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Everything posted by RussellChamp
I just started a donation at $2/mo. Hopefully everyone doing this shows that some people really are interested and will put their money where there mouth is. It's really cool how this community really is willing to chip in for stuff like this. EDIT: I'm still Dan Hibiki and I've been lurking for years... Q_Q
I was on "Other team is babies!" tonight and got a ping around 80. On the old one I think I got a bit better ping. I tried connecting to "The Vanilla Pod" and got a ping spike on connection up to 500ms which leveled out to around 80. I also had problems with things janking around and people phase-shifting through bullets and rockets and pipes occasionally. Hopefully the server we get will be better.
Would there be any advantages of a reserve slot other than avoiding "Kicked due to reserved slot" messages? Such as being able to use certain server commands or additional hats, etc? If there was, I would totally be in for $1-2 a month. (Just think... the suckers playing WoW pay ~$15/mo and have to buy their updates! $2/mo is very reasonable)
I think that there is a demand for games on Linux. The Humble Indie Bundle proved that with 24626 copies of the bundle sold specifically to the Linux platform in only several weeks. However, I won't be lax in admitting that the majority of the games in the bundle were open source (which may have been partially responsible for many of the sales). There are also several (commercial) specific software solutions out there for running Windows games on Linux computers such as Crossover Games. They even have a specific page for supporting TF2. Currently the game is ranked as a "Silver Medal" which means that it is officially supported but there are still some notable bugs. Frankly, I think it would be awesome if Steam & TF2 came to Linux. Would I use it... maybe. But the benefit of a big name developer getting OUT of the Windows-only mentality would be great for the game community as a whole. Just remember, competition in the market helps up the ante for the quality in competing products (in this case operating systems).
Hey, one more thing about Starfox night yesterday... we had some, er, disreputable individuals on last night (not part of OCR) who decided it would be in their best interest to make a commotion by loudly voicing their dislike for our shenanigans, bringing into question the sexual orientation of people playing voiceclips (myself included), and attempting to misinterpret voiceclips as vulgarly as they could. However, in all their moaning and groaning, one valid point was made. The server was not marked as micspam central and I can only assume that several people were unpleasantly annoyed. If and when this event happens again, is there a way we could change the server name or the MOTD for the duration of the event? I believe this would be helpful in rectifying most of these problems. -Krowbar
Thanks! Did you have problems with the mp3 to wav converter just not liking some of the files, too? I found that if you use something like GoldWave to add a second of silence to the end of the clip, the converter will work fine. (Goldwave complains about not having a codec but it will work anyway.) Try doing that!
Hahah! Starfox night on RED was a lot of fun. I was leading the team quite a few times as Heavy! Anyway, I started another thread with some quick and easy links to resources for the next time we do it. OCR TF2: Starfox mikespam night resources Maybe people who participated can help out here, too, ja?
Hey guys! To help make our semi-regular Starfox micspam event more accessible to more people, I decided to put together a little thread with the resources people would need to get involved in our fun. Tools: http://hldj.org/ -- one of the free music/micspam programs for playing audio in Source games *Avatar pack* (note, individual avatars are included in the voice clip packs) Audio clips taken from http://starfox-online.net Voiceclip packs include BOTH the origional mp3 files and the converted wav files for use with hldj. *Team Starfox & Goodguys:* *General Pepper* *Fox McCloud* (WindStrike) *Falco Lombardi* (alt download. WindStrike) *Peppy Hare* (WindStrike) Slippy Toad (needed) *ROB 64* *Team Starwolf & Badguys:* *Wolf O'Donnel* (WindStrike) *Leon Powalski* *Pigma Dengar* Andrew Oikonny (needed) Other packs will be added as people submit them. If you would like to help, download all the clips for a character at http://starfox-online.net and then convert the mp3s to wavs that hldj can play using something like dBPowerAMP and upload it to Filefront or some other file sharing site. Enjoy! -Your Friendly Neighborhood [OCR]Krowbar
!! Holy cow !! Does anyone else feel an "All Demoman Eyelander Extravaganza" coming on? Now that would be funny!
Valve, I am disapoint in the quality of those buds. Something cooler would have been nice. However, I, too am sucker for any "special" thing I can get. :-]
Woah, woah, woah... you're misinterpreting him here! He said "proper spy checking" not "a dedicated spy checker." Proper spy checking involves killing a cloaked spy if you bump into him, flaming around a sentry (just to check) when you run by it, shooting friendlies in the face if they're acting suspicious. THAT is proper spy checking (among other things). I WILL agree with you that a dedicated spy checker is a bit stupid... unless _maybe_ you have like three engineers with a bunch of crap in one spot on defense (stupid engies). Then a dedicated spy checker may be useful
I understand what you're saying. However, none of us are using TF2 as a source of financial gain (at least as far as I know) so it should still be classified as a leisure activity. There are also some people who take games so seriously, basing their personal value as a person on how well they do in their favorite game. Not seeing a game for what it is (a game!) can be problematic. I see TF2 as a fun way to hang out with people whose company I enjoy and blow off steam (the colloquialism, not the game distribution platform) while attempting to hone me some "mad skillz." There are other things I could say, but I've got other stuff to do. EDIT: Also where you see schizophrenic I see Valve using TF2 as a hotbed of new, innovative ideas in the gaming market. Things such as "What if we continue to support a several year old game with FREE maps, weapons, updates, etc?", "What if we throw in new elements to the game such as hats?", "What if we foster a rich community around a game?", "What if we allow *players* of the game to design maps, weapons, etc that then make it to the stock version of the game?" I'm sure that after every update they deeply analyze player response, market response (how many NEW copies were sold), media response, and a variety of other things! I wouldn't be surprised if Valve releases a research paper on how all this affects the gaming audience/market
Haha! Has anyone else gotten those silly earbuds? Luckily I have a friend who jumped on the Mac client right when it came out so he logged in for me and got them. They actually look pretty stupid... I think I'll be mostly keeping my silver medal instead. :-/ EDIT: Fffffuu! I just realized that I dropped 3 places in the hlstatsx ranking. I'll have to get on and try and fix that. Ah, well, it really is all about having fun, though, right?
Yeah, I was on then as well and was owning him as Heavy. He was just playing bad spy and running directly at people uncloaked as well. >_< When you make yourself that obvious we will kill you. Shooting each other in the face at point blank... that's how we say "Hello!" on the OCR TF2!
Haha! I was just on for the past hour or so and did not notice big lag spikes at all. Hopefully they have been fixed, yes? Anyway, Frogg would be proud of me as I got a 33 kill streak as Heavy (over the course of several maps) before having it ended by Kamikaze. > Good times!
"Mama wants new shoes! Gimme a 7! Gimme a 7!" While crits are random, there IS a tiny bit of skill in them in that the more damage you have done in the past 20-30 seconds the higher chance you'll have for getting a crit (from the base 2% to a whopping 10%, I think).
Yeah, that's what I usually autochoose. Honestly, I'd rather have a close match than a completely one-sided roll. That being said, I have seen teams come back from an almost impossible position (such as pushing all 4 points back on 5pt cp map) so I usually wait for at least one or two full round of attack/defense before doing something about it. That's why we have "votescramble" anyway. EDIT: I also find it funny that people make johns about playing against Frogg. I have seen his team loose. On several occasions. He may be good but he's not God. Just yesterday he was NOT on the top of his team (I think Necro was). Slipping a bit there, Frogg?
Holy cow, I was on tonight and experienced the whole server super lag. The whole thing freezes for upwards of 10 seconds and gives users the "connection issue" red text. Anything we can do to remedy this problem?
Yeah... I hated you so much that map... wanna be my friend?
Thanks Necro! I tried that out earlier tonight and it worked quite well. One thing I noticed, though, is that you don't get a dingaling when shooting a disguised enemy spy. Feature or bug? EDIT: I was checking out the OCRemix HLstatsX page and I think there may be a typo in the weapon modifier section. http://www.ocrtf2.com/stats/hlstats.php?mode=help#weaponmods Look, it says 20pts for a deflected flare where the closest second is 5pts and all the other "reflected" modifiers are 2. Typo or are reflected flares just that awesome for your score?
But I like Pyro! >:3
So I tried turning on the "ting!" sound on hit as I've seem many very good players on youtube that have it on. However, when playing pyro, each flame hit triggers the sound (which stack, audibly) and it ends up very annoyingly loud. Any work around for this or should I just turn it off when I play pyro?
Amazing Youtube video here: "TF2 Guns Orchestra" Ha... that's usually when I feel the music is way too loud. With gentle background music, you can usually still here environmental/spy noises.
Speaking of which, any luck in pinpointing the precarious problem in your perturbed PC?
Sweet, what new features would that entail for players?