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chumble spuzz

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Everything posted by chumble spuzz

  1. Well, if you're gonna do that, I have a version that's twice as big...
  2. Haha, thanks, all! I just wish I had time to do more. Doggone holidays, making me leave my computer. That banner still cracks me up. "Intricate, innovative, and lasting!"
  3. So many good ideas, so little time...
  4. You should totally submit this! Yes, it's crazy, but it's also pretty awesome. I agree with Tensei-San about the ending, though--it's a bit abrupt. I was also a bit put-off by the inital zaniness and trying to imagine your...story...with the music...but that was soon forgotten as I discovered that you really explored the musicality of the original piece (starman theme ftw). The Lost Woods reprise at the end was really satisfying to listen to, and all you did was add a harmony! I say again: SUBMIT IT! (but first, fix the ending)
  5. I absolutely love this. It's so easy for me to imagine that this is a real orchestra and choir in a concert hall. I've never managed to finish this particular Final Fantasy, but this makes me want to jump right into it. I'm consistently blown away by the beginning, when the choir comes in. I'm going to go ahead and call this a masterfully compelling work of art. Not because it's done in the classical style, but because it is awesome. Bravo, sir. Bravo.
  6. I have to agree with Leah, this brings back memories of Ye Olde Days of Orange and Brown...but that's okay by me--it means you're on the right track. The drums sound fine to me, but the lead and backing need some MAJOR kickassifying. The lead's too quiet, and the arrangement is pretty much the same as the source material. I'd encourage you to take the arrangement to new places--throw some new cord progressions in there and play with the melody a bit. See what happens. Be careful with those pitch-bends, though--the ones you have in there kinda threw me off. One thing you don't want your listener to be thinking is "What the--? " Also, yay for MegaMan music!
  7. This is my new favorite OC ReMix. It used to be Tactical Freefall, but now it's this. I don't think I have to explain why. I love the attention to the melody and the bassline! "And the hourglass is working upside-down" is fun to listen to. The only thing I take issue with is the piano note velocities at the end seeming too harsh. But that's a very small potato.
  8. This is cool, but it feels like everything is going on all cylinders at once from start to finish, which I'm pretty sure is creating the tedium that electric concerto was experiencing. Much like one can't appreciate light without dark, we can't appreciate the "in your face" bits if there's no breakdowns or lulls in the "action!" Keep it up--I think this could be super-dandy.
  9. 2Y, sweet! About the compression--I'll get to that as soon as I can, but that may not be until next week, what with all the crunch-time here at work, and Easter to boot. Let it be known that the issue is being/will be addressed! I want this track to rock as hard as it possibly can. Leah: Thanks, and good luck on yours! (lol, ur plugged) DJ Tetsusaiga: Thanks! Yeah, I don't know why there aren't more TMNT remixes on this site. Nobody didn't like the old NES/SNES games. And I can't think of a TMNT song I genuinely didn't like. I mean, the Neon Night-Riders music in Turtles in Time was iffy, but I didn't hate it. People need to REPRESENT.
  10. Hey, this is sounding really good. That gargled chanting is creepy like all get out. I couldn't detect the source melodies the first time through, but I found them upon re-listening. Requiem of Spirit was somehow less memorable for me, but you used it well--actually, the airy synth at :40 reminds me of Metroid (a good thing, as far as I'm concerned). One thing I noticed: the reverby-falloff of the last note gets cut off--but you probably already know that. Other than that, the mix flows nicely. Keep it up!
  11. Submitted! FYI: Applied some final, final adjustments including some minor bass and hi-hat tweaks for the submission version. Also, I changed the title from "WasteBoarding" to "Turd Surfers" to help differentiate it from the other Sewer Surfin' remix already on the site. Here goes nothin'... EDIT: I'm such an idiot. Thanks, everyone, for all your input and advice! Especially Leah, zircon, and Snappleman (and BigXer, who provided me with the in-game quotes so many years ago).
  12. Haha, yeah, I've been working on this for quite some time now. I don't even remember when I started it. So, bad news: I couldn't find a shell shock sample. Good news, however: I found a better one. I think you'll like it. I also added some pads to the bridge, and fixed a few drum-sequencing anomalies that caught my ear. Also: Leah, the BlockFish is awesome, thanks a million. ...Thank you all. *snifl* LOL thphbpt Yeah, anyway, I'm thinkin' its pretty much done, now. Let's hear those final thoughts! http://marcelliswentz.com/music/chumblespuzz_TMNT4_WasteBoarding_wip.mp3
  13. Just a little announcement: I'm not dead. Life's been rushed a bit lately, as it is often wont to do, but I'm gonna finish this baby. And it'll be good to get back at it with a fresher ear. Thanks for all the feedback, everyone! And Arek: I totally forgot about the shell shock. You're right, it would be perfect, but alas, I'm not exactly savvy in the ways of videogame-sound-effect-ripping-kwan-do-fu...so if anyone can help me out in this facet, that'd be awesome. I'll see if I can find a sweet way of implementing it, because, let's face it: it needs to be done. and tweek: zircon's right, it's FLstudio7 update coming soon, hopefully...
  14. zircon: Thanks for the crits, as always. You've been a huge help. decoy: No worries, we all have different tastes. I did alter the lead synth's waveforms a bit after reading your first crit, and I think they turned out better. (That might be why you like them now ) snappleman: You're probably a jedi or something. I dunno. tenchua: Thanks! So, I fixed a ton of stuff according to zircon's crits and some of my own ideas. I fixed the weird phasing issue with the snare and tuned it up to match the key of the song, and I added more 'quotes' from other themes for funtimes' sake. So here's what I got thus far (other links are updated as well): http://marcelliswentz.com/music/chumblespuzz_TMNT4_WasteBoarding_wip.mp3
  15. http://marcelliswentz.com $21.00 Should I even bother redesigning it?
  16. http://marcelliswentz.com/music/chumblespuzz_TMNT4_WasteBoarding_wip.mp3 New version is up.
  17. Hey, thanks for all the great critique, guys! I've been working on the song a ton this weekend, so I'll have a new version up soon, but likely with an empty bass solo section. I'm feeling like I'm on the tail of a sweet idea, but it's been elusive these past couple days. In the meantime, I've sprinkled in various little...pieces of flair (it's late) around the nooks and crannies of the song to keep things interesting all throughout. Fun surprises. There's still a few areas I'd like to spice up in similar fashion, but I can't leave that bass solo unattended. Not when I'm so close! Oh, and I've got new drum samples now. They're much better. Because, I can't imagine assmilk is something we want in our ears. Update coming soon... EDIT: Oh, and I listened to your hotly-mastered version, zircon, and liked it. For some reason, the "how" of getting this sound alludes me. I took Leah's advice, and it's louder now, but I was surprised to find that your's was louder, still! Ah, I'm just glad it's mastering I have trouble with.
  18. Thanks for all the input, guys! Leah: Thanks! I'm kind of a production noob, so I'll take all the advice I can get. I was surprised at the effect of the 3.5dB cut at 500Hz, so I went through my tracks and eq'd accordingly. I've also reworked the drums a lot to make them more human-sounding. I just hope I'm mixing them well enough. ToN: I found a sweet slap bass sample just now, so that should make the bassline more exciting/funky. I might also rewrite the bass solo section to make it more interesting. At this point, it feels like the weakest link in the proverbial chain of my song, if I may. Decoy: NES and SNES music is the music I grew up with, so I tend to be a bit of a purist when it comes to VGmusic rearranging. For this reason, I tried to use a lead synth that sounded like the one in the game. But you're right, I could mix it up a bit more--maybe add a texture here and there...I'll think of something. Also, I'm glad you all like the electric guitar. It's a Slayer (with the exception of the bending at the beginning, which is a royalty-free sample), so I was a little worried I'd get the treatment. Looks like I did it right.
  19. http://marcelliswentz.com/music/chumblespuzz_TMNT4_WasteBoarding_wip.mp3 Updated 3/13/2007 So, I've been working on this off and on for quite some time now (some of you might remember this from when I first began working on it), but I think now I can safely say that it's near completion. I can never seem to please myself totally, so I never really get to the point of "Okay, now I'm done." There's always something. So, I'm taking it to fresh ears. What do you guys think--it seems "done," but is it "OCR done?"
  20. I want to play midee and prozax's "Tactile Freefall" in Guitar Hero. Also "Dream Racing" from Mario Kart 64. If I could just have those, that'd be super great. Oh, and every song from metroidmetal.com. Oh, and as far as non-videogame music goes, I think it'd be awesome to have Classical Gas in Guitar Hero 3. There's not much GH love for the acoustic scene, that I can tell. Haven't played through GH2 yet, so I dunno if they included any there...
  21. Hey, thanks for all the input, guys! Great suggestions all around. When I get some more time (likely this weekend, possibly sooner) I'll hammer on some of those percussion- and riduculosity-issues. May not be terribly soon however, as I'm lately experiencing what I fear may be early symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. Not a good sign for a young career visual artist such as myself... Anyway, I'm thinking about replacing the synth oom-pahs on the left at 1:45 with one o' them leslie-type organs...I'm imagining a baseball theme. I wonder if i could work in some squishy noises? I suspect that would just be the bee's knees. Hey, what about a Katamari-inspired computer-choir? (been playing a lot of We <3 Katamari lately) But I'd have to figure out how to pull that of in FL Studio 6...
  22. Hey, all! Haven't posted here in forever...but anyway. The song. Banjo-Kazooie: Ridiculous Industries It's a whimsical ReMix of "Grunty's Lair" from Rare's glory days on the N64. Only recently have I had the time/resources to work on it, so I figured, "It's one of my better musical wip's, so why not finish?" So, at this point I've taken the arrangement to where I wanted to go; what's left to worry about is SOUND QUALITY. So, kindly, let me know if it hurts your ears. note: Sorry about the extra click to download the song, and nevermind SoundClick raping my bitrate a little...it's only a little rape.
  23. YAY! /\ __ /\ ...thats all i can think of to say!...i think i will say it again. YAY! this mix is so delicous. it makes me think of the vittles you trade to that starving dude on the mountain. i forget his name. but thats ok, cuz im really diggin these tunes. bravo, Mr. D!
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