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Posts posted by Gollgagh

  1. Not gonna argue the semantics of "big"

    then don't bring it up, sheesh

    edit: basically what I'm trying to say is harping on Sony for remaking their stuff in a smaller package is really silly

  2. y'all are crazy and/or wear skinny jeans

    The SP is the smallest handheld I've ever owned, and I used to stick full-fucking-sized PSPs in my pockets. (hello non sequitur)

    I still regularly stick my PSP Go in my pocket as well, and that's still bigger than an SP.

  3. Game Boy Micro actually has a draw, being incredibly small and rechargeable. It's a great little pocket game device. Gameboy SP was a lot larger and took up more pocket room. You'd have this fat bulge in your pocket.

    A slimmer PS3 doesn't really do anything other than what a PS3 does. The slimness is purely aesthetic since a console sits by the TV, not around in your pocket.

    I've never actually held a Micro, but the SP wasn't that big :whatevaa:

  4. So, Descent-style music, I'm not really sure where to start looking for any.

    A couple months ago, I found

    on a vocaloid album and it instantly reminded me of the D1 title song; and I thought to myself, "Surely there's more music in this style out there". My best guess would be to start looking at some electro or something, but I'm really in the dark, here.

    Also, I'm not restricting this to game music, so go crazy (please); vocals are A-OK.

  5. So basically, you're asking people to single out a handful of notes in an entire song to identify a song from an entirely different game with a similarly small group of notes vaguely resembling the first group.

    You were crazy from the premise.

    you might as well be asking "Guess what number I'm thinking of, then take the modulus of that by this second number that I'm thinking of and take the cube root of the sum of all three numbers"

  6. Oh, boo hoo. You sound like one of those COD fags who complain about other FPS games when their health doesn't regenerate.

    uhhhh I'm pretty sure that's the entirely different direction from which he is complaining

    Again, you sound like you are whining. I'm happy that they didn't wait for Xen to be completed because I'm sure most people were tired of waiting. And they gave you the long jump module so that it fit with the story. Taking it out just because they weren't finished with Xen would not make any sense.

    The Black Mesa team's motto for the entire development was "It'll be done when it's done." It's not done. It's not hard to grasp why that's consternating.

    You also might want to note that he really liked the game; he wasn't complaining for the sake of complaining.

  7. I was never a huge fan of custom soundtracks in any game. The director always makes decisions with the game with in mind so why get rid of his hard work?

    If I think the soundtrack of a given game is shit, I'm not really thinking very highly of the director in the first place.

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