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Level 99

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Posts posted by Level 99

  1. Is anyone attempting to compile a database of songs from VGMix? I can't remember if that's been tried before or not. While I know Jake had good intentions with his offer last year to try to release a torrent of all the songs, I guess it just never came to fruition what with his moving and job and all.

    I still have quite a few from the old VGMix, but no where near anything substantial.

  2. It's not even noon yet and you've already made my day several times over. I feel like Booster eating that gigantic cake that may or may not be alive: amazing.

    This community is like my family, even if I can't see y'all often or ever. Thanks to all for making this day special.

  3. Why do you have to leave today? Why? I'm supposed to be happy today.

    Well, good, because I am beyond ecstatic that you shot for the stars and got there, landing your dream job (despite any negative circumstances of your pals, sorry :( ). You've done quite a lot here and contributed in so many ways that you definitely are leaving an active legacy even if you're just dropping out "for the foreseeable future".

    You'll be back some day and you know it. And everyone here will be waiting. At least, I know I will be. We still have a collab to finish up! See? I wasn't lying when I said it would be finished in 2017!

    Can we still party in your house/tub?

  4. http://hypermammut.sourceforge.net/paulstretch/

    I believe that is what they used to extend it (it sounds unbelievably like it and the default stretching is 8x). I honestly feel like it's 50% appropriate source and 50% the stretching algorithms that make it sound good. Try plugging in any track you want and see how it sounds.

    I stretched my Chromium Asphyxiation and it sounded very nutso.

    I stretched Willrock's Door into Chaotix and it sounded very soothing.

    I stretched NSFW Schala and it sounded even more WTF.

  5. It's Protodome. It's therefore going to be one of two things: smooth jazzy awesomeness or happy chippy awesomeness. This one is the latter, with some fast and well processed glitch effects that really allows the track to keep the listeners attention. Great use of the source too, and of course the production is stellar.

    PROTO MUST DI....NE ON ICE CREAM because this mix deserves no less.

  6. I think Native Instruments makes some pretty good ambient vsts, but I'm not sure which packs have the best

    I got Absynth Twilights for the free Kore Player and it's very very awesome. Some of the presets are more usable than others, but the majority of them are very expressive.

    Also, for ambient free stuff, some of the DSK vsts are good if not a little unstable. Odisea, Darkness Theory, and a few others. http://dskmusic.wordpress.com/vsti/

    Edit: now if you're asking for a good place to BUY them, the best place is either to buy direct or through something like zzounds (which OCR likes to pimp through its own store where you can support OCR with any purchases of stuff)

  7. Just sent a new version of this off to Willrock, inbetween working on some Plaid Muffins songs. Didn't make too many changes besides EQ, volume, and small processing tweaks. Should be overall better. I still like it when the hihats got a little more intense personally, but we'll see what happens after the Brit lays his hands on this. Who knows, maybe more guitars....:twisted:

    [removed due to upcoming usage]

  8. hey was there ever a link posted to the final version of this? I searched through the forum and couldn't fine anything... are we just going to have to wait to hear this awesomeness when it gets posted on OCR?

    Yeah, I think that's the plan. The song was submitted in late June so we have a while to wait for it to go through the queue, however since the song is also on Milkyway Wishes, it will be on there whenever it comes out. I'd post a link to the final if I didn't feel like it would spoil the mix whenever it gets released or if it gets posted on the site. I'm sure you can survive the wait, you've waited this long already. :)!!

  9. Oh hay.

    I'm new to the community, but have been utilizing OCR since at least the first year. I remember I'd go to a friend's cousins house with a zip disk that I'd dl'd all sorts of remixes on just to burn a cd of it to listen in my car (wtf no cd burner of my own). Anyway, I went to the PG-13 panel and the OCAD panel and decided it was time to jump in.

    I had no idea such a large part of this community was around MD.


    Yeah, there's a lot of East Coaster's in the OCR menagerie. And you used to use ZIP disks? Alright, you're already cool in my book, come on in.

    Welcome, welcome, to everyone.

    Just a few friendly reminders:

    1) No favorites threads

    2) If you're looking to get into remixing, head on over to the Workshop forums, where you can read up on topics such as DAW usage, plugins, samples and synths, and production. You can also post WIPs and get some feedback.

    3) Make sure to go and give some reviewer love on some mixes. People love feedback.




    5) Have fun

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