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Everything posted by RussellChamp
So I watched through those replays. Even though they got the short end of the stick (ping wise) they still did admirably well! At the end of the KotH match they even showed themselves to be good sports by "gg"'ing all around (and that one was pretty intense!) I found it funny how I cameo'd in the Upward match. Once again, sorry about that, last I had heard from Paranoid the matches were starting a few hours later and I would be subbing as Pyro. Hee hee! Also, for anyone else who would like to watch those: The actual TIME the match plays in the Upward demo is from around the 20min mark to the 37min mark. The rest of it was just talking and blank blankness at the end. Congratulations on the win and good luck with the next match!
Well, since they're new maps people would still have to download them (giving away the surprise).
Wow, so I found this interesting map pack called "CP Mirrored Maps" where the author just took a bunch of stock Valve CP maps and mirrored them such that left is right and right is left. I'll have to give them a go some time! It'd be interesting to see on the server as well since most of us have memorized the normal versions of these maps already and it would really throw us off. http://forums.tf2maps.net/showthread.php?t=15732
I think Rambo wins this conversation. Honestly that's what I thought at first, as well, when I heard the term.
While this isn't the "new mouse" thread, I can tell you that I've been using a Logitech G5 gaming mouse that I bought about a year ago (http://www.logitech.com/en-us/428/359) and I've been liking it a lot!
Don't know where that came from... but Abobo is a Double Dragon enemy. http://www.giantbomb.com/abobo/94-514/
Well, I was wondering why I was disconnected. It's funny how they patch the clients so fast after a big release. I wonder what levels of quality assurance that they put updates though before releasing them.
This: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left4Dead#Production You're right, development for Left4Dead was originally started by "Turtle Rock Studios." Huh... who knew. And knowing is 1/2 the battle!
Whaaaaat? We have a Minecraft server? I'll have to check that out! EDIT: For those like me who didn't know we had a Minecraft server, the details are at http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=31614
I follow that rule as best I can when I'm mike spaming. So far I've only really seen maybe one person who wouldn't stop playing stuff when people asked him but that's all.
Hey, hey, hey! I was the one who started it! (Also the StarFox quotes.) I stopped after Jaswald politely asked me to not play music anymore and I complied. Chili started up his after me.
Nifty! I've been waiting for this. I'll be sure to give it a run and give you a thorough writeup.
I approve of this post. We haven't done a demoknight 2fort tournament in a long time. I've played an all-heavy 2fort quick-draw tournament and that was a lot of fun, too!
So since we haven't had a random TF2 themed youtube video for a while I'd like to present this one I found linked on Reddit. Basically a highly intellectual version of "Meet the Spy" which includes large words, unnecessary verbosity, mustaches, classical music, and a heavy with a monocle. Enjoy! -Krowbar
Friday sounds good for me, too. If I'm online then and we have enough people already would I be allowed to spectate or is there a SourceTV set up?
Fair enough. Not only are they OP but people haven't yet had a chance to play around with them and grok their uses and counters.
is funny because it satires their business model!! Also I just noticed that in the comic on pages 6 the text on the signs are facing the wrong way. Presumably so the "reader" can see them.
Did anyone else notice that the holy mackerel was level 42? As a Douglas Adams fan, I find this very entertaining. Some of those set bonuses are a bit high, too. Like the Scout's bonus of "+25 max health"... DANG that's a lot.
I wasn't able to make it to the match. Know if there are some replays available of that match? (Like, was Kagami in attendance?)
I didn't... oops. On the plus side I did get some nice programming done, yeah! EDIT: I'm also getting a "502 Bad Gateway" error when trying to access the http://etf2l.org/ site. Anyone else having that problem?
Not trolling or anything but I find this reasonable insulting as I am a "Christian kid."
Haha! So I found this video on Reddit depicting the birth of rocket jumping in real life. Enjoy.
So I think I found the culprit. I had sourcemod and one of those automatic replay capturing mods installed. After I removed them, everything seems to be running peachy. (Other than the usual crappy internet we get here at the house.) I should check to see if there were new versions of that software that will fix my problems.
I've been having PC problems, too. For the past few weeks, if I start TF2 and join a server it will work for about 5 minutes and then completely kill my internet connection. Not like just disconnect from the server or "disconnected from steam" but my whole frikin' connection gets jacked and the only way to fix it is to restart the router. That's why I haven't been on much lately. I'll try and diagnose it to get it working again but if worse comes to worst, I'll have to go to a friend's if I'm needed for a highlander event. :-/
Yo, can I have that spot?