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Posts posted by Nicholestien

  1. It's a remix of the Hell Fallowed song from Ultimate Doom. I'm not sure if that is the name, but I started hitting keys on my midi keyboard with a legato synth and it hit me! this is from doom! I havn't named the remix yet, but I have encountered a problem that you can help me with? ;D

    you see, when you here the double "thump" come in, it sounds ok, but when it does the exact same thing again, it sounds out of place. It's the same kick drum and everything, but it just dosn't sound right.

    here is the link to the file, I just started working on this today. I immediantly stopped to fixed the problem but I have come to no solution yet. xD

    Heres the link to the file, I personally think it sounds quite decent. :D


    This synth I'm using is a pain in the ass to control. it gets louder out of knowhere, with no reason as to why. it's like going al lkasfklsdjfklsjdfklsjdfklsjdl >_<

    do i need compression for the kick? >_>

    how do i mess with all those buttons? >_>

  2. I'm just curious, I was wondering if this would give me some good sound quaility for a price that fits my wallet.

    I want a set up that allows me to do half decent recording of my electric guitar, and allows me to use sounds for a keyboard I got, and also allows me to use a software synth I got. Here is what I plan on getting from Zzsounds once I'm done saving up.

    Is there an easier way of recording takes of the guitar? I got this information from Tweakheadz and I know about the mixerless setups, but, why I'm hesistant to use that set up is because I don't know how else to use monitors. I am willing to do anything if it means saving a buck and freeing up space, I don't want all this equipment in my bedroom, it's small enough as it is.

    Audio Interface: M-Audio Audiophile 2496

    Mixer: Behringer Xenyx 1204

    Monitors: KRK RD5 Rokit Powered 2-way Monitor (Active)

    Microphone Condenser: Behringer B1 Single

    Microphone: Shure SM57 Cardioid Dynamic Microphone

    Keyboard: Yamahah MM6-61-Key-Synthesizer

    Headphones: Sony MDR NC6 (Already have these)

    Behringer Di100 Active Direct box, says I need it for guitar, why?

    Do I need two microphones?

    Computer: It's defanantly good enough, I'm almost 100% sure that I won't be needed a new computer any time soon. I'm not even going to connect it to the internet just to keep it safe., it's a pc, and it's os is xp. it was built to be specifically versatile for optimizing it in every way thinkable.

    my software synth is reason 3.0 I like it.

    I don't want to use Cubase or Sonar as my sequencer, but on tweaks site, those two are the only two he recommends, sometimes he puts "or choice of sequencer" in his rigs photos. but he didn't on this one and it's starting to make me wonder if I must use one of these sequencers, I've been using ableton live with reason for awhile and I really really like to use these two, cubase and sonar look crazy I don't want to learn a new program.

  3. It still looks messy even though I've just tidied it up, but meh. I only get the keyboard out like this when I'm actually using it.


    Just in case you were wondering, Keyboard is an M-Audio Prokeys 88sx, Tv/Monitor is a Mirai 32 inch, speakers are Eltax Silverstone 200s.

    You shouldn't use Gazzell. I know this is off subject but it's a poor machine. ;D
  4. A good chunk of the mixes on this site (including a lot of really top-notch stuff) was done entirely with software. There are definitely a few things you can do with real instruments that are virtually impossible with software, but there are also a ton of things you can do with software that are flat out impossible on real instruments.
    Can you point out some of those?
  5. Heres my two cents on the programs.

    I have personally found out trough 5 months of expirementing with both programs that they can't be compared.

    They are both wonderful programs but I would think it would be a matter of personal prefrence over which one you think should be used.

    I also think reason shouldn't be used as a complete virtual studio because it's lacking so many things. (recording, etc.) It's best used rewired in my opinon. It's one of the best software synths out there and rewiring it to a program such as cubase would be best in my opinon.

    Edit: Also, another great combo (The one I'm using currently) is Reason + Acid Pro.

  6. Heres my two cents on the programs.

    I have personally found out trough 5 months of expirementing with both programs that they can't be compared.

    They are both wonderful programs but I would think it would be a matter of personal prefrence over which one you think should be used.

    I also think reason shouldn't be used as a complete virtual studio because it's lacking so many things. (recording, etc.) It's best used rewired in my opinon. It's one of the best software synths out there and rewiring it to a program such as cubase would be best in my opinon.

  7. I'm buying a computer from a friend, he hasn't used it yet. It's a Dell "xpc" or something like that and it's really fast. He's selling it to me for about 350$ but there is one problem. It came with windows vista.

    I was wondering if there will be any trouble transfering my RNS files, (reason) , my programs I use, Cool Edit, Etc. and anything else thats important.

    I just can't let this offer pass me. I have no choice. xD

  8. 1. If you have a good soundcard, is there anything besides headphones and good speakers that can enhance the audio? My uncle who I recently met for the first time hooked me up with this sound card called "Xi_Fi Elite Pro." I still havn't got ahold of some good headphones, though. Can you guys recommend to me some good headphones and anything else that would enhance my listening expierance so I can truly grasp teh audio processing?

    2. Can you master in Cool Edit Pro? or at least get some decent balance out of your music? I don't see many topics concerning Cool Edit pro, but I have found it to be the most powerful tool of it's kind. I havn't tried many good programs. My current set up is that I use melody assistant to create and idea of the remix and mess with midi files. Then I use Reason to make the song. Then I use Cool Edit pro to balance it all out. But ever since I got my Xi_Fi sound card, the music I once thought sounded balanced, was a total mess. =| "not completely a mess, but I could hear alot of things wrong with it"

    3. What are the foundations of Music Remixing? By this I mean, set ups. I keep hearing about these two programs called "pro logic" and "Cubase" and all I ever hear about them is that they are truley powerful. I don't see how this is possible, mixing music with software alone can only go so far right? Also, I went to cubase website, and it seems I can't find the right software, they got tons of software there, can someone tell me the most pivital ones?

    4. What are monitors?

    5. How do you make the interpretation that you hear, the one that everyone else hears? I've learned that when making music with alot of Synthesized instruments, and play it back, you can hear it in so many ways, I want my favorite "way" to stick out. I don't know how to do this though. I hope you guys understand what I'm trying to say, I have very difficult time putting it into context. =(

    Thanks alot in advanced. I'm saying this because I have a tendency to not respond to topics and I that can come of as rude if I don't thank people for there help.

    you probably heard this from alot of people, but I'm really in love with music, I'm addicted, I just go to certain places in real life, like a nice park, and start making music out the top of my head, It wasn't only untill recently that I started actually trying to create my music for others to listen to. I havn't even begun to create the songs I like most. I'm just creating a bunch of sucky songs lately for the sole purpose of learning how to process audio. When I make the stuff I can consider good I want to do it good. Hopefully you guys can give me a hand. Summer break is coming up, and I'm dedicating it entirely to learning music.


    Jeffrey Gutierrez

  9. Oh yeah, abuot that, thats a part that I havn't worked on yet. Thats why there is a moment of silence, sorry about not brining that up to you guys. xD

    just ignore that last part. I plan on removing the cello and everything, I want there to be a link, then it like, gets all nice, then the song gets dramatic. I think I did a good job with the little transition, But I don't know.

    The choir sample sucks. :( can you guys help me encode it to 44khz?

  10. I've read on many mastering topics, (been studying those for about a month) and I heard you need good speakers in ADDITION to having good headphones. so basicly headphones are more important. Is this true? I heard some things should not be done on headphones.

    anyways, to the point.

    Would this be enough gear to produce some good music?

    Reason 3.0

    Recycle 2.1

    Cool Edit Pro (not adobe or whatever)

    Acid Pro 5

    Melody Assistant

    Harmony Assistant

    M-Audio Keystation 49e (Teh 99$ B) )

    Sound Blaster Live 24-Bit (On my bros comp, gonna steal it from him somehow.)

    Some decent headphones, 30$ and up.

    And some decent speakers.

    512 MB Ram

    2.66 GH Proccessor.

    Thats about it. I have everything except good headhpones, good speakers, the sound blaster and the ram and processor. :(

    I completely got the least important things first. :(

    It took me a year and a half to save up for reason. :(

  11. I've posted other stuff on the boards before but I really want to plan on taking this somewhere. The music isn't finished. So you might be trown off at how the song just changes out of knowhere.. but it won't happen as much. This is what I want help on.


    link to the song, mp3 format.

    is there anything I should change in the music notation itself?

    Is there anything I can do to help it sound better, the equalization, and all the other mastering stuff.

    I plan on adding drums, good or bad idea?

    Can someone please help me with the bass. :( I just don't like the way it sounds and you won't hear it unless you really pay attention. and it' plays a big part in this song so it must stick out.

    any instrument changing suggestions?

    please give me as much suggestions as possible! much thanks in advance.

    k, thx, bai.

  12. it is far from finished, the drums cut off because i havn't finished making them, the drums are the hardest part because i can't use a drum computer properly so i'm inputting it by hand using a midi keyboard. -_- I have cheap headphones, so i would really appreciate it if you guys could tell me absolutely everything you can to make it sound better. my equalization and balancing is crap i know, plz give me tips, i really want to become good at this.

    also, being that this is only just a very small peice, can you already tell if it's not enough of a remix or to much?

    i also plan on adding two chorus's to replace the moments of silence and the second one is going to change the song all together.


    here is the link to the mp3.

    i would appreciated, if you would be brutally honest instead of nice as well. TELL ME THE BUISNESS!

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