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Level 99

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Posts posted by Level 99

  1. It all started with a plaid muffin plushie, and now it's spiraling out of control! She's starting to get into making crafts of many varieties, including tote bags, hats, plushies, and more. However, the materials to do this are a bit expensive, so here's the deal:

    * If you want to pitch an idea or request a commission, please send Vilecat a PM. We're still working out prices and whatnot, so it might take a little while to get back to all the requests.

    * If you have old clothes, gloves, other fabric materials, jewelry, or anything like that, please send me a PM as I will be the one collecting donations and transporting them up to her. In the best of situations, you can request a commission and supply the materials by donating them.

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

  2. I have to kinda agree with OA about the samples. If this had been done with live instruments, even seven years ago, it would have aged a lot better. I like the arrangement, but it's held back by the method that you brought it to life. That being said, I'm still rocking to this. The arrangement is catchy and upbeat, and I can feel what you wanted to get out of it, even with the songs faults. I actually really like how you have the brass backing things.

  3. Ah yes...now THIS is a winner. Very chill, and just the right mixture of cheesy samples with good ones. I can feel the source through most of the whole thing but it actually feels like a completely new song to me. I'm especially digging the generic-keyboard drum percussion samples. Someone once made a review of a song a long time ago stating a very important fact: it is possible to take a cheap keyboard and turn the sounds into something that's enjoyable and interesting (or something like that). Definitely getting that vibe from here for some of the instrument choices. Got me groovin' in my chair!

  4. Ehhhh I wasn't feeling this as much. I could see where the song wanted to go, but in my mind, it just didn't reach it. The piano didn't sound right to me, but that might be me being very picky with how it was mixed. This really reminded me of the FF4 album's bonus track "I Love This Radio", but wasn't cheesy enough. On the plus side, I did enjoy the use of the ring-chime and other SFX from the game. It's still very chill and alright to listen to, but it didn't stand out and deliver the goods like it could have. Production was still good for the most-part though.

  5. o_o I love those drums. While not the most refined mix I've ever heard, this is really fun and moving. It does feel a little long with the song's length, but this is a great take on the source with a good amount of production quality and rhythms that really make me want to go running in a late 80's montage-style. Guitars were a nice choice, but that section where you introduced them sounded just a tad awkward with the way you had the drums going. Overall, still quite good.

    Edit: there's a section in the middle that really reminds me of a Real McCoy song. Can't place my finger on it, though. Just a funny imagining, because their songs are a guilty pleasure of mine.

  6. My main drawback are the drums, which really could have been a little better implemented. Besides that, I'm all over this. Relaxing, a wide variety of different instruments used and enough changes of sound that I'm never not interested in listening, and the freestyle synth parts go very well with how you put the source tune in here. The gated swells in the middle are euphoric, as is most of this song. A great take on the source and cool how you took the word Mushroom and applied it to all areas, even if the listener isn't on the stuff.

    Just have to point out that your use of portamento here was great, and that's something that I have a big soft-spot for.

  7. I wasn't really captured from the first minute or so of the song, not that it was really bad. It just seemed very bland, and does seem bland until some of the drums, FX, and speed change at 1:20. Even then, there's really nothing that sticks out and grabs me. It's adequate, but just overall, I guess I was anticipating some more. I did like the echoes of some of the snare hits and the way it switched up and back and then up again at the end, but overall, this wasn't my bag.

  8. Catchy and moving dance music, as is pretty much expected from the man named Beatdrop. Everything you'd expect from his take on this mix, and I'm especially a big fan of the dirtier synth usage and the kickass drums with their awesome stereo usage. Dirty bass rules my world. There's also a great meshing of noticeable source material with original avenues of melody and progression.

    This is now on my workout playlist.

  9. This song is so unbelievably chill yet light it feels kind of like flying. I was very much reminded of the progression style that Dire Dire Docks uses to convey free-motion.

    The piano here is soft and spot-on, and the sax, while not the most convincing of samples, is mixed and written so well that it fits. Just the same way chiptunes have their appeal, so do these kinds of samples in they way they lack the humanized timing and breathing when written for properly.

    My only real critique is the drums, which are adequate but could have had a little more done with them. Regardless, this is a great song on anyone's studying or chill playlist.

  10. Projected release date: April 1st, or the second Tuesday of next week. Questions? Concerns? Geoffrey Taucer can be reached at 555-5555 ext. 55.

    This is a great example of how, even with very well-run projects, things can be delayed past a projected release. There's really nothing that can be done to prevent these kinds of things short of kicking off members or releasing with less of what you wanted, but neither of those really benefit the project trading off for releasing early/on time. This will most definitely be kickass when it comes out, and the people who might have caused the delay are definitely worth the wait: they have busy lives and lots of talent.

    Go, Jake! Go, Dave! Serious Monkey Business is getting super-serious now.

  11. Five days until WIPs are due! I'm alarmed the initial post hasn't been updated since February 6. The WIP flow stopped, didn't it?

    Patience, patience. These things ebb and flow like the tide. Sometimes you'll get 10 WIPs in a week. Sometimes whole months will go dry. Lots of people stepped up their game already, and I'm quite surprised with how much has already been done. This thing is definitely on track.

  12. Preventing a double-post right now. We now have two tracks open for claiming, though one might not be open for long:

    If you want to jump on The Mantle, now's your chance. This one might be gone in a little while! It has sexy saxophone...so take a listen!

    Escariot had to, unfortunately, drop his claim for E-LE-KI Sparkle due to some collaboration compliations. The track is now open for claiming.

    We're pushing slowly, and starting to see some of the final art take form. We have a good pace right now, and I expect some tracks to be finished by WIP2's deadline (mostly my own), as well as most of the WIPs to be completely in.

    *trudge trudge trudge*

    2-24: Update! Cyril the Wolf has made a tentative claim on E-LE-KI Sparkle. He says he's going to do "something weird" with it. I half-love that, and am half-scared by it.

    The Mantle is still publicly open but something special is currently being internally arranged as a possibility. GO, NiGHTS, GO!

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