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Everything posted by EvilZereno

  1. Uh... yea... sorry but i guess i dont see the "greatness" in this piece... Its not really easy listening to me... i kinda had to struggle through it Sorry
  2. unfortunatly... much disapointment. Not my type of remix i guess, or music style
  3. LOL. Great remix, great for a laugh, and to wake the up in the morning. I just kinda hoped for a lil more cell phone, and at the end it did a minor little cell phone ending
  4. muhaha, kickass tune, its one of my keepers, i love the pounding bass line that starts in, and the singing/rapping fit VERY well. i think, and i agree he is among one of my favorites.
  5. KICK ASS! this song rocks, keep em comin
  6. Loved it! ITs sooo cool! Its one of my keepers, o yea
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