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Sole Signal

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Posts posted by Sole Signal

  1. Okay, finally got a break from school and had some time to do some more looking. I came across these 8600GT's (why so many different ones?!) :


    as compared to this one:


    Is the 256mb vs 512mb a big difference performance-wise? (I realize that the 512mb card offers HDCP support, though I'm not really concerned about that, maybe I should be?) Thanks for all the help, guys.

  2. It would be very wise to make sure your current power supply unit can handle the new card you want to get. While being certain that your PSU has the needed Watts output is good, it's quite important to check that your PSU has the AMPs needed for the new card. You'll want to see what your PSU puts out in its 12volt rail (it should say this on a pretty visible spot on the PSU itself inside the PC case). If your PSU can't put out the AMPs the card needs to function properly, you could run into problems.

    Okay, I'll look into this for sure. Am I going to have to worry about overheating, or do these cards usually come with their own cooling fan?

  3. I just picked up the Orange Box and am realizing that my stock card isn't going to cut it. Here are my specs now:

    Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 4200+

    2 gig RAM

    GeForce 6100

    an available PCI express slot

    The only way I can run Portal or HL2 fairly smoothly now is with the worst quality video settings. I want to stay around the $100 price range, so if I upgraded to say, the GeForce 8400 would I notice a marked increase in performance? (i.e. run Portal or HL2 at nearly the highest video settings?) Or am I just kidding myself?

    I looked through this comparison chart and it doesn't seem like the 8400 would give me that much of a performance increase:


    So really, bottom line is, what is the best card I can get for about $100-140? Thanks!

  4. Thanks for the comments everyone (both site and music wise).

    I didn't actually "code" anything for this site; I use an HTML editor (EZGenerator). And yes, I'm planning on dropping the whole website design thing because I just don't have enough time to learn that stuff. I will certainly consider all the suggestions so far; thanks! I think the article is running on Friday, so I've got a couple days to tidy things up.

    Shameless plug: new original breaks WIP I just put together this afternoon: here

  5. So I just got interviewed for a local paper because of

    and am soon expecting a lot of traffic on my site. I'd appreciate it if anyone here could visit my site, browse around and see if anything is confusing or cluttered looking. For example, after clicking on the "Audix music" tab, is it quickly noticable that there are links that then pop up on the left for navigation?

    Another example: on my "Remixes" page, I've got the all-in-one media player on the left, with descriptions of the tracks on the right. The design of the page probably chops 25-30% of useful space off, though; it looks okay on my 19 in. screen, but perhaps it's a little too busy looking on a small monitor?

    I was really needing to get around to updating my site with new music clips and everything, and looks like this is going to be the thing forcing me to finally do it. :P

    LINK: www.audixmusic.com


  6. what choir and what bell is that? This is incredible!

    how do you do those snare rolls with so much reverb? Is it an automation clip or do you export the wav to audacity, add reverb, then add it back in?

    The bass needs to change to a D around 55 but it continues to play an Eb

    Choir is from EWQL silver, the intro bells are from the "S J Orchestral GM" soundfont, and other bells throughout are also from EWQL. Not really sure what you're asking about the snare rolls...I apply reverb to each instrument individually (choir, piano, strings, etc), so I just leave reverb off of the snare. I think that's what you're asking...?

    In other news, I'll have my VU basketball video w/ my introduction music up this weekend. :)

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