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Posts posted by Vivi22

  1. Not bad, but I get the feeling it will be a bit Sin City-ripoffy, even though it was technically first.

    Technically Sin City was first since the comics started in 1991. I wouldn't be surprised if the original game were influenced by them in terms of style to be honest.

    None the less, I'll wait to see it when it comes out. Never played the second game, but the first was awesome.

  2. Check in.

    Finally back to running. Ran twice towards the end of the week. Took a couple of days to rest after since I'm really not used to it anymore. My muscles will need some time to get back into it. Did some strength stuff at a playground on one of those rest days. That was about it. I'm kind of looking forward to leaving for some courses on the 24 just because I'll have free access to a gym on campus for the month I'm gone.

  3. But the Nonprofit in the thread title implies this isn't being done commercially. The rookies are making no money off of their effort' date=' save from donations which is within bounds for nonprofit efforts.

    Nonprofit makes the entire mess very tricky and a legalese nightmare.[/quote']

    There's nothing tricky about the situation. Square owns the Chrono Brand, therefore they can do whatever they want with it.

    And even if the group is doing the remake for free you can't necessarily say they wouldn't gain something from it. Assuming the remake was of any respectable quality, they'd have a great resume piece to help break into the industry.

  4. Right, but does the ps3 have to be on to charge? Does it stop charging automatically when it's done? Should I make sure the first charge is a full charge? Things like that.


    It never seems to charge when I have my PS3 off. It will stop when it's done, and you don't have to leave it in for a full charge, but it doesn't take very long so you might as well. The manual recommends giving any controller a full charge at least once a year. Personally, I have three, so I just rotate them mostly. Once one is in need of a charge, the other is ready.

  5. The issue at hand is through a tangled mess that is Copyright protection and Intellectual Property Rights. If a group of people successfully created a port of Chrono Trigger, or a spin off or a sequel or even a preview or any manner using the Chrono Trigger characters then there is the potential to damage the name brand. If any of the games or any other derivative mediums were to be of substandard quality then any future work involving the original copyright holder could be in danger. This could be caused by people who are now weary of anything with the Chrono Trigger brand despite the derivatives being from another company. There is great chance that many people will not recognize that Square Enix was not involved with the spin off games.

    Copyright laws are in place to protect the person(s) who created such a thing. It's in place so no such plagiarism or unauthorized work occurs, or at least kept to a minimum due to the punishments involved. We can all cry foul and be pissed off about it until we turn blue but that is the nature of the game. In some regards it is not fair but the laws are meant to be fair to copyright holder, not everyone else.

    What this guy said. The topic creator is also missing the fact that a Chrono port can get people just as psyched about a sequel, and that since modern game development is extremely expensive, a port of a fan favourite game done with relatively few resources is a great way to make some more money quickly to help fund new projects.

  6. I looked, but it didn't give me any options. I'll look again.

    Also, I'm the biggest noob in the world with the ps3. Can anyone give me details on charging the controler?

    You can, but to me, pressing up to look up, left to look left, etc. all makes the most logical sense to me. It shouldn't take too long to get used to it.

    Also, to clarify Seph's statement, plug it into the USB port since the PS3 doesn't have controller ports per say.

  7. Except the regular nades pretty much require your opponents to be severely weakened for the splash to really kill them, or get lucky and score a direct hit. They aren't that hard to avoid given that they're slow, they can only fire four and the reload time is pretty long. Even among good demos I don't see that many direct hits. They're pretty much just a support class and one that can easily be dealt with at close range by almost anyone, and at a distance by the likes of soldiers and HW's if they get caught in the open. I really don't think they're as overpowered as you think.

    I'm also not sure I agree with Valve that a demo shouldn't be able to take out all that stuff with his sticky bombs. If the sentry is well placed, it should be difficult or even impossible for the demo to get a good angle to pull that off. Otherwise I like the idea of them being able to take out sentries since so few classes can without an Uber.

  8. I'm sitting here trying to think if there's anything I could say needs improvement in this, but I can't really think of anything. I even went over the WIP checklist but nothing really sticks out at me. The whole thing sounds good and I like your interpretation of it and the material you've added so far. If you keep going the way you're going I think it will end up amazing in the end (as it is now if you ask me). Maybe someone else will find something they think is off about it, but I really can't find anything that needs to be improved after a few listens.

  9. Demos don't need a nerf. Stickies do 90-140 damage if you get hit with the full force. That's not enough to oneshot anybody and not really more powerful than the Soldier's rocket. It's VERY rare that I kill anyone with a single sticky, and the issue with multiple stickies is that once you detonate them (which typically only kills one person unless the other team is stupid) it takes a bit to set up another kill. Additionally, there are now three classes that can easily counter stickies - Demo, Soldier, and Pyro. Just move them aside.

    I agree completely with this. Even if a demo could one hit kill someone, the odds of doing it without setting up an ambush are slim, and even then, you're not going to get a lot of people. I have run into a battle firing stickies and got a few kills, but that's happened once since I started playing again, and really only because everyone on both teams clustered together in a tunnel. It's rare to see three or four guys fighting it out in a tight group like that. Not to mention difficult to even make a sticky land and blow up before they're out of the way again. With plenty of ways to get around them, and the fact that they're useless in any capacity other than fire support, I see no need to make them less effective in the one thing they're good at.

  10. Awesome that you picked up the DC and there are a lot of great game suggestions on here. I love my Dreamcast to death. In fact, I'd say that even in the two measly years it was out it was a better investment for me than my Gamecube ever could be.

  11. I like the sound of an OCR fit thread in the community forum.

    Anyway, missed my check-in last week, but it would mostly be the same as this weeks anyway. This week I did some strength stuff on the playground, and ran today. Ever since I hurt my thumb and could only run I've had trouble being motivated to exercise at all (I hate running with a passion). But now that it's better and I hopped on the scale during the week to find that I gained back all the weight I lost prior to hurting my thumb, well, suffice it to say, I've found my motivation again. I don't like going backwards on my goal, so I'll be pounding the pavement with renewed determination once I get back in town on Tuesday.

  12. The question is, does that MIDI setup still require that box that came with the drums? I hope the answer is no.

    DJ already answered your question but something to consider is that the drum sounds on those modules are generally quite good, and if you have any lag from triggering samples on your computer then they wouldn't be as good a practice tool. That said, if you really didn't want to spend a lot of money on the drum module, you can buy the necessary pads separately and get a cheaper module, or look for a deal on Ebay. Most modules, even really cheap ones, should have midi output, but they'll have less inputs for drum pads.

  13. MGS 4 has been considered by even the creator's comments to be somewhat of a bust. They took the PS3 to its limits and it just wasnt enough.

    Kojimas already said he wasn't disappointed by MGS4. He was trying to be modest, and the meaning behind his comments didn't translate quite the way he thought.

    After having played through once and working on a second playthrough already, I can say that the game surpasses my expectations I had going in based on the info we got before release. Kojima has always given us games with more stuff to do than other developers even dream of when it comes to playing an MGS title, and this one manages to cram even more in. The fact that you can now choose between using avoiding all confrontation, running and gunning, making two sides fight each other, and more is amazing. Not to mention that it's all implemented and balanced so well. The game never punishes you for choosing one play style or another. There's something there for just about every kind of gamer, and more built in replay value than other games can shake a stick at. My only gripe would be that the stealth aspect of gameplay doesn't translate well to MGO, and MGO in general, though fun, isn't the best multiplayer experience ever. That said, with a single player that's so deep and rewarding, a fun multiplayer is just a nice bonus.

  14. You should probably take a day off or something. Hiking or just even walking a lot takes a lot out of you. I did a bunch of walking in the city yesterday, 4-5 hours and I don't think my feet have recovered yet. I'm questioning whether or not to run a mile or so today on top of doing weights. It's probably not a good idea.

    Believe me, I'll be taking some time off to let my feet recover. I was limping home for the last kilometer or so. I've honestly never had blisters this bad on my feet, but I'm not overly surprised since I'm not used to walking that much.

  15. Didn't do much again last week. Went camping in the woods last night though, so I'm sure the 10 hours of hiking through the woods my friend and I did had some benefit. Or at least, it better have given me some benefit to make up for the blisters on my feet. Even still, it was a lot of fun going out into the woods, eating army rations, and sleeping on the ground without a tent.

  16. I doubt this will go anywhere. EA having the NFL license may have made a difference in competitiveness among football titles, but it means squat in terms of the game industry as a whole. If people want EA to actually improve their sports titles, then they can always stop buying new ones, play the old ones they already own, and if they're in need of some new games go out and buy any of the dozens of great games that come out every year. As long as there are literally hundreds of other game options besides Madden to choose from, this argument falls flat with me.

  17. Weekly check in I guess. Didn't do squat as my thumb hurt too much to work out and the fact that I couldn't use it presented numerous problems in the changing and showering departments (I hurt my right thumb and I'm right handed. You don't realize how much you need it until you have to get help to button up pants that fit just fine). My thumb doesn't hurt anymore though so I can better use my fingers on that hand and I'm getting used to using my left hand for stuff more so I think I'll start running again either tomorrow or Tuesday. Now that showering and dressing myself aren't major challenges I think I should be fine. Hopefully I'll be able to stop wearing the splint they have me in on Friday.

  18. Drums for 9 years, piano for 2.5, and just started teaching myself guitar again (fourth times the charm I guess, but I think I'll actually stick with it this time. I bought a book of Led Zeppelin tabs to keep me interested when learning beginner stuff is boring the hell out of me).

  19. I'm 22 and have a PS3 and a friends 360 sitting in my room. My sister has a Wii. I can sum up 95% of my total Wii play time as playing to about 65 stars in Mario Galaxy, and playing maybe half an hour of Mario Kart Wii and Brawl when they came out. I spend most of my gaming time playing my PS3 or one of my older systems.

    For me, most of the draw of the Wii is Nintendo's titles, and since I haven't liked anything Nintendo has done on a console since the N64 (with the small exception of Wind Waker), I can't bring myself to suffer through playing the Wii.

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