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Posts posted by Nicholestien

  1. This is the soundcard I currently have,

    http://us.creative.com/products/product.asp?category=209&subcategory=669&product=14066 - aka xi-fi extreme music.

    I think it's important to note that I'm operating on a 32-bit version of windows vista, so the soundcard can only work if it uses something called "OpenAL", not sure what that is but i'm sure it will help.

    here is my other computer information just it can be helpful

    processor: AMD Athlon64 Dual Core Processor 4400+ 2.30Ghz

    RAM: 1982 MB

    oh yeah, it's a dell.

    how i get my krk's to this crap soundcard of mines,

    I got this cable, it's got two TRS outputs (Mono), one red, and one black, and one stereo input which goes to the computer (Ok, I'm not sure if i got the inputs/outputs mixed up or whatever. xD)

    it dosn't go directly to the comp though, because creative is a peice of crap soundcard, so I have to put the signal trough yet, another adaptor, which converts the trs to a crap 1/8 headphone jack.

    God, I hate windows vista, I hate creative labs, i hate! HATE HATE HATE HATE HAAAATE THEM! AND ABSOLUTELY DESPISE THEM! -kekfa

  2. For christmas I got a pair of KRKRP5's, everything was going fine up untill yesterday morning, I turned my computer on, and both the speakers are playing in mono. <_< Or double stereo, I don't know, the point is, panning has absolutely no effect on the sound, so I know something is up. Any ideas on what it could be? It was working just fine I don't know what happend. :S

    Another problem I got and it's starting to annoy me alot, is that I just realized that I've been making alot of mistakes because my computer is to loud, -_-, do you guys have any tips and tricks to help keep the computer noise on check? It's a loud buzzing noise and I can't focus on the sound of my mix properly because of it.

  3. i guess i have incredibly terrible taste in music then. i got a bunch of oc remix artist on my comp, and overall ocremix is the most songs I listen to. I don't really listen to it the same way I listen to other music though, its all like, it has a charactor and what not, it defines personalities, man, i can't explain that shit. fuck. I pretty much was introduced to music entirely because of oc remix, and i guess, as a result, my taste in music is fucked.

  4. I made a rap beat out of the Psylocke theme from children of the adam.

    tell me what you think about it, I didn't bother with to many dynamic's or effects processing yet, I don't want to change much more of it, except for change the repetitiveness of that redrum beat I made, or change it all together, and the song needs some more arrangement and all that stuff blah blah, basicly, the point is, this = rough draft.

    Hope you like it, tell me what you think.


    Edit- I really want someone to rap over this. :(

  5. Probably one of the most important thing when getting into music imo, is to learn how to play an instrument.

    Play your favorite songs using the instruments they used so you can get the technique your looking for down, it will help get you sharp at what you like to play.

    It will be the best scratchpad ever. just open up your favortite video game music, or whatever, and play along to it, so you can find what notes match the song and all that and recognize how certain notes feel and such.

  6. Well, I only have reason, and fruity loops with ozone, thats it, I absolutely have nothing else to work with, I have reason 3 btw, and only the soundbanks it comes with, same with fl, and I'm having a really hard time finding an instrument that fits,

    do you think these are some good ideas?

    Resonanting Violin



    DNB Leads

    Trip-hop sound effects

    thats pretty much all I see fitting in there that I actually have, so, as you can see, I'm having a pretty difficult time.

  7. Without learning WHY things sound the way they do, or what the relationships between notes are, you can only make music without knowing theory for so long before you hit a brick wall. Either your music will all sound the same, or you'll realize that your ability to write is limited and you'll then start to learn theory.

    Like zyko said, theory is just a way to understand music. If you choose to go in farther, then more power to you, but EVERY musician needs to know the basics, and should be able to think of a song in terms of the events going on as opposed to memorizing how it sounds.

    bullshit. complete bullshit. You learn why things sound the way they do, and the relationship between the notes regardless of your theory knowledge. It's better to learn these things by ear and expand your music knowledge by listening to diverse styles of music and understanding their backround.
  8. First off, I do not mean to demean anyone, or discourage anyone from learning theory, I just want to show a bit of a different perspective, since you asked for everyone's opinion on this; Theory has never worked for me, ever. When I learned English, I always relied on my own instincts for what sounds right, and for the most part, I was always right.

    Same works for me in music: When I have to figure out difficult chordal extensions, write an intricate progression, solo over a backing track, I ALWAYS rely on my ears first, and after that, if I'm up to it, I figure out what the hell I actually just did. To keep with Snappleman's dictionary analogy; I make words up, and sometimes, when I feel like it, I look them up in the dictionary to see if I was right.

    I think the MOST important thing is (might only work for me this way though) to actually listen to music, a lot. Get used to the way the counterpoint, the progressions, the harmonies, the rhythms, melodies etc etc etc for that certain musical genre sound, and try to apply them yourself in your ReMix.

    What I'm trying to make clear is that you shouldn't see learning musical theory as the be-all, end-all of your musical life. For the most part, you should be able to get by without it, and you should IMO only use your knowledge of music theory when you really have no idea what to do. Sort of like the way you wouldn't use a dictionary to look up every word before writing it down :)


    One thing I think is really good, that just seemed to help me relate to the piano, guitar, etc, alot more, was finding those little zelda tunes on them.

    and once you find them, I mean the exact notes, not the intervals, both are important though, once you've found them, move onto more complex thing.

    You'll know what diminishing a note "feels like" instead of what it "looks like" etc.

    it's also important to learn to play what you LIKE first. If your trying to learn a song you don't like at all your not going to feel the music and it's going to become a choir rather than music.

    But it's important to learn about classical and Jazz like that ice tea dude said, or whatever.

  9. I recommend...

    Rob Dougan - not sure..

    DJ Krush - trip hop

    Portishead - trip hop

    Massive Attack - trip hop

    Toshiro Masuda - Anime soundtracks

    Dopamine - Dance/Techno/Trance

    Wavetraxx - Trance

    Gatecrasher Immortal - Trance

    Shifty - London Rapper

    The Prodigy - not sure which genre..

    Daniel Mudford - I like his normality soundtrack from shawn of the dead.

    Air - Chill out music

    Planet X - New Metal

    Shiro Sagisu - Anime Soundtracks

  10. This is just a rough draft of the remix I want to make, I'm taking only the parts of the terra theme that I liked, I really don't like the actual main melody. This is the problem... lol...

    anyways, plz listen to the rough draft, it's basicly just the beat for now and it's about 30 or so seconds long, I want to know whether or not people interept this stuff the way I do before I move on you dig? I'm not going to waste my time on a remix that is already terrible to begin with... xD


  11. http://youtube.com/watch?v=TJak9KxVy80&feature=related

    it comes in shortly after the song starts. My current guess is that it is a pipe organ, but don't pipe organs have that huge reverb and sub bass qualities to them? I've tried the organs that Reason came with and the closest i've gotten to was the that m10000 flute organ but it still sounds nothing like this one.

    can tell me where I can find or buy good samples of this type of Organ?

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