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Level 99

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Posts posted by Level 99

  1. Luiza and Stevo kept referring to me as a "shredder" in OCAD, so I just went with it.

    Your shredding shredder of a sig shred kicks some serious shred.

    I was going to be a technical jerky and transcribe the convo from OCAD showing only the slightest allegation that you were a shredder, but...nah.

    All that art is badass, project-related or not. It makes me want to listen to dragonforce, and go watch dragonheart, during the chinese year of the dragon while playing...Lunar: Dragon Song.

  2. Try Comodo Internet Security (Antivirus + Firewall). Just make sure to disable the ask bar or whatever they try to install during installation and you're good to go. I've never had a problem otherwise and the thing is pretty friggin' tight. It's also free.

  3. Yeah yeah Stevo, perhaps if you'd take a leaf out of Jade's book and start cracking a whip on your two co-hosts, perhaps you could get the guest queue out of the way, here's a suggestion! Have two guests on per show and spend less time with the random chatter!!! That way you don't waste extra time, and you can start clearing out the guest queue.

    Yeah, we're not gonna be doing this. We have some episodes where we already have two guests on, but those cases its 99% because they have something to do with each other. Even then we have a long list. I like the random cohost chatter, but you see where I try to move things along.This podcast has always been, to me, taking people and things about the community and talking about them both related to the community and not. How else would we have found out Luiza's deathly afraid of coconut crabs? Or about Juan Lords' bLiNd remix and the coneydogs? Random chatter is part of what makes this OCAD!


    Now, back to planning more randomness.

    Also, we're confirmed for Chad this week. I'm gonna go figure out what the hell Captain S was before he comes on so I don't look too stupid.

    Edit: just to clarify, we like giving guests their time to shine, unless they have something tied in together. For example, we're slated to have Fishy and The Damned on together in anticipation of The Missingno Tracks, and we have Palpable and diotrans on together because of Flickerfall. You get the idea.

  4. Well, it's not my project, I'm just on it. But looking at the list, the badass villain tunes that are present on bad dudes right now are:



    Just trying to be preemptive, is all. :nicework: I don't think anyone really complains about having MORE REMIXES, but in light of the multitude of projects, it's just good to check on these things.

    Some of those matchings look epic.

  5. Currently kicking some ass back in gear on my own side to get more interactive with the WIP development. A few months from next WIP date but it looks like a few might be finalized before then.

    And I need to actually follow through with the people I asked about a sig banner! YARGH!

  6. ...great job for a freshman podcast.

    This would explain all the hazing we get in the locker room by all the junior and senior podcasts, while the sophomore podcasts look on in apparent apathy to our plight and the administration podcasts pretend not to know about it.

    Right now, we're still waiting to hear from Spencer Nilsen about when he'd be able to come on, and looking at my notes, we have Chad Williams from Captain S tentatively scheduled for Thursday of this week. Once I hear from David confirming Chad and Deven giving info on Spencer, we'll let you know. I also have to find time to get the latest notes up and wedge an interview done a few weeks ago with AeroZ and audio fidelity into one of the episodes.

    ~Stevo, The Ashamed Head Director of OCAD

  7. Read my mind, PR. I'll go get us some private forums to discuss songs and whatnot, instead of further thread derailment. :nicework:

    Don't worry about the guitar thing. I've been trying to make something and nothing seems to fit with this song, so I'd rather not force it. It's all good.

    Edit: believe me, i was thinking of other songs to do as well. Glad I'm not the only one thinking far ahead.

  8. Hmm. I'm seeing a distinct lack of the aforementioned "ska". Want some Plaid Muffins?

    Halc already knows the deal for using it: we're still subbing as a non-project mix when it's finished, but we're gonna be subbing the clean version. Milkyway will get the dirty version, along with something like thasauce or whatever.

    Good luck to everyone making tracks and art, and to the staff! You're gonna need it! :nicework:

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