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  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)

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  1. Hmm, the file appears to be gone now. SplinterOfChaos: Yes, the name of the game is One Must Fall: 2097.
  2. A fantastic arrangement as always zircon, Devil's Lab is a favourite of mine and I couldn't think of a reason why it didn't deserve the score I gave it, which seems to have been echoed by Larry and Sebastian too. Will you be meeting up with Tim and Michael Gluck at the concert at all?
  3. Yea, me too. Judging this should be fun.
  4. Hey guys, just to let you know that the site is now back up permanently (fingers crossed).
  5. If you're unsure whether Uematsu composed a piece, then give me a PM and I'll verify that the submission will be accepted.
  6. I concur, this is pretty phat.
  7. Ok, this is a WIP remix of Winning Run from Super Hang-On. > Original Basically, the story goes that about 2 years ago my friend and I were working on a remix of the same piece, we submitted it and it got rejected with some re-subs, but generally, the concensus was that it didn't quite fit the bill. > Original Submission We lost a fair bit of motivation following the judge's comments, but recently we gained a new lease of life and started on a new version. > New Version Ok, so this is still a WIP, but the general structure is laid down. Some of the sounds are a bit sketchy, but I'm mainly working with free stuff so it takes quite a while to sift through the garbage. The main synth could do with some modulation, but the plug-in doesn't support it, so that's going to be done after I can find a plug-in to do it on the audio file. The drums are a bit lifeless, with the cymbals being a bit bland, and the snare kinda dies into the mix once all the instruments come in. Drums aren't really my area of expertise though, so I know I'm going to have to improve them. From 1:50 onwards is the bit that we're currently working on. The fill section needs a lot of work, but we're a bit unsure about what to do with it, so any suggestions would be more than welcome. The section starting 2:20 has some note clashes in there, but it was mainly just hurried together so I could get some feedback about the overall structure. From here, it goes back into the Chorus and after the piece ends, we intend to do an improved verse and then end the piece. So yea, any comments are welcome. Thanks, tk.
  8. I find that working with other people helps to bring out my creative juices.
  9. Lol, no. My room is in a bit of a transition phase at the moment so the only place I can put it where it still reaches my computer stops me from being able to actually get out of the room.
  10. I don't have a problem with you including googleads. Pretty much every site on the internet has some kind of advertising on it now, and it's getting quite odd to see a site without advertising if I'm honest. As long as they are subtle and don't detract from experience of using the site then it should be fine.
  11. tk

    Sony PS3

    It's mainly been the last couple of days. Like Gamespot did an article about their sales predictions for the Christmas period and they put the 360 in last. Joystiq also did an article about how the PS3 sales are actually equal if not slightly better than the 360's if launches are aligned (which most people already knew). Just small stuff like that.
  12. tk

    Sony PS3

    Something odd appears to be happening in the Christmas build-up, the Media aren't being as negative about the PS3 as it is now perceived to be a better deal than the XBox 360, especially with Ratchet and Clank + Uncharted: Drake's Fortune and Haze coming out, just to name a few of the big games coming out.
  13. I would say my Korg Trinity, but I currently don't have enough room to set it up. Other than that, I don't really have any stunning equipment/software. I just use the bare basics for the most part.
  14. Sorry, I forgot it's a usermovie. They're Flash only. I presume you have the latest version of Flash?
  15. Have you tried changing the file format that the player runs in? I find that quicktime works the best.
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