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Everything posted by SilverStar
In response to this, http://cgi.ebay.com/PRE-SALE-SONY-PLAYSTATION-3-PS3-PRESALE-60GB-CONSOLE_W0QQitemZ330047524577QQihZ0 All I have to say is this..
You'd think with all that space they have they could afford some decent anti-aliasing. That does not, however, apply to Resistance. That game looks truly kick arse. To be honest, I would expect nothing less from a $600 console. Ya, 'cause with all the space in the world, you can pull off really amazing effects that don't actually take any space.Maybe Sony should start developing the PS4 and.. you know, make it the PS3 with polish?
*insert comment about unwashed masses, huddling together and placing all their hopes, dreams and fate on a single graven icon* You'd think Sony were a religion or something.
So. The PS3 web browser.. doesn't actually let you browse the web. http://www.gamespot.com/news/6161456.html Another "WTF were they thinking" moment from Sony?
I wonder how long until someone compiles Gentoo to run on the PS3 and they begin full reverse engineering of the entire affair, including all the copy protection measures, and create their own backup tools. And how long until Sony decides to patch out the firmware to prevent people from doing that, just like they did with the PSP. Remember: The PS3OS is a derivative of Linux or Debian or something like that. It's open. People are going to crack every last bit of the PS3's protection measures, right down to the last bit of protecting the BD-ROM, and open the system wide open to piracy, both game and movie.
Evilhead doesn't understand this. He thinks [insert company] is forcing its consumers to purchase shit they don't want.
He can't troll in the Wii thread without getting flamed to bits, so he does it here instead. Sorry Evilhead, couldn't resist. Youkai: PS3 compatible with PS1 software? That's kinda reaching. Do you have any reasoning or source to back this up? Because PS3 is backwards compatible with PS1 and PS2? Look how monstrous the system is. They have like all things needed to play both playstations in it. Worse than that. The PS3, quite literally, has a PS2 BUILT IN. So if you already own a PS2 that works just fine, you're being ripped off that cash by being forced to re-purchase your PS2 all over again. And I'm sure if one goes, they both do. So if the PS3 blows, the PS2 is useless. If the PS2 blows, the PS3 is useless. Kinda surprised Evilhead hasn't ripped about that yet, since he just -loves- to bitch about being "forced" to buy the same thing over and over. And for the PS3 download service that lets you get PS1 games for 5 bucks? I can go hit up any of 30 large pawnshops and get the games for 2-3 bucks. 5 for the harder to find games like SaGa Frontier. I know a place that pays $1 per PS1 game, then turns around and sells them in the bargain bin, 5 for 20 bucks. And that's in Canadian funds. Either way you cut it, Sony's just out to rip people off with this service. If you can play the originals on the same hardware, and you can find them for cheaper, why would you bother with what limited selection they'd offer, for more?
ISOS??!?! WHAT? There are things called ps1 isos? Those can be incredibly hard to find for size reasons. Just try finding a non-clone Jet Moto 1,2, or 3. Found. All 3. In non-clone CD versions. Why wouldn't you want CCD though? You'd just be playing it in an emulator anyway. Just load it into daemon tools if you need to rip it in some other way and convert. Yeah, in the day of very affordable 250GB HDDs and ever-increasing highspeed internet, it's so much harder to get ISOs of your favorite PSX games, isn't it? Really, 5 bucks for one of those games is SOOOO much better than 5 bucks for a game for a DIFFERENT system, isn't it?
I want to see Sony and Nintendo switch positions, while MS remains in Sega's former spot. Let the Wii become the mega hit to cause developers to have to think in new ways, make the PS3 barely get any market share but have some strong games so they still manage to make some profit, then come the following generation, let's see what will really come of things. With off the shelf computer parts being super powerful for super cheap, the successor to the Wii could be at least as powerful as the PS3, plus have its own new things and plenty of developer support, Sony would be humbled and be a decent company again, with good hardware and good games, and MS could go flip off and do their own thing.
Zelda 2 also has Link able to crouch and attack. That'd be a handy one to bring back, if for no reason than to make combat more interesting. Roll around, jump-slash, cut their knees out from under them, then spinslash to finish them off.
TP is set about 30 years after OoT from what I've heard. http://www.gamespot.com/pages/video_player/popup.php?sid=6161038&pid=928519 Says it right in there. "The events in this game take place hundreds of years after the end of Ocarina of Time..." Meh, it's probably outdated news. I've heard about 30 or so years from literally dozens of sources including NOA. It's really no big deal, though. Yes. Because Nov 19 was so long ago, and internal translation artists from Nintendo can't -possibly- be considered official NOA sources, right?
TP is set about 30 years after OoT from what I've heard. http://www.gamespot.com/pages/video_player/popup.php?sid=6161038&pid=928519 Says it right in there. "The events in this game take place hundreds of years after the end of Ocarina of Time..."
So, TP is set several hundred years after OoT, which means it's not the same cast, by a long shot. The big difference between the Wii and GC versions is that the worlds are mirrored. And wasn't it mentioned that Wii TP will have an option to switch left/right handed Link, for those who are left handed? I don't think it'd much matter for the cutscenes, since these days a lot of games just use in-game engines to render any cutscenes, rather than pre-rendered scenes.
Heh. What I loved about the whole outcry over the PSP ad, is that it was AMERICANS bitching about an ad from ANOTHER COUNTRY, to the point they damn near started lobbying that the ads be taken down. "Uh, hello? Common sense here. I'd absolutely -love- to talk to you. So, if you could maybe return my message, maybe we'll touch base sometime and see if any of me rubs off onto you, alright? Thanks, bye."
They just can't seem to go more than a week, two tops, without shoving their foot in their mouth, to the knee, can they?
For Katamari, I think it'd work better on the Wii, because you'd actually have both sticks that could be used with full hands instead of just thumbs. Hell, it could be played with just the remote itself, by acting like the katamari is being balanced right in the middle of it and you have to keep it balanced to keep it moving straight, or turn it to the sides some(like in the racing demos) to turn it in that direction.
About the Genesis downloadable content on the PS3... I thought that some 2 days after Sony "announced" it, Sega came right out and said there have been no talks of any kind, in any fashion, to that end. At all. The next day, Sony said it was meant to be used as an example, and promptly shut their pie hole about it.
Actually, the prices are between $43 and $59 USD for the JP releases. http://www.gamespot.com/news/6159301.html Of course, the super-cheap ones are Mah-Jong and in no way make use of any amount of the PS3s power, so were probably just around 25 bucks to develop anyway, so their one copy of each will make a profit.
Problem is, if you don't buy it when it's newly released, you won't get the full use of it, for very long. When Sony locks out BluRay videos to non-HDMI outputs by 2009, there goes the primary purpose of the system, aside from the games themselves. Unless you fork out for a whole new TV set with HDMI inputs, that big, bad, $500-600 BluRay player that you think is cheap now, becomes useless.
Awesome. I'll pick up a Japanese PS3 at launch if I can. I think I can deal with less hard drive space and spend the extra cash on games. Yeah, me too. Hearing that, I think I might actually buy a PS3 before an XBox 360 if that price change comes over to the US. $400 for a PS3, or even $430, would be really worth it. If they made it $450CAD, then the system would be worth it. Perhaps even more than an X360. But not at $499USD and up, to come with nothing but a handful of exclusives, and Sony being the only ones showing absolute faith in their system. 100 games are being developed internally now.. sheesh.
*drags thread from bottom of page 2* Hey, look! Sony's dropping the price of the El Cheap-o PS3 in Japan.. and adding more stuff to it. http://www.gamespot.com/news/6158155.html?tag=latestnews;title;4 So, the only difference in that massive $200 price span between versions, is that you get an extra 40GB drive space and a memory card reader? ...-why- is Sony releasing 2 different models of the PS3, now? Seems to me it'd be cheaper for production, and a much better move if they just made a single model with all the features, for ~$450. At this point, there's really no valid reason to buy the higher end model, since you could just grab an external HDD for ~$80 with 200GB storage, and an external multi card reader, to hook up through the USB.
Oh, well damn. Look at the updates to the story. Looks like Xfire is only gonna see the light of day in a single game. So much for the hopes of having a single, unified online gaming service. Looks like it's going to be little more than the mishmash seen on the PS2, at this point.
Hey, that's pretty good news. It'll be interesting, should the PS3 actually recover. And, of course, it'll mean MS will try to enhance the Live experience to match or exceed the Xfire presentation.
Think of it this way: Sony has never once championed a widescale successful media format. They lost VHS/Betamax, they were forced to adopt a hybrid format for the DVD era(Sony's format was MMCD, which had 5GB storage per layer), their digital audio format and players bombed, in favor of the iPod and standard MP3 players, and the UMD is a DOA format, for multimedia delivery.Why it is that a company with that many outright failed format attempts still gets people to support them like they've never done anything wrong, I won't understand. And in the case of Betamax and BD-ROM, Sony is being exclusive with the licenses. It will be an outright breach of the license agreement to see any sort of hybrid device that can support HD-DVD and BD-ROM. Add in the production costs of the media and how steep the license fees are, per disc sold, and Sony is trying to strange it's own formats, time and time again, by making them too expensive to generate a real profit for any but the highest volume sellers. HD-DVD, on the other hand, barely costs more than a DVD to produce, and has license fees far lower, so it's a viable possibility for a wider range of companies. That, and come 2008, you won't be able to watch BD-ROM based movies, unless you have an HDTV with an encrypted HDMI connection, because of the copy protection models used.
Lemme put it this way: Parents with the money will be able to choose between putting a PS3 under the tree for their kid, or an X360, a Wii, and every last game for both systems, if they don't buy them retail, or first round of eBay. I expect to see people buy PS3 systems, put them for sale on eBay, then have the same system go back up on eBay at least one more time, after it's been sold and delivered. That, or half of the consoles will be featured in various episodes of Pimp My Ride, doubling the price of the car, no matter how excessively overpriced the vehicle may be.