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Everything posted by Darkflamewolf

  1. Okay, after a lot of discussion and planning, we're most likely going to rebrand this album, change the theming and set up a new album thread with the new Album title soon. More words to follow. Chances are, the tracks you all have been working on may still work with the new theming, but if not, I'm sure can be retooled to fit easily enough depending on what you had planned to begin with. I'm going to get the final OK from @djpretzelbefore proceeding forward though. Hang tight - we might still revive this album yet, but it won't be in this aged project thread.
  2. By open source, you mean any game soundtrack included and not just specifically Hollow Knight? I know there was some pull for a an old Godzilla game soundtrack a while back. :)
  3. Okay, before I do any pitch here, I'd like to direct your attention and maybe some of your time to take a listen to this soundtrack to Serious Sam 4: I want to focus specifically on how the primary genre is epic cinematic score complete with fanfares, vocals and more and when in battle, it transitions to superb metal/rock/electronic or a mix of all three as needed and the fight version is a variation of the main (slower) theme of the level you just heard. It's a fantastic blueprint and it provides an amazing cohesive whole to the entire soundtrack and I just adore it. So, now the pitch: I recently played Hollow Knight and I noticed quite a few leitmotifs were repeated in varying fashions - from the major area tunes to when it changes to 'dangerous' to when it changes to a boss variant/version of the same tune. It's pretty seamless how Hollow Knight links it's themes across several tracks and you don't even realize it! So what if we had an album that took the Serious Sam 4 blueprint above and pushed the Hollow Knight soundtrack to epic cinematic score that progresses to outright mayhem and crazy orchestral metal/rock/electronic by the end for each track before ending it out as the remixer(s) desire? Would there be interest in an album for Hollow Knight that has this specific vision in mind?
  4. It is released!!! It is done! Enjoy the music and rock out!!! ?
  5. COMING SOON, a new OC ReMix community album! Jet Force Gemini: Mizar Attacks! • TRAILER! https://youtube.com/watch?v=-nhmggRxDVU • https://twitter.com/ocremix/status/1401990131242999818 • https://www.facebook.com/ocremix/posts/346591153506430
  6. It's a good thing I got a physical copy of the entire OST from a con event from Square when they were promoting Final Fantasy IX. It was included in the free goodie bag they gave everyone who played the demo. So, if I do take this one, I'll have a full listen-through of the soundtrack, pick out the major highlights, look at what's been done, what needs to be done, maybe revamp the overall available track list based on those factors and my listen-through and we'd go from there. I'd most likely be making a completely new album topic/thread since I'd want to treat it like a brand-new project - if that would be okay with @djpretzel.
  7. Hey everyone! Director of Arcadia Legends and the soon-to-be-released album for Jet Force Gemini: Mizar Attacks here! I've been approached to potentially take over direction of this album, possibly co-directed with another. However, nothing is set in stone at all and I'm looking to see what all has been done, what is left to go, what the full scope of the project is and most importantly: Is there still interest for all involved currently and in the past to continue with this album to completion? I'm proceeding forward with Mizar Attacks album release and potential physical edition negotiations, but after that, I can turn my attention to this album - but I'm sending out feelers, if you will, to see if this is feasible to pick up and finish. Let me know!
  8. No worries! It’s being worked on! I know you’re excited! We are too! But we please ask for patience. There’s a lot that goes into these album releases behind the scenes. Thank you! The music will be here soon!
  9. At long last! The album has passed eval!!! Now we press onwards towards eventual release!
  10. Okay, will be submitting the final submission package this week! And then it'll go into evaluations! Was also thinking of doing a Youtube premiere showing off the entire album with live chat if anyone would be interested in attending! It'll feature the longplay version where we have transitions between the tracks via SFX/melody/etc. so it feels like a cohesive experience.
  11. If Arcadia Legends was anything to go by, we’re still a few months off. I gotta submit the package to OCR and they still got to find time to go through and judge/approve it all. Still got a website to build for download, etc. and potentially announcement trailer. Still lots to do! Even after all that, I’m still gunning to have a physical release done too if possible!
  12. And it is done! All tracks mastered! We are going into the final stages for submission, website, etc. It won't be long now! --------------------------------------------------------- Core Track List (FINAL ORDER SHOWN) 01. "Galaxy Quest" - Title Theme/Main Titles - Claimed by @HeavenWraith 02. "Dreadnaught of War" - Battle Cruiser Sekhmet - Claimed by @Glejs 03. "Big Bug Funk" - Ichor ~ Military Base - Claimed by @Deedubs 04. "Tick Tock Tawfret" - Tawfret - Claimed by @bLiNd 05. "Ruins in the Deep" - Water Ruins - Claimed by @Sam Dillard 06. "The Edge Calls Me" - Rith Essa - Claimed by @MkVaff 07. "Goldwood Glimmerstep" - Goldwood Forest - Claimed by @bLiNd 08. "Dance of the Ant Spawn" - Spawnship - Claimed by @GlacialSpoon 09. "Under Cerulean Skies" - Cerulean - Claimed by @Gario 10. "Bone and Marrow" - Eschebone - Claimed by @Deedubs 11. "CompuSiege" - Mizar's Palace - Claimed by @aluminum 12. "Fury Cutter" - Boss Battle - Claimed by @PirateCrab 13. "World Destroyer" - Asteroid - Claimed by @Deedubs 14. "Anthem Anubis" - SS Anubis - Claimed by @bLiNd Bonus Tracks: B01. "Galaxy Quest (voiceless)" - Title Theme/Main Titles - Claimed by @HeavenWraith B02. "Selection of Destiny" - Character Theme/Select - Claimed by @Rotten Eggplant B03. "Dreadnaught of War (alt)" - Battle Cruiser Sekhmet - Claimed by @Glejs B04. "World Destroyer (voiceless)" - Asteroid - Claimed by @Deedubs
  13. ********PROJECT UPDATE #11******** ALL TRACKS ARE DONE! All the cover and back CD art is done! All that is left to do is get them mastered and go through the entire process of pushing this album through the OCR album process and you shall get this beauty in short order later this year hopefully! Jet Force Gemini fans rejoice!
  14. ********PROJECT UPDATE #10******** Guess what, y'all? We got 10 tracks out of a total 15 confirmed complete and WAV acquired! And 3 of the remaining tracks are near completion! This album could come together in short order if the remixers really crank out the remaining five tracks! The end is in sight and the finish line so close! Just need a few more remixes and we got ourselves a full 1-disc album on our hands for all the Jet Force Gemini fans to love. Trust me when I tell you, these tracks are freaking awesome and definitely get the blood pumping! Just waiting on @djpretzel or mod similar to move this thread into Projects!
  15. Sorry for the double post, but I felt this was warranted and a very important milestone! For a game that has such little representation in terms of remixes on this site, only 2 before this album!!!! We have successfully brought it up to a grand total of 23 remixes from Skies of Arcadia approved and featured on this site! That means 21 tracks out of 36 from this album got featured! That's over half the album! That's nearly 2/3rds! If that isn't amazing, I don't know what is!!! A bit hearty congrats and kudos to all the hard-working remixers who made this album into the kick-ass beast that it is! The sheer amount of approved tracks simply screams to the overall strength of this album!
  16. Oh yeah, I keep ALL project files to include unused or unfinished WIPs! I never let things go to waste if I can help it! It looks like my next album project might have a few bonus tracks too... Glad you liked them!
  17. Well, if the remixers deliver the tracks I expect on the next deadline as agreed/discussed, we could be 80-90% done and only waiting on a few more tracks after that. So it would take a few more months at most to half a year or more. It really all just depends!
  18. @Ikari_Gendou I honestly didn't know that was an option to just go right up to the man and say hi about his music. I guess it couldn't hurt. Granted, most of the tracks are already taken by now, but if someone falls out, maybe? @Light_of_Aether I wasn't aware he had already released the track outside the album. (guess Sam got impatient! lol) But I found it now and it's definitely got some positive reviews. Guess it's like a sneak peek of the album! Granted, it isn't really a good representation of the overall album tone and feel, since a lot of it is pretty energetic.
  19. Yes, this soundtrack and Skies of Arcadia were two of my favorites growing up, so being able to finally get them realized in OCR form is one of my personal dreams. Happy to have been at the helm of both projects! This album is not orchestral by a long shot, although it does have some elements of it in a few tracks, but it should please just about every JFG fan out there and hopefully get some much needed representation on OCR when it is released.
  20. Super necro posting, but feels relevant to the topic at hand. Outside of maybe Sam Dillard's remix for Water Ruins, my OCR remix album is probably not going to scratch that orchestral itch. However, it does have quite a lot of other variety of hip hop, techno, and other beat-tastic genre renditions of the soundtrack going for it. So it may not 'exactly' be what you're hoping for, but JFG will be getting a substantial recognition boost from OCR soon here. Hopefully a 2020 release sometime depending! So @Light_of_Aether, @Ikari_Gendou, @Meteo Xavier, and @BloomingLate, hopefully this news will bring you some joy? Here's a link to the the current project thread:
  21. ******PROJECT UPDATE #9****** And with the except of one remixer doing some polish critiques on a track, we basically have 8 tracks complete now! We're over halfway done! And with the next deadline looming at beginning of March, we are expecting to see a bunch more nearing completion or almost there! But that's not the biggest news.... As of right now, This album has been GREEN LIT FOR OCR ALBUM STATUS! Yep, that's right! This will be an official OCR release just like Arcadia Legends was! So soon, this thread will move on over to Projects soon when either @djpretzel or another forum mod can get around to doing it. Big kudos to all the hard working remixers on this project, this album is looking to be a fantastic collection of pulse-pounding music set to one of Rare's underappreciated gems!
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