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Everything posted by RussellChamp
Ah... I was under the impression that this was still the group that was still being assembled. My mistake. Carry on, then! Any chance for fielding a 3rd team?
Thanks, atmuh, for making us feel like retards. If you have the time to comment, could you perhaps make it a useful comment? EDIT: Ok, so the FAQ seems to say that the team captain has to invite people to the group. Could I get one of those?
Uh, so yeah... I signed up and all but I can't seem to join either. :-/ Wanna point me to the "Join this team" button or whatever it takes to join? I guess I'm just not seeing it.
Wow! That actually looks like a lot of fun! I would be interested in joining a second team's line-up if we are able to field one. Is there anyone else willing to take "team leader" for that?
Oh, hi guys. So I finally decided to put a map I was working on up on tf2maps. Its the very, very first map that I've made (so yes, atmuh, I know it sucks) so I'd appreciate some feedback. It's a small CTF map based loosely on an old JK2 CTF map that I used to play a lot. Please also keep in mind that it's still just the alpha1 release so there's a still a lot of work I need to do on it. Thanks! Link is here: http://forums.tf2maps.net/showthread.php?p=184864#post184864 -Krowbar
Ok, so we haven't had any funny TF2 Youtube videos for a while so I'd like to present you "Heavy Bieber - Baby (feat. Scoutacris)" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvmIzxO0-n4 Make me laugh.
atmuh, normally i disagree with the things you say but... hot dang, this was one of the funniest videos I've seen in quite a while! you really did abuse the crap out of that map "vulnerability" didn't you? made me laugh the whole time through.
I think you've actually put your finger on it. My theory is that it is the beanie that gives him the pwning power he has. If all my calculations are correct, once I obtain that hat, I too will be an unstoppable beast of a man, making tiny baby men scatter or cower with my every footfall... at least that's how it works out in my head.
So apparently Blizzard has taken it upon themselves to troll their fans. One of my friends got a StarCraft II beta invite several days ago and then they closed the beta yesterday. He was checking out some forums where people were complaining that they had even received keys the morning of the last day of beta. Nice, Blizzard... real nice. Either way, I'll most likely be picking up a copy either from a local GameStop or from the Blizzard download thing on the 27th.
The ambassador helped to fix that. I don't claim to be an expert shot, but I've seen some other spies be quite deadly with it!
Oh hi guys! I was gone camping at a family reunion over the past 4 days and slightly out of the loop. Anything I missed? -Krowbar EDIT: Yikes! I stop playing TF2 for a week and drop 6 places in the HLX ranking. I forget how competitive the top ~50 spots are!
Well, at first I was like http://bit.ly/anSGSO but then I lol'd!
Yes, that was a lot of fun. I agree that we should do it again. We also got in a little mikespaming since atmuh wasn't on RED.
Hey guys... I just like to play video games online with people I've made friends with. How badly is this for/against class limits thing worth arguing over? There have been some heated arguments and long dialogs from both sides of the camp and convincing arguments but is it really worth it? Whether or not I agree with the policy is beside the point. The real question is whether the admins have stepped outside their role of authority or abused their powers. I feel that they really have not. Whenever I visit different servers, I always reflect on how nice the OCR one is (which is a direct result of BOTH the players and the admins that make it up). I don't mean to sound like a dick or pretentious and I understand that people want to have a fun time with their friends but if you really, really don't like the rules that the OCR TF2 admins make that badly, there are like 500 viable, different TF2 servers out there, some of which may have rules more to your liking. Tell me if I'm wrong... that's just my opinion. PS I do feel that presenting ideas and opinions are a great thing but all this bickering just seems unnecessary.
On the topic of idling... (dirty cheaters) do you know if you can start your own local server and idle on that? I know that I've received weapons when playing by myself (heck, even several ones testing out my own map I've been working on). Also, don't worry... my computer (and body) can take it. I've had TF2 minimized before and didn't even notice a performance hit on other things I was doing. EDIT: It's the alt-tabbing in and out that is prone to kill the process tho. However, I did find a handy tip at http://lions.dongues.net/board/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=515 Just add "-window -noborder -novid" to the launch options of TF2 and it will create a windowed instance of the game with now window border. Plus it disables the startup video to boot!
Q_Q The idea was just that the buildings themselves don't move (without the aid of a server plugin) which makes the overall Engineer's footprint fairly static. However, a good Engineer should also be actively scouting around their gear or drawing people into sentry traps. Also, I know that I'm only a mediocre player but without actually observing my gameplay, I would appreciate it if you abstained from further qualitative remarks like that. :-/
I've proposed this as an idea between several of my friends. It would fix the problem with engies being _very_ immobile and requiring a ton of effort to tear down in one location and build all the way back up in another. My idea, though, would have been for the engineer to have a backpack of sorts and the buildings to still be in working order during transit. EDIT: I am currently unable to access the "watchmaker" link at the bottom of the Engineer update. I just get a "The specified profile could not be found." error. Is anybody else getting this problem?
Now, is it just me, or did we (as a community) see an early picture of the Frontier Justice somewhere else? I swear that I saw it (or something very, very close to it) on a community blog or something a month or two ago... b_d
atmuh is probably right. after all, they had that limited availability soldier medal thing that only a few people got then nobody else got them. on the flip side, they also had the ghastly gibbus hat event where a few people got it then others were able to receive them through dominations and they slowly propagated across the net. we can only hope!
I just smelted a bunch of crap and crafted a Soldier's stainless steel pot (I was hoping for something else :-/) and a crit-a-cola. No luck on a gold (Australium?) wrench. Do want! Also, that's fast work if they're getting the update out by Thursday. If they do, I'm sure they'll have another "free weekend" deal.
Hey, am I the only one who noticed this and is happy about it? Having only one class each for the "exclusive" items was a bit of a drag.
uh... wow. That Goomba Stomp plugin would probably only result in a lot of rage from many people. If you decide to try it out, RED only plz and make it clear and obvious to people what the heck is going on. EDIT: I think it would really unbalance the game. Scout and Soldier would become OP while characters like Heavy, Medic, Sniper, and other non "jumpy" classes would get the rough end of the stick.
I was on there, too, and I think that 2 out of 3 of the [sex] people were "ok." It was just one of them who was instigating stupid stuff and calling people names. One of the other [sex] players kept telling him to stop and mentioned that he was "off the team" after repeatedly ignoring him. Also, people were trying to be silly and have hoovy boxing matches in the middle but FROGG would invariably come in and crash the party with a minigun or rawkets. That was prolly why they wanted to kick him. (Over 1/2 the server was complying with the melee only rule so I was getting a bit annoyed by FROGG, too) EDIT Is there any way we could get a list of "Things reserved slot owners can do while others can't"? That'd be nice.
Has anyone else noticed that this thread now has a new name? Where should I go now if I want to talk about my adventures of gluing stickies to cats?!? -Krowbar
So when do the reserve slots activate (or are they already) and do they count for both servers? -Krowbar