in the wind would be rad. Can we do this? We'd also need a 3-frame loop for the dash pose. Also, what about secondary motion? We'd need to add maybe 2 extra frames for when she ducks (and rises from ducking, and lands from a jump/fall), so her hair "settles."
  11. Good point, well made. I'll handle the rest of the Tan4 sprites. But if you want to help out with the backgrounds or the bosses, that'd be sweet. We (that is, I) could really use the help. And everyone knows you rock the pixel art.
  12. The Coop: You may ABSOLUTELY lend a hand. If you have the MMX sprites handy, you could crank out those jump and shoot anims (and maybe dash, if you're so inclined/have that much time). The approved Tan4 sprite design has been posted, so just match that. I'll be correcting the run and win sprites in my spare moments this week. wingless: Profit? You mean real US-dollars profit? That would be the awesomest, but we'd have to use completely original sprites (not a huge deal, but a big one, since retooling already-made animation/art style is cake by comparison). Also, I'd have to check into whether or not that would be illegal for me, since I work at SuckerPunch--unless you mean profit in support of the site, which I think would be fine for me, legally. The game idea sounds sweet, though, and I'm stoked to make it.
  13. Awesome, thanks for the green-light, guys. Wingless, your flash rules. Hard. Bean, lol. GA Jedi, I was actually thinking about that last night as I was about to post. I fiddled with it a bit, and I discovered that it actually does look best this way. Also, I'm super busy at work this week (10-hr days), so sprites are gonna be a bit slow in coming for the time being. Just an FYI.
  14. Hey, perverts! Improved Tan4 design! I'd try to make her look more mature for us grown-ups, but there's not much room for a naso-labial crease. Seriously, though. Yea? Nay?
  15. Yeah, I should probably tighten up the design to be more on-model before I go any further. The first one was just for kicks and giggles, but if we're actually gonna do this (and we totally should) then I agree, we should do it up right.
  16. Holy crap, Dafydd, do you know how inspiring that is? OCR4-Tan is super excited! I'll totally make more if you'll make them playable.
  17. I could definitely make more. I actually had a somewhat similar idea a while back, but more strictly MegaMan-themed--I was editing all the MegaMan X sprites into ProtoMan (scarf and all). So, I've found and downloaded pretty much the whole suite of MMX player animations, and now have them handy. I was working on OCR4-Tan-ing the level-clear pose last night when I had the urge to do some "real" animation. So, I'll likely have those done soon, as soon as I can get some free time this weekend.
  18. Thanks, Bean. This ain't exactly a sprite, but I was in the mood, so, here's a rough quickie before I call it a day.
  19. FALcon PONCH! Yeah, I guess it's kind of cheating, but I always though MMX sprites were the coolest.
  20. Hey, nice sketches, guys! Blackmyst, those loose sketches are the awesomest.
  21. I'm at work, so I can't comment as much as I'd like to, but let me just say that this is sounding awesome, and I want to hear it finished!
  22. Wow. A job very well done. It was well animated, well written, and a joy to watch. Seriously, dude, you can really go places with a piece like this in your portfolio.
  23. Well, here's as far as I can get for tonight. I made the mistake of purchasing SSB:B on my way home from work, so naturally I was a little distracted. I gotta say, though: I'm a fan of Jose's. Also, try to imagine that the holographic image is a 3D pretzel instead of a slap bracelet from google images.
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