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Everything posted by Kriko

  1. Hehe, Dragon's Lair is a game for Nintendo 8 bit. Possibly one of the hardest and frustrating games avialable for Nes... I've beaten the last boss (getting there took a while yeah even with walkthroung and save/load using emulator) Iv'e actually submitted a Remix on the main theme recently.. don't think it will make on the site tho.. [swe]Tja! ja det var trevligt med en till svensk [/swe]
  2. The Boss in Dragons Lair. (If you ever make it there )
  3. Why is the Audigy not suitable for mic recording?
  4. Annoying is the word. I also sent them an email last week, haven't got anything back I'd suppose their dead too.. Can anyone (maybe a site admin or moderator) contact the store too see whats going on there?
  5. Yes this is quite concerning. I sent an email explaining the problem. Hopefully they will answer. If i do get anything i'll tell.
  6. Yes the shop seem to be troubled. Two weeks ago i ordered two shirts, and at first i was charged on my card as like the money was reserved. But now when i checked the bankhistory the money have come back to my account. What is happening here? Am i going to be charged or do i re-order? :S The status says Pending on the store site. Appriciate some help. //kriko
  7. Sometimes i record the song i want to transcript to a wav file and run it in slowmotion. If it's low notes you can double the frequency to get the tone up an octave.
  8. I have complete score/midi transcriptions for "Battle of Olympus" (Arcadia, Temple and Title screen music). If someone's intrested you might get it if you're nice. But on the other hand if you're a pro you don't need other people who puts the music down to score for you.
  9. Will there be any tollfee added on to the price when buying to Europe? (Swe)
  10. Oh. hehe.. thanks
  11. Impressing indeed. This is something you could hear on the radio. I really like those vocals, and the lyric is good too. It's a winner concept. Good work!
  12. Ah thank you for your replies. I may have put my question a little confusing. I'm not actually looking for a program that you create your own sounds with. What i wanted to do was to put together maybe 15-30 samples (same intstrument, different note) into a single VST instrument .dll file i can use with my tracker, becuase it gets kind of bulky to scroll around among so many different samples It's not very important though. I was just wondering if it was possible. thanks anyway. These program may come in handy some day
  13. Ah that seems som be just what i was looking for. Indeed intresting program. Thank you! Though it seems to be a little tricky to save a VST from .wav files.. guess i'll have to read the help a little more
  14. Hi. I'm wondering if it is possible to make your own VST instrument with a complete collection of samples. Maybe a program or so which can do this. Thanks
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