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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. itt f4w thinks that all atari games and consoles were released before 1970
  2. I'm not saying that it's bad to play on the original console, but when you can't play it on the original console, the PSP is a pretty decent alternative and honestly you can't tell me that you walk around with a PSOne in your backpack
  3. I guess I can understand wanting to show off what you've done in a game, and for other people that's fine ("Good on you, you beat it on the highest difficulty without dying even once"), but for me, I love thinking up challenges that the developers didn't suggest you to do of or doing things outside the scope of the game (you know, like pathbreaking in super metroid) there's just something magical about that "This is my accomplishment, and mine alone" (Obviously if someone else thought it up first, that's cool too, but it's still something that wasn't intended in the original game)
  4. I did and here's the most complete list of games that do and don't work for PSP: http://www.gamerspress.com/index.php?title=PSX_on_PSP_Compatibility_List compatibility only keeps getting better with each firmware revision
  5. schwaltzwald understands me there's just something intensely satisfying about saying one day "hey, I'm gonna go beat DOOM using only the fist" and doing it just 'cause you can, not because it's in a pre-packaged list of achivements
  6. "at that time" except the PSP now emulates it close to perfectly and has a smaller form factor and it doesn't get disc read errors when you jostle it around and you can play it close to eight hours straight (btw we're assuming that he already has both a PS1 and a PSP that could potentially be hacked)
  7. maybe I'll never be able to convey my view, but having the computer congratulate me with a little popup feels so very... artificial that it aggravates me instead of elating me
  8. I don't mind extra content, in fact, I love it, but I'm already motivated to find stuff in a game without the prospect of adding an icon to a collection of icons. what really gets me the most though is the achievements that have nothing to do with actually playing the game at all like "Come back after a week long break". who the fuck cares that you DIDN'T play the game for a week for fuck's sake or "spend ten minutes on the title screen" I mean, really? Really really?
  9. because you were doing it anyway you don't need to program a damned achievement for every damned level you level up likewise, I don't need a program to tell me that I just cleared the highest difficulty without getting hit. I can tell people that myself and I don't give a damn whether they believe me or not, and if they don't then it's their loss. they add absolutely nothing to my gaming experience except annoyance at having this dumb, distracting popup in my game every so often I can see how they might add incentive to explore every corner of the game but having the achievements there removes the old excitement of not knowing how many secrets are in the game or what they look like. When "easter eggs" popped up in older games I was like "holy crap that's an awesome thing they put there I wasn't expecting that" but now it's like "okay there has to be a bonus weapon in this building somewhere cause it's in the achievement list". Fuck that noise.
  10. modern "achievements" are terrible, dumb, and arbitrary and this thing is an excellent commentary
  11. olol I thought he had his faceplate down so I was wondering how the hell he was smoking that cigar
  12. OH GOD what was that book I swear I've seen this before was it that one where there was a free-roaming planet that was like a gigantic brain with worms and stuff and they got some kids in to decide what to do with it or something?
  13. yeah I've done Go2it on nightmare a few times, nowhere near that fast though I love the hell out of levels with forty metric fucktons of enemies
  14. schwaltz is better at this than I
  15. can you just whip it out in a library though and be able to load 10 different games at a moments notice
  16. heh like Schwaltz said, show me your playstation that fits in your pocket and I'll concede the point
  17. except your ps1 or ps2 isn't portable
  18. he's talking about the shitty remote play I'm pretty sure
  19. well if you were going to hack your psp you might be able to do it on your psp wait never mind FF8 crashes when you use scan
  20. yeah, thinking about it, I think that this is what was being asked
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