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Everything posted by Jondy

  1. Unless they want to be ironic.
  2. I have a special request for the ff9 release: An entire disc of "You're Not Alone" remixes.
  3. I must admit. I now check OCRemix every day, multiple times a day, sometimes while at work, to see if this album has been released yet.
  4. I believe he's referring to the kickstarter page that says "We’re shooting to release the album around the 25th anniversary of the Final Fantasy series, December 18th, 2012." Of course that's not a release date announcement, but that's where the December 18 date came from.
  5. There's also the ff4 album which was sick as shit good. Nowhere else than ocremix can I go and download over 5 hours of free quality music ranging in genre and style from dubstep to metal to orchestral to pop and everything in between.
  6. Oh my God I love this so much!
  7. Oh, my, god, Iron Will March, is so amazing.
  8. OH good, I came here for some reassurance. However long it takes, I'm sure it'll be awesome.
  9. Has the project been abandoned? The entirety of 2011 has passed us by... I'm sure the artists are just very busy. It would be a shame though.
  10. Truly a man who's art changed my life.
  11. Reuban's ascension into cosmo canyon was my and my friend's all time favorite rendition of cosmo canyon. Excellent remix from a great musical mind. We will miss him and his work. I... I don't know what to say to make it any easier for you, but maybe it will help knowing that his life impacted people in some way. I wish you all the best.
  12. I love it. I love it! I love you all!
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