Akumajo, your guest rap/secret weapon is pretty epic.
Amphibious, your track has a great "Vibe' (thus the title, I'm assuming). It's very atmospheric, but keeps things moving and interesting.
Mr. Briggs, I really like your Sonic voice samples. And Xenon, I really love your great chiptune production.
Dusk, your track really rocks, although I wish some of the EQ/mastering was a bit better.
And yes, Chaos Angel IS all over the place! jeez. Great job, Main Finger & jakesnke17, for being able to work with it. MF, your DnB production skills are fantastic. And Jake, your track is very very good, if I didn't already know that you pulled an all-nighter to make it I never would have guessed.
Mr. L & Superior X, you both did a great job of blending your two source themes, and your tracks are very enjoyable.
Phonetic Hero, your chiptune-style skills sound great, and you did a great job of blending the two themes. (And yes, your cheesy orchestra hit fits perfectly ) PixelPanic, I think I see what your were going for, but it's a little... weird :/
TheRexAsaurous, yours is pretty good, very unique style, but enjoyable, although some of your synths seem a bit generic (something I'm often guilty of). Rather short, too.
I think everybody did such a great job. It was hard to decide to vote for on several of the matchups. A lot of great production on most of them, although I felt like they were all kinda short? I suppose that's what happens when you're faced with the tough challenge of blending two different sources in one short week; I guess I'll find out soon, since my bracket just started! (Also I usually like long, drawn-out electronica tracks... so I'm sure that doesn't help)