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Level 99

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Posts posted by Level 99

  1. OCAD IS BACK! Original post being edited to announce this crap.

    We return to regular broadcasting starting at 8PM on Sunday, January 19th, 2014. We're going to be livestreaming via Youtube and will be doing regular OCAD shows every other Sunday.

    We're doing the OCADemy awards tomorrow night and are sorting everything out as it comes along. Come along and check it out...again!

  2. There's quite a few people that I'm aware of that live along a line that flows south from DC and across the belly of our country, though I'm not sure how many of them will check this post in time. I'd offer you shelter in MD but if you're going to DC already, that's a step backwards.

    Definitely check on IRC as well, as some of them rarely check the forums.

  3. Holy. Fucking. Shit.

    This popped up on my playlist on shuffle. I had to repeat it at least four or five times to make sure what I was hearing was real. It was.

    Mind you, I liked Bayou Billy's music when I first listened to it, but sweet crap I didn't realize anyone had made an arrangement this unbelievably awesome. It comes in almost unassumingly but then BAM! Brass right in your face, with a whole slew of sounds that blend together perfectly. The Latin flavors, the slick guitar, the funky bass, the ridiculous hand percussion and...oh man, this is so good.

    Nature of the beast is that I didn't know about it sooner because it was from Bayou Billy, a game which unfortunately I don't seek out arrangements for very often. Glad it eventually made it's way down my waxy earways because this song can be inspiration to anyone to make a mix.

    I would encourage you, whether you're familiar with the source or not, to LISTEN TO THIS MASTERPIECE. 99.999% guaranteed to bring a smile to your face.

    (Incidentally, I'd love to know what kind of brass you used: whether it was live or sampled, and if sampled, what samples)

  4. well... if it's a hip hop remix then I'm all in for a collab if anyone is interested... cause that's the direction I would've taken it...

    Dj Mokram got me a WIP a bit ago, and it's very...ethnic. That's a no-go on a hip-hop remix this time around. I still definitely encourage you to find a producer and do the track otherwise, of course! This site needs more hip-hop.

    And with that, we're back to having all tracks except for one in at least WIP form. Almost lost a second track this week but, thankfully, they decided to continue on their wonderful arrangement.

    If anyone has any doubts about their ability to do their track at this point, please let me know ASAP.

  5. Jake has before indicated that he didn't want unauthorized mirrors popping up, if I'm not mistaken... if something authorized/official is going to happen, I'd like to see it added to the OCR torrent tracker, as that should guarantee some permanence, but I'm not sure anyone should do anything "public" without virt's approval...

    Duly noted, Dave. And welcome back from your trip.

  6. Many thanks for the suggestions. I quite like the hat sound in Level 99s latest WIP, some great sizzle on the open hat.

    o_o Cool!

    I'm assuming you're talking about the Dire Dire Docks WIP. If so, then yes, that is Addictive drums. I found it to be a fantastic product for the money spent, even if it is somewhat limited in how it sounds. I say that only in comparison to something like Superior 2.0, which has a lot more tweakability. In my opinion, Addictive drums something that can sound great right out of the box and made even better with some tweaking. However, Superior has a lot more you can tweak about it, but you need to spend quite a bit of time experimenting to find a good sound, and if you don't know what you're doing, you could get very frustrated with it.

    I'll see what kind of kit AD is on for that WIP whenever I pull up the project next.

  7. Kyle, Herograw, let us talk about this in private, shall we?

    Oh, and I checked wikipedia for VGMix the other day. Don't know if anyone else noticed this but there was this little bit of info:

    On June 30th, 2010, the VGMix website, along with their forums and personal blog, went offline for an undetermined amount of time. This resulted from a change in hosting plans and will be fixed when virt has time.[citation needed]

    This downtime has also caused Dwelling of Duels to go offline as a side effect since DoD was hosted by VGMix.

    Darn you, [citation needed], for teasing me about whether or not this is true!

  8. AW! I come into the thread, seeing the author made the last post. Mind going *updateupdateupdateupdateupdateupdateupdate!* AND NO! Denied! He's responding to criticism! ¡PORQUÉ! ¡HAY NINGUNA JUSTICIA!

    Tell the kids there's no Santa whydontcha. No update! I'm over here frothing at the mouth. So cruel. :puppyeyes:

    ...It is nice to know we're in your hearts, or at least tracks. That you address the crits. But. Now you know what you must do. Updates. Chop chop. Get on that. Shoo! Off with you, you have stuff to do.

    :wink: <3

    I'm waiting for Willrock's parts before I do any more real updating, unfortunately. :( sorry to dissappoint you! I really didn't mean to! I'M SO SORRY, DARN IT! POR QUE?!??!?

    Anyways, Willrock is busy being a superstud and working on things that aren't this song, so I dunno when to expect another update. Feel free to bug him if you want him to act faster though ;)

    and there was an update: WIP3. that should have addressed your drum concerns :D

  9. Wow, Brad. Here, I bought you a book on forum etiquette. It clearly states no triple posts, and most definitely no quintuple posts!

    Wait, why are you throwing the book at my feet?

    Why are you unzipping your fly?




    Man, I just bought these shoes, too.

    And if you sent a PM to Larry, it should have said at least one thing about how he smells like a Lavender Lady.

    In all seriousness, nice to see so much activity on this thing as of late.


    I really love where this is going. There's so many Dire Dire attempts out there that just haven't captured me, but this one is genuinely doing something original and complimentary to the original, rather than depending on the quality of the source to carry it. Well done.

    I was going to criticize that it feels short and incomplete, but then I realized it's a full 3 and a half minutes. The song just progresses so well, I felt like I wanted another couple more minutes to enjoy the work.

    That is either a testament to how well you've done, or a legitimate criticism that the song may need another minute in it to really make it feel completed.

    It builds up so dynamically, by the time it hits the 3:00 mark I feel like it's just begun. I want to hear all of the parts go balls-out with the symphony (teased in the beginning) and some more intensity on the drums. 3:33 feels like it's ready to ramp up to the next level, and then it drops off, and I'm left wanting more.

    You know, that's a fantastic assessment of it. I went back and listened and even asked Willrock how he felt about it (he's getting to putting his stuff soon, I'm sure!) and we both agreed it's a pretty adequate length. I don't think it can get any more intense without resorting to full pop-rock-ballad after 3:33, and I guess I didn't really intend for it to end up being that. Stretching out the build before that would throw off the song's balance, I'm sure you'd agree. Definitely appreciate the feedback and thanks for the compliments!

    what's up, josiah =)

    stevo, this is excellent.

    i wouldn't mind different solo lead at 2:15, something less fuzzy but still with the same intensity. i know that's 'your' sound, but i think something that's a little less metal fuzz would work until you ramp it up before 3:00.

    Will noodle around and see what comes out. I used a different and less intense distortion than normal here so I thought it was a good level, but we will see. Anything that passes your stringent tastes I can count on being pretty good ;)

    Love it.

    The production sounds great when it's fleshed out towards the end too.

    I'd be kinda excited to hear someone put some vocals over this, not that it's necessary, just a personal indulgence.

    *gasp* someone who WANTS vocals in a mix?! INCONCEIVABLE! I see what you're saying, though. It's a nice suggestion! Maybe I'll write some lyrics as a b-side bonus or whatever, but I don't think vocals would fit in the mix I had in mind. Always supportive of the vocal-lovers, makes me forget all the vocal remix dislikers :nicework: Thanks!

    I love where this song is going. There are some places early on that sound kind of sparse, but the second half of the song is just great.

    The sparseness is part of the intended effect. However, once Willrock adds his stuff, I'm fairly certain it will sound less sparse. Could you give me the times that you feel it is, just so I can check for myself? Thanks very much!

    Great mix. I love the source and you have done very well in remixing it. My only critique would be that @1:22 sounds off to me. You go from a nice acoustic guitar to the electric (which is rather loud at that point) and the drums. To me, it makes it sound off. Maybe you could do something different with the drums and fade in the guitar rather than having it start playing all of the sudden.

    Good remix overall.

    WIP3 did have some volume level issues I realized after-the-fact. I believe I fixed them in my current version (which isn't uploaded yet, I'm just waiting for the additional instruments), but you're right that the transition definitely needs some smoothing out. I'll see what I can do.

    Thanks to everyone for the comments and criticism!

  11. stevo, i guess the big bolded font up top wasn't clear enough. it's not a work-around. it really just works out-of-the-box, a clean install on a blank hard drive on a new computer with the upgrade disc.

    Do I ever read anything you say ever? Oh, yeah, I do. But then there comes the question: do I ever care?

    "If it takes more than one shot, you weren't using a Jakobs!"

    it's worth noting that an OEM copy can't be reinstalled - the key only validates one computer. the upgrade version can be revalidated as much as possible, since you bought a full version of the OS.

    Oh yeah, I forgot this point. You can basically replace everything over-time though, I think. Not too sure since I haven't upgraded my compy's internals besides hard drives in about 2 years.

  12. *sigh* alright, here goes:


    There's the fullest documentation on how to install full clean Windows 7 from the upgrade version and have it work. I haven't tried it myself, but I did try a similar method once with Vista and it worked just fine. Use at your own risk but it apparently has an extremely high success rate.

    Any version of Windows can do a "wipe" of your hard drive. It also depends on what kind of wipe you want. If you're going to be using the same hard drive again and just overwriting stuff, you can do a quick format. If you're installing Windows 7, while doing the Custom install, you'll be prompted with a list of hard drives your computer can detect (these sometimes include USB drives, so I recommend removing them before beginning the installation just-in-case you click the wrong drive if you have more than one). You can just click the drive and go "Delete", and then once it's blank, click "Format". Poof, fresh hard drive with no readable files on it.

    The issue with this is IIRC that it only deletes the MFT, meaning that your files are there but the filesystem doesnt detect them (they are seen as blank). So whenever new files are written to the drive, it's literally writing over other things that have been on there. If you're reusing the drive yourself, this shouldn't be a concern. If this is a drive you're getting rid of, then you should be a little more concerned. I won't delve deeper into this subject unless your situation is the latter.

    As for Windows version, unless you're running programs that have issues running native on 7 (there aren't that many from XP and Vista that have issues, but they exist) or hooking your computer into a business network'd domain, you can safely go with Windows 7 Home Premium.

    And last, about your question regarding needing the original XP disc, if you're that worried about the Upgrade trick not working and not having something like that as a backup, then just buy the full version of 7 Home Premium (you can get OEM single copies pretty cheaply from Newegg). In the very unlikely event that you have issues with upgrading, I would also recommend downloading and burning the most current version of Ubuntu. You can boot "live" off of that disc (running the operating system from the disc instead of installing it) and still have limited typical computer functionality, pretty much just enough to hopefully get back online and ask questions if you encounter issues going at it.

    Brad's right, though: you could have found pretty much all this minus the Ubuntu part out through a little bit of efficient google-ing, if not from reading this thread and then google-ing. There's nothing IT support people get annoyed at more than repeat questions :lol: best of luck!

    And neblix: the license agreement is questionable about the upgrade trick, but I've yet to seen it sought out and get slammed. The idea for the upgrade discs is primarily aimed at Vista users, but XP is included since they also have a huge install base. Since XP to 7 upgrades are impossible based on architecture, the only was is the custom install. Also, validating a valid, non-pirated and authentic previous OS license from the boot disc would be impossible without and internet connection. Microsoft has, as of XP SP3/Vista SP2/7, allowed people to install FULL VERSIONS of the operating system WITHOUT ANY KEY WHATSOEVER. It is under the assumption that you are evaluating the OS and do not have immediate access to the key. An example would be someone who got the ISO from technet and didn't print the cd-key before installing. You have 30 days to put in a legit cd key for the version you installed and then activate it before the system locks you out. There are methods to extend this trial period to 120 days, but I don't recommend doing that because sooner or later it WILL lock you out.


    Retail Windows 7 Home Premium Upgade - $109.99 + s/h

    OEM Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit Full (one install, read license to see intended usage) - $99.99 + s/h

    Retail Windows 7 Home Premium Full install (both 32-bit and 64-bit version, I believe) - $180.93 + s/h

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