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Everything posted by KingTiger

  1. This just rawks. It is very well made, great guitar work, great drums, great singing...cool lyrics that fit perfectly with really cool inside references. My only complaint is that in the beginning, the drums and guitar don't seem to sync quite right. but that's the only thing bothering me... THIS RAWKS (it's going in my favorites list)
  2. This song just rawks. All of the intruments fit perfectly, great arrangement...I thought it would be really hard to remix a Prime song, but you did an excellent job! I like how you integrated pieces of the main Prime them in there, too. This is awesome. DarkeSworde Fanbase points +1
  3. Huh? and also, just to clarify...lava reef has been taken care of already, right?
  4. Ok, I have the front album cover done. I'm PMing it to Snapple, Rexy, and KFC. Is there anybody else I need to send it to?
  5. I COULD DO IT! If Snapple approves... hey xenon...wanna collab?
  6. weeell, it looks like the bg music is taken care of, so I'll get started on some album art.
  7. you guys need album art? I would love to make the album art. and what about bg music for the site? I can try to work on some, just depends on what exactly you're looking for.
  8. Now there's a thought...this would sound really good as a hip-hop song, with or without lyrics.
  9. I'll do it! *records a "Come On!" sample* Go Kyle! I was thinking about doing it, but it's such a wierd song, I don't think I could handle it. Good luck! Haha, I don't think I could actually do it, either. It is a weird song, though. Hopefully someone can handle it... :-/ I guess I take everything too seriously! Well, I'll tinker with it, and maybe I'll come up with something...we'll see.
  10. I'll do it! *records a "Come On!" sample* Go Kyle! I was thinking about doing it, but it's such a wierd song, I don't think I could handle it. Good luck!
  11. you know, if protricity is reading this, i have a question for you...what crazy time signature is your "escaping retribution" in?! I can't figure it out for the life of me. and BTW, I agree, this project rawks. EDIT: I figured out what it is...it's 5/8 for most of the song, but it switches for 6/8 for part of it and 7/8 for other parts. Very nice job, Protricity!
  12. Does anyone know why these covers weren't officially released? They are very good. 2 covers wouldn't have hurt anything, that's what the Hedgehog Heaven folks did.
  13. lol. not even if it's a donation thing? that sucks. makes sense, but it still sucks. PS I will try to get you guys another WIP tomorrow before I go on my ski trip to Lake Tahoe...
  14. Cool. I wanted to comment on something mentioned on the front page...post production. I think it's definitely needed...I know my songs, personally, have always had lots of dynamics, usually leading to damaged speakers and eardrums when listening to finished tracks. I think post production would help a lot to give the whole project a more united, smoother feel. Just my two cents.
  15. it sucks that analoq is no longer doing the track, but DarkeSword is pretty darn good too... and speaking of not working, I've been sick for the past three days. which is why I don't have another WIP to submit... aaaand I just found out my MS2000B is actually on back order. So it'll be another 3-4 weeks before I get it. But in the meantime, I'll just do the best I can. Hey XenonOdyssey, are you still up for playing sax? 'cus whether or not this track makes it into this project, I'm going to want you.
  16. i have an update, but it's more about me than about the project. I just bought a MS2000B synthesizer off www.samash.com and it should arrive this week. It should definitely speed up the creative process I just hope it gets here quickly...
  17. Now that most of my major school projects are done, I have worked some more on mine...KFC, I will get it to you soon - I want to add the bridge / second verse. I've got better drum samples and added some more bg stuff on the 1st verse.
  18. I very well may need your saxophone playing...I think it would sound very good in the track I'm making. I will let you know when/if I need it. Thanks! My WIP is almost ready...would you prefer to receive the link to the file in an e-mail, or in a PM?
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