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Level 99

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Posts posted by Level 99

  1. Been a long enough time between me getting this and me posting about it. This is a good improvement over his last release, however the problems with previous releases are still there, just lessened.

    There needs to be a bit more humanization in your work, as many of the tracks feel quite stiff. The plus side is that your style reminds me of work that eventually could be kind of like the World of Goo soundtrack. What's holding you back is more refined production and samples! You can still do more with what you have, but only so much.

    Definitely chill stuff and easy listening, could easily be backing music for stuff.

    Your mixing levels need a little work, some instruments tend to stand out way more than they probably intend to. Just keep at it, you're making progress. Good album, but it's a testament to growth, both what you've done and what you need to do :)

    What Lurks Beneath is definitely my favorite track.

  2. Ahhhh I knew there was a reason you are the bass player for The OverClocked Plaid Muffins! This showcases a lot more of your skills than you presented previously, and I'm frankly very impressed. The lyrics would be angsty if your screams weren't great...which they are. The whole things is very driving, from the first hit to the last. My biggest complaint would be that it's too short, but it's nice and repeatable (it doesn't outstay it's welcome). The guitars aren't my favorite kind of distortion and there's a bit missing from the low-mid range frequency-wise (at least on my headphones and creative soundcard), however besides that production is spot-on. Crisp, cutting, and invigorating. Kickass way to get posted, dude.

  3. Speaking of sigs, are you going to change yours once you shave off that beard? KF

    What do you mean "once you shave off that beard"? I'm keeping this thing for a while. Even if I tried to shave it, it'd be back within a week. Ever seen the movie The Santa Clause? That scene where his beard grows back nearly immediately is a dramatization of my facial hair. Except my hair isn't white. And I'm not a fat Tim Allen. Lunch soon?

    why haven't i been on ocad yet you jerks

    Who the hell are you?

  4. I've decided to update this a little, time-permitting, with a number of the notes y'all have given me. I did want to point out a few things that may in-fact be tricking your ears:


    I checked and both the bends AND the landings are slightly off on the lead guitar for that first melody runthrough. However, funny thing, is that same run is copy/pasted for the second and third time later in the song. Funny how you said that the second sounded on because of the accompaniment. I am curious as to if the accompaniment's notes make it seem more on-point.

    The synth-tar lead for the 1:16 section is the same volume throughout, but what might be throwing you off is something that's not as apparent: there's two synths playing the same thing. The more apparent one is a single lead with a bit of distortion and warble. The BACKING of it is a phased and delayed lead with some really cool latency (you can hear part of the effect right after all the instruments cut out after that section, listen in your right ear and you'll hear the delay being phased and faded out and then slightly faded back in). It's a dynamic phase so each time it's exported it is usually rendered differently. That track is frozen, though, so I can try to automate the volume on the first part to be slightly lower than during the second part, where you said it sounded better.

    Shade: That off-beat snare hits might be exhibiting that because they're not quantized. I don't think the volume of the hits will make much of a difference, but I'll try it out. That particular beat was from a Groove Monkee midi pak, which they ship unquantized to have it seem more human. I'll see what kind of tweaking is needed to stop the jerky-syndrome you're experiencing.

    and just in-general stuff:

    The parallel 5ths stay.

    I'll do my best to clean up the production where I can. I'd say this is 97% done to my satisfaction with production, and usually whenever I'm mixing, I will settle for things above 90% in my weaker areas such as production and drums (this is to combat my perfectionist tendencies and have it so that I do FINISH mixed instead of infinitely trying to improve them). So if nothing else can be done to improve it on my end, I'll keep it as-is. BUT, like I said, I will try.

    I'm going to try recalling my sub and sending in this one ASAP, so it might be updated before you know it.

  5. Meh, just means that more random banter is needed to keep this near the top. Which is absolutely fine, as thread derailment in this thread is basically a staple due to the nature of our podcast. In fact, if things were to remain focused, I'd feel as if we had gotten off-topic.

    Tonight we record with the Nerdy Show boys, or at least hex, as far as I know. Saturday we record with amazing Maze...dude. We got some treats in-store as well as the inside scoop on why pie crusts are so crunchy. All this and more at News at 11.

    Also, Mazedude is dangerously close to having reached the coveted 50+ mixes bar. We have some stuff from him to play on Saturday that will, at least in spirit, push him to that number. I mean, it will in OCAD's books, not in OCR's....yet.

  6. Haha well, I did consider this finished. I've had a few other people give very small crits, and I did already sub it. I might make a few changes just for sake of my own portfolio of music, but I dunno if those changes will make it into the sub. Despite that, thanks to all of you for the feedback!

    That synth sound that Gario is mistaking for a heavily-fx'd guitar is actually a synth.

    I'll let you all know when/if I get the chance to apply any of the feedback, but as of the moment I'm back to being a remix project whore :) Glad for those that enjoyed the mix!

  7. As we draw ever closer to Mix #2000 (Dave just posted 1992, which was also a great year for video games considering Street Fighter II was released on SNES that year), I have some gut feelings on what will be chosen for that immortal number:

    * I have a strong feeling that Dave will post one of his own, breaking a long-standing period of time where djpretzel's own songs have be absent from posting. Were this to be the case, it is definitely understandable, and considering all he does, he deserves it.

    * He might be considering posting the biggest reversal of composer-to-ReMixer yet. I am, of course, referring to the Dave Wise/Robin Beanland/Grant Kirkhope track from DKC2, meaning Mix #2000 is included in the DKC2 postflood. A distinct possibility, as it is a milestone in OCR history.

    * Lesser chance of this but still wouldn't surprise me: a post of a long-gone OCR vet. Who it could be I have no idea, but it wouldn't be out-of-place with the 10-year anniversary this year as well.

    It's getting close now, I can feel the power. I. FEEL. THE. POWER! The power of me repeating tons of stuff other people have already said but I still felt like saying it anyway.

  8. i dont know about you but i wound like this to be a lil Heavier. uhhh in the main theme 0:51 to 1:16 sounds like crap. i dont know the right musical Terms but it sounds bad. tune your guitar or something 1:17 to 1:42 sounds OK no real problems 1:43 to 2:08 crap.

    So (in my Opinion) make it more Heavier

    Fix the main theme

    and this remix need something else i dont know what

    Well, I don't know what "crap" you're talking about, but if you're talking about the off-tune bends, that was intentional. And next time, remember that the word "crap" is opinion and really isn't specific enough criticism. If you don't know the musical terms, google it or describe it more elaborately.

    In terms of heavier, I'll agree there's less bass than one would expect, but that was also intentional for this mix.

    Lastly, saying it "need something else i dont know what" is also not constructive criticism.

  9. Can the cast of OCAD help me out with a remix and get credited on the remix as OCAD? I want to do a remix of the opening theme + natols from Zero Wing, and I want to rewrite the opening dialogue for American audiences and have it performed by voice actors.

    I was hoping for David Hubbard as Captain, I think there's also a man and woman as part of the ship's crew. And of course, Cats. I'm not sure on the man / woman part, I'll have to check. But please let me know if you guys can help, I'll rewrite the dialogue and pm you the script. :-o

    This can probably be arranged.

  10. Well, I plastered this all over the web and totally didn't post about it here. I've already submitted this song to OCR and will be submitting it shortly to thasauce, but I didn't want the workshop thread to think I didn't love it anymore. Consider this me coming back on Valentines day with a Box-of-ReMix-Chocolates in-hand. (Except Valentines day was last week...so yeah, you get the idea).


    I still believe that the Xenogears project track I worked on, Quickening, was the fastest I've ever done a ReMix (done in less than 24 hours with Avaris). Not that I'm doing it with the mentality of a speedrun, sometimes a song or idea just grabs hold of you and won't let you sleep until you get it out. This is definitely one of those tracks, and it was done between two and three days last week. Despite having such a huge list of things on my to-do and to-ReMix list, I couldn't go on with other tracks really until I got this one out. Cool story, fro'.

    But yeah, that's about it. Enjoy! It's definitely a lot of fun to drive really fast to.

  11. Besides intonation, you might also want to check the strings you're using, how hard you're pressing the strings, and if you're accidentally bending the strings while pressing. I've found that, a number of times, I might be pressing too hard or pressing in a way that causes the string to go a little out of tune through bending. It does happen with guitars, and intonation is an issue that becomes more prevalent over time and through guitar usage, but check the other possible culprits first before you take it to get repaired. You might not need it.

    The lighter the string, the more likely a hard press will bend it further out of tune. What gauge string are you using?

    Also, is it getting out of tune only when playing on the frets, or does playing make it out of tune completely? Example: you tune it, you play a note, that note is out of tune. does the open string stay in tune or also go out of tune?

    Edit: WHOA! DBS! Did you change your remixer name?!

  12. Even if she can't avenge her bad microphone for it's partial-failure during the podcast, she can indeed avenge many songs that have yet to be judged.

    Congrats, Deia. I know you've definitely earned this. Now don't start slacking just because you became a judge, as tempting as that may be. And may all your dagrons be NO OVERRIDE.

  13. Mic problems aside, that had to be the most focused episode ever.

    I am sad.

    I understand, you had an exclusive and you had to get it done, but I def missed the lengthy ridiculous amount of sidetracking.

    not that there wasn't sidetracking.

    But still...

    Deia, u rock for shizz. :)

    LET THIS BE AN EXAMPLE TO HOLD FOR ALL TIME! Some people do not like a more focused podcast. We have considered your response and are now outsourcing the podcast to a team of aardvarks in the Andes mountains.

    A medical warning...listening to OCAD while suffering from an upper respiratory infecting may cause fits of heavy coughing induced by heavy laughter.

    Do us a favor and please don't die while listening to the podcast. Not only will we feel terrible for causing the laughter that kills you, but it wouldn't send good messages about us. Actually, just do us a favor: never die. Ever.

  14. My friend Jamie, who created www.virtualnes.com, has recently unleashed the beta of his java-based Gameboy emulator website! You can play the games directly in your browser (from the selection of donated and site-acquired games, you can only play games they have in their game warehouse due to legality reasons INSERT OBLIGATORY DONATION PLUG). It's pretty sweet from the small selection they have already, though a few games are a bit buggy and whatnot, but it's starting strong and has a lot of growth ahead.

    Check it out here: http://www.virtualgbx.com/

  15. I hate to be such a contrarian but from that angle it looks like it could be things other than a plaid muffin. I initially thought it was some sort of underwear-sporting plaid being.

    I think the smaller base will make a difference, though giving it (the base) some sort of structure somehow might help too.

    Yeah, and I requested more crimps in the muffin paper as well. It's also huge and was the first prototype (which is actually one of the most comfortable pillows I've ever had).

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