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Posts posted by DragonAvenger

  1. I think Larry hits a lot of the crits really well here; The mix overall has a bit too much dryness, and overall sounds a bit thin as a result. Some extra backing pads to fill out the structure might also help the situation, but definitely be careful to not over clutter. The arrangement gets better as the track moves on, and I'd love more of that earlier on. Larry also mentions the drums being pretty static, and some fills would really help augment the melody here. Ending is a bit abrupt, but I didn't find it to be the worst. Maybe stretching it a little could help? Not too sure there.

    On the right track here, but needs some more to go. Check out our WIP boards if you haven't already to get a little more feedback and send this back our way!

    NO (resubmit)

  2. Love the mood here, definitely a great expansion on the original. I also agree that you holding onto these tracks is not something you should do! Get them out there for us (and others!) to see!

     Always love that you take the time to really massage a lot of life out of your samples. Even if things don't sound perfectly realistic, everything sounds humanized and has a great feel to it. Aside from this being a bit quiet overall (a quick fix) I'm good for this one to go!


  3. Pretty much a repeat of above. The track sounds repetitive in both the sounds and overall arrangement, some more variations in the parts like rhythms would make a difference here to start. Maybe another section to break up the arrangement would help as well. I'm also going to agree that the 'Get Dizzy' idea is fun in theory, but really isn't making the track palatable. Your call in the end, but I'd consider nixing it. That being said, I wish you had expanded more on the section right before the 'Dizzy' section. That's when the arrangement really started to flesh out and I'd love more in that direction!

    You've got a start here, but it definitely needs work.

    NO (resubmit)


  4. This one's pretty close. I think the arrangement on it's own, while a little repetitive, is above the bar in terms of interpretation and arrangement. The crowdedness is an issue, but whether it's dragging this down too far is what I'm not sure of. I feel like the main parts are still coming through, and I didn't feel like I had a tough time hearing the particulars that I needed from the mix. I certainly wouldn't mind if it were cleaned up a little, but I think this one is okay to go as-is. Curious about the rest of the vote!

    YES (borderline)

  5. I am pretty much in full agreement with MW here. The first half or so of the track definitely feels very medley, and while a lot of the sources come together later it still feels a bit like you're pulling through a bunch of sources. The transitions are mostly decent, though some are abrupt, which isn't helping the medley feel. The very last section also feels very cluttered with a lot of instruments taking up the same space and fighting for dominance. The other bit issue is that everything does feel like there's a blanket over it. I'd love all the parts to be much clearer, which will definitely help the leads shine through and the rest of the parts to feel stronger as well. 

    I like the concept, and the second half has a lot of promise, but there's definitely work to be done here. 

    NO (resubmit)

  6. I'll agree that it's repetitive, but I think I'm with Kris here, I didn't find it so bad that I lost interest in the track, and I think the extra elements like the sax, etc, keep the track going. That being said, some extra variation certain wouldn't hurt things here. I can see this going either way, but I'm seeing it as a pass. Energetic percussion and a great sound structure really work in favor here.


  7. The track is definitely pretty chill. Nice soundscape throughout, and the atmosphere flows very well into the parts. I agree that the track overall feels pretty repetitive, mainly because the same backing chords are being played throughout without much melody to draw your attention away from it. That being said, I think the track achieves what it is trying to do without overstaying its welcome. I'd have liked a little more melody, but I am not a super ambient listener, so I'll chalk that to personal preference.

    Curious what the other judges think here.


  8. Definitely a unique take here. Not going to be everyone's cup of tea, but you've got some fun ideas here. As Kris and MW said, the chord choices are fun if unconventional which gives the track a little bit of extra personality. For me I feel like there's more work that could be done here. Kris mentioned the sine lead, which was the first thing I noticed; it's super plain both in how it plays the melody and how it's sitting in the track. Along with that is a lot of repetitive aspects that I found to be too much. The drum loops are pretty unchanging, then later that kinda screechy synth. I'd like there to be more variation overall in those things to keep the track moving. 

    I agree that this can go either way, and I'd say it's close, but some extra revisions would bring it that step up IMO.

    NO (resubmit)

  9. Yeah, interesting here. I can see Jive's issues with the mix in regards to timing, but I am actually seeing it as a little bit of the character of this mix being the frantic beast that it is. My biggest gripe here is that the guitars could have a little more punch overall to push the track that one step further. That being said, I don't see it as a dealbreaker and think we're good to go here. 


  10. I am, unfortunately, going to have to agree with Gario here. The strings sounds are really not cutting it here. I think the rest of the track is really nice, and wondefully emotive, which makes it more of a shame that the strings just kinda kill the mood. I do think switching either to a different sample or, as Gario suggested, going with something like a synth that can get away with being more fakey sounding would be a great way to get around this. Either way, I hope you do one more pass here!

    NO (resubmit)

  11. I'm pretty on the fence here. I feel like the track overall is a bit conservative to the original, and also a bit repetitive. I agree that the sounds do feel different and there's some good drumwork overall which add some interesting textures, but I'm not sure it is doing enough. Along with that, the ending is pretty abrupt, especially if you don't consider the soundclip. I think this needs a little more in terms of arrangement and adaptation, maybe some original writing to set it a bit further apart. Good luck on the rest of the vote!

    NO (resubmit)

  12. I'm in agreement that this is a bit close in terms of putting a lot of themes together and having a flow between them. For the most part I think the transitions do a nice job of keeping the song flow there, but a couple transitions where the mood change is more abrupt does jar a little. In the end, though, I think the performances are fantastic and the subtle changes in the arrangements really make up for the flaws here. Really a very nice listen, and the artists should be proud :)


  13. Didn't hear the original, but what I'm hearing now is a pretty fun take on the sources. Loved the overall march feel of the beginning and end, and the transitions overall are pretty smooth between the sections. I'll agree that the samples aren't blowing anyone away, but I also agree that they get the job done and are treated well to feel more natural. Definitely some fun love to sources that aren't normally considered.


  14. Oh hey I only listened to the second one, no mixing issues for me! Great expansion of the source, I agree that enhancing the mood of mournful yet resolute was a great way to go. The track sounds natural and flows really well. Good to hear more from you PH, and I'd love to hear more orchestral from you in the future!



  15. Yeah, this is a toughie. Really love the idea behind this, and I'm pretty much agreeing with what everyone said before here. IF the opening wasn't so messy and cluttered I think the other issues wouldn't  be dealbreakers, but as-is it's right on the edge for me. That being said, I do think I agree the Larry is right that the arrangement as a whole and the production for the most part does put this over the bar, if just barely. Curious to see where this ends up, and if you guys ever re-vamped the intro/clean this up a little more I'd love to hear that updated version!

    YES (borderline)

  16. MW pretty much said everything I wanted to say here, but there's a couple things to add. At 0:53 the backing pad that comes in on the beat is very mechanical and feels a little too marching for what is going on otherwise in the track. Softening that section, or using that idea a little more sparely would allow it to fit better into the track or just be used to emphasize one section. I'd also like to emphasize that the lead feels like it's placed on top of the track instead of balanced in with the other parts. A lot of that stems from the fact that there is a sparse texture throughout, but a little more work balancing would help it feel more gelled with the rest of the track. 

    There is good work here, but it still need some more. I'd suggest using our WIP boards to get some more feedback and resubmitting after that :)

    NO (resubmit)

  17. I am pretty much between Larry and MW here. The drums are definitely the part that are holding this back for me, in that they are incredibly repetitive, but I don't think it brings it down to a dealbreaker in the end. The drums definitely have the perfect sounds to fit into the super 80's style here and, as Gario mentioned, the repetitiveness does fit into the style (although that isn't necessarily giving them a pass on their own). The track synths are also perfectly set into the 80's, and I really enjoyed the off-beat hits of the melody line, which is both reminiscent of the original source and also gussied up a little for the mix. Overall the track is enjoyable, and while some variation in the drums would be nice, I don't feel like it is breaking the bank here.


  18. I think this is a lot closer than the other judges make it appear to be in their votes. The arrangement is driving and energetic, and the additive writing you've put in here does enhance the original a lot. That being said, I do think that this isn't quite there yet, for the same reasons that the others mentioned. There needs to be more variation in general; attacks on the instruments, preventing repetition, etc. I'd love to hear this again, and I you can get it back to us and get it posted relativley quickly :)

    NO (resubmit)

  19. Yeah, gonna throw my vote in here with Gario as well. The track has some really nice adaptation, and I really like the overall sound structure you have going on here, but there is just too much clutter going on where it becomes hard to focus on the main parts of the mix. Similarly, the main melody has been put way into the backburner while the backing parts are been brought up to the forefront. This can work in it's own way, but I don't think  how it is handled here provides the direction and structure to drive the mix in the same way. I think a rebalance would go a long ways here.

    NO (resubmit)

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