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Posts posted by Vivi22

  1. Well, moved to a new city a little over a week ago and actually managed to sprain my wrist during the moving process so I haven't been able to join a gym or do any weight workouts since moving. That's the bad news, but the good news is I'm eating a lot better, and running a lot more. There's almost no long stretches of level ground in the area I live so it's largely running up and down hills which is proving to be a fun challenge that's keeping me interested. So far I'm down 6 lbs. and I just keep dropping weight every day.

  2. Argghh. Got back from courses almost a week ago now, and got on a scale to learn that I not only had the 30lbs. I needed to lose from when I left, but another 13 on top of that. I've redoubled my efforts to eat healthy and exercise to lose this weight as I know it's gotten out of hand at this point. Down 5 lbs. in the last 4 days so far.

  3. Other games to consider...well, the only physical game I own for the PS3 at the moment is MGS4. I'm thinking about getting Uncharted one of these days, otherwise I'm drawing a blank on exclusive stuff currently available. In terms of exclusive downloadable games, Pixeljunk Monsters is great - relatively simple, but so much fun. They had it on sale for $5, but I don't know if it's still at that price. It's also rather nice to have access to some good PS1 games available on PSN, though the selection is pretty limited right now.

    Uncharted, Resistance, Ratchet & Clank, Warhawk, and Gran Turismo 5 Prologue are all great. And there are also all the multi-platform games worth having of course.

  4. OH MY GOD. Did anybody else see Danny Rodrigues's Olympic rings routine? That was unreal.

    I wish I could have, but no cable kills my ability to watch Olympics. I also haven't been able to find a video online. I'm always impressed by gymnastics (and a lot of other sports for that matter).

  5. I'll be getting a PSP from my fiancee for my birthday, so I won't be getting this. Not worth waiting another month or two for the update if you ask me since I doubt I'd ever use the microphone, and the current screen is good enough for me. I don't play my handhelds outside very often (more like never actually).

  6. Haven't checked in in a while. Stopped running lately due to some pain in my leg. It's something I did to it at Jiu Jutsu months ago flaring up I think so I've been going easy on it there. I finally got back to doing the sort of endurance workouts at the gym that I was doing a year ago. I'll have to get back into it again, but I managed a better performance with it than I thought I would. It's 2 days later and I'm still a little sore, but I'll be doing another tomorrow, and will aim for every other day once my body stops being stupid and starts recovering faster.

  7. Hell, the only three interesting sports to even watch are American football, football and hockey.

    Don't lie; Hockey is boring as hell and American Football is 2 minutes of play followed by 30 of time outs.

    You also don't watch enough sports obviously.

  8. Personally I'm excited to see the soccer(go Italy/Germany), Taekwon Do, and Fencing matches.

    The Taekwondo was pretty boring last summer olympics so hopefully it's better this year.

    I lack a TV right now though so I have no idea how much I'll get to see on the internet. If I were home right now I'd probably have it on whenever I'm near a TV, but that's not possible unfortunately.

  9. I echo what Jade said above this post. I want to truly say thank you (words dont do justice to how grateful I am) for this amazing gift. I want to give some good feedback to all of the artists involved, no so much review, but messages and comments to all of you in more detail when I get the chance. I was so blown away by the whole album, especially how fast everyone did it. I plan on doing a thank you remix for all of you, I have a WIP of brinstar haha, so im gonna try to get that done asap and submit it. I LOVE YOU ALL!!

    Glad that the album helped lift your spirits. Hopefully your ears didn't bleed too badly when you got to my song. :D

    I'm very glad to hear you're doing even better than the last time I saw an update on your health. May you only continue to improve. I would say that a thank you remix is more thanks than is necessary, but more music from you is always appreciated if you're feeling up to it. Honestly though, I probably speak for everyone involved when I say that you're continually improving health is more than enough thanks.

  10. actually, the komplete 5 bundle is not GC exclusive. that one would be better to buy through zzounds, because it's the same price there, and OCR gets a bit of commission for the sale if you buy it through the OCR zzounds link that djp has set up.

    The point is kind of moot since I don't have the money right now anyway, but I couldn't buy through zzounds even if I wanted to since they don't ship to Canada.

  11. Seriously, if I can afford it you all can too.

    Never said I couldn't, but I'm stuck in a residence with the only computer I own capable of running TF2 some 500kms and another province away. As soon as I get back I will be getting a reserved slot, I just wanted to point out the whole 23 people thing because I knw there are probably plenty of people who come and go who might not know how they could get a reserved slot because they don't frequent these boards. I know it annoys me when I can't use auto-join on other servers so I figured it was worth mentioning.

  12. Being someone without a reserve slot (I'll get around to it eventually) I would prefer to have it fill up to 24 then kick if someone else wants to join, it's really annoying getting kicked even though there's still a spot for you.

    Not only that, but it's incredibly annoying not being able to use the auto-join feature because steam will try to join when there's one slot open, but you can't since that slot is reserved. It means I have to sit there until there are 22 people on. It doesn't matter to me that much since I plan on getting a reserved slot eventually anyway but it is annoying. Only reason I put it off was that I knew I'd be gone all this month and wouldn't even get a month out of it.

  13. As of last night I've doubled the distance I'm running since arriving here on Thursday. Granted I only started at 2km, and part of the reason I'd cut them off there was the wonderful cramp in my side I was getting the first two day, but I'm still proud of the accomplishment. I will be continuing to up my distance until about 8km, then probably just focus on getting a better pace going. After about 8km I get too bored to go any farther usually.

  14. I wouldn't get an Axiom actually.. if you're just starting out, it has too many unnecessary features. Look at something by M-Audio instead, for example




    I'll post more thoughts later, gotta go for a jog now.

    I think you mean look at something else by M-Audio. :P

    And it may have a bunch of features you don't really need starting out, but still, the keys feel nice, and they're quite innexpensive. He may even want the controls later. Not saying he will or that one choice is better than the other though. If you don't need the extras Bahamut, or think that when you do you may want some more fully featured keyboard synths and controllers than the Axiom then by all means save yourself some extra cash and get something that will do for now while you learn the ins and outs.

  15. I'll second the Axiom keyboard suggestion. I have the Axiom 25 as more of a dedicated midi controller (I have a Yamaha with a full length keyboard for actual piano playing so I didn't really need the extra keys) and it has served me very well. I'll also second the SM57 as a great instrument mic and vocal mic if you need something to do both. I only have one at the moment, but I've not heard a mic that captured the sound of my snares and toms any better and more accurately than it does.

    As for a DAW, FL might be good but I don't think it supports 64-bit operating systems. It'll run in Vista-64 as far as I know but I don't think it will take advantage of it. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong there though. The only Windows DAW I can think of that does have 64-bit support is Sonar and it's what I use and like very much. I actually like it more than I liked FL Studio when I tried the demo just because of how the workflow is. Definitely try demos before you buy anything though.

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