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Everything posted by Nekojin

  1. It's been a long time since I actually downloaded a track from the website to listen to more than once. Thanks for breaking that streak with an incredible mix.
  2. Sad to see my favorite NES game be shit on like this. I guess if you like dubstep it might be good. It certainly sounds like dubstep.
  3. Yeah, that's what he told me as well. I did message him over the kickstarter link, but didn't get any sort of reply so I'm kinda nervous about that still. It'd be kinda shitty not to get my discs.
  4. Wait, I never answered any questionnaire. How do I get in contact with someone that matters?
  5. Yay for Monster Hunter being mentioned. I logged in for the first time in months! I've been playing MHP2 on the PSP for a couple months now and it's awesome. And no, MH2 will not be coming to North America, although MHP2 is being translated and will be released in September. Glad I don't have to wait, though. Yay for katakana.
  6. Possible? Yeah, of course. Wanted? Not so much. Let's focus on a good game in the series, like FFVIII.
  7. Good stuff here, solid mix with a nice mesh of genres. Not something I'm going to burn so I can hear it in the car, but definitely worth a download.
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