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Everything posted by GrrDraxin

  1. I never got to play much if sonic, but thanks to torrents I've heard just about every version of Ice Capped, except the recapitated ones..... i think. This is certainly going into my "OCR Best Selection" playlist folder.
  2. This reminds me all too well of that old game. Very well done. If any remake of the game were to be done, I'd hope this remix would find it's way in. I'd enjoy such a classic game with new music, even if the graphics were the same. But that's what I think of almost all the songs here on OCR.
  3. I like this remix alot, even though I haven't heard the source material. And if you're like me and like to mess with music with some simple plug-ins, then you'll love messing with this song with Chronotron. This song sounds best, and gets a good lengthening when set at roughly 3/4 of it's original tempo and key, roughly 70.7% and -600 cents. That also allows you to hear all the fun things they did in this mix. Kudos to you!
  4. I never thought anyone could make the original song so fast paced, but I guess that's what migrating it into another genere is for. To get something THIS awesome takes briliant talent and imagination to accomplish. I've very pleased with this mix, indeed. I just wish there were more mixes of this game, epecially mixing in some of the boss musics. And just for kicks I'm playing this song at 70.7% of it's orginal tempo... the 7th time around. Still sounds cool.
  5. Lets see, this make it the 8th time I've played this song in a row. Heh, you should listen to it through the Chronotron plugin for Winamp, keyed all the way down to -600, and tempoed down to 60. Puts a whole new spin on things. All in all, excellent piece, even though I have not heard the original. Kudos.
  6. I don't wanna keep chewing on an old bone, but I'd like to ask 2 things. 1. Since I read this thread semi-thoroughly and even though Wingless was very kind to post what the pre-launch sequence had said, I'm still confused about it. What source did the pre-launch sequence come from? Was it transplanted from the N64 game(since it had understandable voice clips and not meaningless mumbles like the first game had), or created from scratch just for this song? Side note: the first game did indeed have one clip that you could understand at the "scramble" screen as I recall. I can't remember what it said though.... 2. Is it possible to get that pre-launch sequence just by itself? I feel it might make an excelent addition to my rig's windows startup sequence. Either way, it's a very good intro to an outstanding remix. I won't go into any further detail than that, because I'd just be repeating what everyone else has been saying..... at least those on the positive side of this song. I'll just drop my personal tastes right here, since I don't post much. The following can be safely ignored, and free you of any potental drain bamage. [start semi-ignorant ranting] And a P.S. to all those who despise fadeouts: There are times that come when a fadeout is the only way to properly end a song, especially if the end of the song slowly winds down like this song does. This especially is true when you come across songs that can, or were made, to loop on forever without ever pausing or breaking, as seen with videogame music. Or where it's slow and would rather trail off. I personaly favor fadeouts to sudden stops... but ONLY if the sudden stop would not work. I really get miffed when a song ends and leaves you thinking; "Huh? That's it? What's up with the cliffhanger?" But some people just seem to like those too.... but at least sometimes there is some consolation of the "residual reverb". [end semi-ignorant ranting]
  7. This being my very first post on OCR, I'll try to make this good. This is certainly one of the top 20 on my playlist. This particular mix seems almost too powerful. Just the way the melody builds up to that main part, then holds you was enough to get a strong emotional reaction out of me. Even though I've played the game and at the time would stop shooting long enough to enjoy the song, this piece gives me a bit of a different feeling.... I guess if I had a lover who had passed away like an hour or two ago, this song would probably sum up the feeling of loss very well. THAT's probably the emotion that I mentioned earlier might be. I'm still debating whether this would be appropriate to play at a funeral, despite it's origin. At any rate, I love this song ... However, there is a down side to my personal review. I love the song, but the one thing that brings this song down in my opinion is the sample quality. This song makes no attempt to hide the low quality of the samples used. As an avid listener of the old types of mod songs (mod, s3m, xm, it, etc.), this sounds like it was tracked using ScreamTracker or the like. The only samples that don't sound like they're 8-bit are the drums, though that's not too hard to accomplish even for 8-bits. If this song were rebuilt using higher quality samples, that would just make my day. I'll admit that the first thought that ran through my mind when I first started listening to this song was; "Damn, was this converted from a mod? If this wasn't an mp3, I could play this with no problem on my pettily little laptop." In the case of mods, CPU power is what makes or breaks mod songs, and my laptop is an old Pent. 166, so I was quite annoyed with this song at first. But I'm over that now. And thus ends my post.
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